Parsley salt

Makes about 80 g (2¾ oz)

There are a few favourite ingredients in our kitchen that we can never do without. We reach for these without a second thought, and use them as religiously as liquid seaweed on the garden. Our batch-made parsley salt is one such ingredient. Sprinkle it on tomatoes for an easy summer salad; it’s also a bold addition to any barbecued meat. And it’s a great way to use up an abundance of herbs. If you’re not a fan of parsley, you can replace it with basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano or coriander (cilantro).


1 cup (20 g/¾ oz) whole parsley leaves

½ cup (65 g/2¼ oz) sea salt flakes



Use a sharp knife to chop the parsley very finely.


Pour the salt over the parsley and continue to chop, until the salt is worked into the parsley and you have a unified mixture.


The salt will be slightly wet at this point. Spread the mixture evenly over a piece of baking paper and let it dry overnight. If you’re in a hurry or live in a more humid climate, spread the mixture over baking paper on a baking tray and preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Pop the tray in and turn off the oven. Let the tray sit in the oven until the mixture is dry to the touch.


Store the dried salt in a sterilised jar. It will keep for 3–4 months.

Oh and this recipe is a great way to use up whatever herbs you have going crazy in the garden.