Get Growing.

In her book The Writing Life, Annie Dillard says, ‘How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives. What we do with this hour and that one is what we are doing.’

The older I get, the more this sentiment rings true. I’m forever reminded that it is our daily habits that define the richness of our lives. It’s not the romanticised visions we have of a slower, more fulfilled life when we get this done or complete that task, or the reward we anticipate at the end of our busy journey – but, in fact, what we are doing in this present moment.

Although the demands of modern life will never cease to pull us in all directions, it’s important to remember that how we engage with our daily obligations is entirely up to us. For Tess and me, it’s a constant struggle to carve out our lives in the direction of joy and happiness, away from work and stress.

We are living in an interesting time, when people’s to-do lists are growing exponentially and yet their yearning for and awareness of the good life is also growing. People are waking up to the reality that we are more than our work, and that there is a whole life to be lived. Collectively, we’re seeing a shift as people rediscover the joy of growing and cooking. Our urban landscapes – backyards, rooftops, courtyards and balconies – are lighting up with sprouts of herbs, ballooning with fruits and bursting with vegies. Slowly, but I certainly believe surely, people are embracing the joy of gardening and the slower life it brings. There is a change in the air, and we are excited to watch it unfold.

Tess and I are so lucky to have our garden and kitchen as opportunities for slowing down and our daily reminders of the good life. Every seed we have sown and every meal we have cooked has contributed to a better, more fulfilled life for us.

If you’re ready to slow down and enjoy the good life, let the garden be your first stop. It doesn’t matter the size, or your skill, the garden is a place for everyone. Tuck this book under your arm and grab a beer with the other – the time to slow down and grow is now.

The good life is waiting for you.