1338 Ashikaga Takauji is appointed shogun, establishing the Muromachi bakufu (shogunate)
1358 Takauji dies. Ashikaga Yoshiakira becomes shogun
1367 Yoshiakira dies
1368 Ashikaga Yoshimitsu becomes shogun. Ming Dynasty is founded in China
1369 First Ming mission arrives in Kyūshū
1374 Yoshimitsu sees nō for the first time and gives his patronage to Kanze Kan’ami and Zeami
1392 Northern and Southern Courts unite
1394 Yoshimitsu resigns as shogun in favor of his eight-year-old son, Ashikaga Yoshimochi, but remains dajō daijin (prime minister)
1397 Yoshimitsu builds Kinkaku-ji (Temple of the Golden Pavilion)
1408 Yoshimitsu dies. Yoshimochi assumes power
1423 Ashikaga Yoshikazu becomes shogun
1425 Yoshikazu dies. Yoshimochi resumes functions of shogun
1428 Yoshimochi dies
1429 Ashikaga Yoshinori becomes shogun
1441 Yoshinori is killed at house of Akamatsu Mitsusuke. His seven-year-old son, Ashikaga Yoshikatsu, succeeds him. Peasant uprisings and violence in the capital lead to the issuance of the first tokusei (cancellation of debt)
1443 Yoshikatsu dies. His younger brother, Ashikaga Yoshimasa, becomes head of the Ashikaga family
1445 Hosokawa Katsumoto is appointed kanrei (shogunal deputy)
1455 Yoshimasa marries Hino Tomiko
1458 Yoshimasa builds new Hana no gosho (Palace of Flowers)
1465 Tomiko gives birth to a son, Ashikaga Yoshihisa
1467 Ōnin no Ran (Ōnin War) breaks out at Kami Goryō Shrine in Kyoto. Rival forces are the Hosokawa and Yamana families
1473 Yoshimasa resigns as shogun in favor of his son, Yoshihisa
1477 Ōnin no Ran ends inconclusively
1481 Yoshimasa and Tomiko separate
1482 Construction begins on Higashiyama retreat, beginning the Higashiyama era
1485 Yoshimasa enters Buddhist orders as a Zen priest
1487 Completion of kaisho, the “meeting place” at Higashiyama retreat
1490 Yoshimasa dies
1493 Completion of Ginkaku (Silver Pavilion)