act of grace, forgiveness of debt (tokusei)
aesthetic ideals. See also Ashikaga Yoshimasa: art: and aesthetics
“After the Fire in the Capital” (Ikkyū Sōjun)
Akamatsu family
Akamatsu Mitsusuke
Akamatsu Norishige
Akamatsu Noriyasu
alcove (tokonoma)
Amida Buddha
Amida-dono. See Tōgu-dō
architecture: in Heian period; in Higashiyama period. See also Temple of the Golden Pavilion; Temple of the Silver Pavilion
Arima Mochiie.
art: Chinese; collections of; displays of, at Temple of the Silver Pavilion; ink paintings
Ashikaga bakufu (shogunate): and Akamatsu revolt; art collection of; and China; chronology of; dominance, end of; duration of; funds, lack of; official painter of; and peasant uprising; turning point of; weakness of
Ashikaga family
Ashikaga Gihaku (Yoshimasa’s younger son)
Ashikaga period, characteristics of
Ashikaga shoguns: boys as; and China; cultural inferiority of; enshrinement of; genealogy of; statues of
Ashikaga Takauji (shogun): and Akamatsu family; and China; in chronology; extravagant things, fondness for; as founder of Ankoku-ji; as founder of Shōkoku-ji; in genealogy; and Go-Daigo; gravestone of; and Kenmu shikimoku
Ashikaga Yoshiakira (shogun)
Ashikaga Yoshihisa (shogun): battlefield prowess of; in chronology; consort of; death of; in genealogy; nickname of; and Ōnin War; and poetry; residences of; and Temple of the Silver Pavilion, land for; and Yoshimasa
Ashikaga Yoshikatsu (Sen’y-achamaru, shogun): accession of, to shogunate; in chronology; death of; in genealogy; and military governors; and Mitsusuke’s head, inspection of; and peasant uprising; statue of
Ashikaga Yoshikazu (shogun)
Ashikaga Yoshimasa (Jishōi-dono, Dōkei, Miharu, Yoshishige, shogun). See also Higashiyama cultural period; Muromachi Palace; Takakura Palace; Temple of the Silver Pavilion
ARTS; and aesthetics; architecture, perfectionist in; calligraphy of; Chinese classics, reading of; Chinese paintings, authenticator of; Chinese things, infatuation with; flower arrangement, liking for; gardens, passion for; nō, devotion to; tea ceremony, interest in
LIKENESSES: portrait of; statue of
ŌNIN war: actions during; attitude toward; blamed for; lack of participation in
PERSONAL LIFE: in chronology; culture, contribution to; death of; early years of; education of; final years of; in genealogy; marriage of; names of; nickname of; sexual precocity of; sons of; temperament of
RELATIONSHIPS: with Imamairi; with people of low status; with Sadachika; with Sōzen; with Tomiko; with Yoshihisa; with Zen priests
RELIGION: as Buddhist priest; religious beliefs of; temples, visits to
SHOGUN: accession as; and China; and commoners; customs, revival of; extravagance as; failure as; faults as; generosity as; influences on; Iwakura, move to as; and military governors; money-raising plans as, ; Ōnin ki on; power of, limits to; reputation as; successor to, choice of; suffering, reactions to
WRITINGS: Asukai, poetic dialogue with; poems of; poetic style of; poetry competitions, participation in; renga of; waka of
Ashikaga Yoshimi (Gijin, Imadegawa-dono, Yoshimasa’s possible successor)
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu (Dōgi, shogun): aesthetics of; as Buddhist priest; as builder of first kaisho; and China; in chronology; in genealogy; hatred of; as King of Japan; sons of; statue of; temperament of; titles of
Ashikaga Yoshimochi (shogun)
Ashikaga Yoshinori (Gien, shogun): accession of, to shogunate; assassination of; and China; in chronology; education of; effectiveness of; evaluation of; funeral of; in genealogy; head of; and Muromachi Palace; and On’ami; ruling methods of; and Shigeko; as shogun; temper of; and Zeami
Ashikaga Yoshitane (shogun)
Asukai Masachika
Azuma kagami (Mirror of the East, Yōsai)
Azumi Yukihide
bakufu (shogunate): establishment of; politics of, as “kaisho politics,” See also Ashikaga bakufu
Bashō (Konparu Zenchiku)
betting, on tea testing
Bokusai Shōtō
Book of Tea, The (Okakura Kakuzō)
Buddhism. See also Taimitsu Buddhism; True Pure Land Buddhism; Zen Buddhism
bunjin (gentlemen-poets)
Bunka shūrei shū (kanshi collection)
Bunmei era
capital punishment
Catching a Catfish in a Gourd (Josetsu)
“Celebrating the Victory of the Imperial Forces over the Rebels on New Year’s Day” (Ikkyū Sōjun)
Ch’a-ching (The Classic of Tea, Lu Yü)
chain renga (kusari renga)
chanoyu. See tea ceremony
charei (tea etiquette)
chashitsu (Dōjinsai, tea room, in Tōgu-dō)
cherry blossoms
chidori (plovers)
Chien-wen (emperor of China)
chigaidana (staggered shelves)
China: art of; ceramics of; civilization, Zen priests’ knowledge of; coins, as source of; and Japan; shoguns’ admiration for; tea drinking in; trade, attitude toward; and Yochimochi; Yōsai’s visits to; and Yoshimasa; and Yoshimitsu; and Yoshinori
Chinese language: poems in; Yoshimasa’s knowledge of
chronology, of Ashikaga shogunate
Chrysanthemum Festival
Classic of Tea, The (Ch’a-ching, Lu Yü)
coins, China as source of
colors, Lao Tzu on
constables (shugo)
Council of Elders
courtship, in Heian period
culture. See also Higashiyama cultural period; painters; renga; tea ceremony; Temple of the Silver Pavilion
currency, China as source of
daimyos. See also provincial military governors
Daitoku-ji (Zen temple); Daisen-in garden of
dances, festive (matsubayashi)
dōbōshū (personal assistants to shoguns)
Dōgi. See Ashikaga Yoshimitsu
Dōjinsai (chashitsu, tea room, in Tōgu-dō)
Dōkei. See Ashikaga Yoshimasa
Dōmoto Masaki
Drink Tea and Prolong Life (Kissa yōjōki, Yōsai)
Eastern Army (Hosokawa family)
edicts, imperial
Eichū (abbot)
Eight Views of the Hsiao and Hsiang
Rivers (Kanō Masanobu)
Eiraku-sen (coins)
Eisai. See Yōsai
Ekishi Shūshin (monk)
emakimono (horizontal scroll paintings)
emperors, Chinese. See individual emperors
emperors, Japanese. See also individual emperors
Ennin (Tendai monk)
Enryaki-ji (Tendai temple)
Essays in Idleness (Tsurezuregusa
Essentials of Salvation (Ōjō yōshū, Genshin)
estate stewards (jitō)
festive dances (matsubayashi)
“Finding Gems and Gaining the Flower” (Shūgyoku tokka, Zeami)
Five Mountains (gozan, great Zen temples)
flower arrangement, art of (kadō)
forbidden directions
forgiveness of debt, act of grace (tokusei)
Fujiwara Teika
Furuichi Chōin
“Fūshi kaden” (Teachings on Style and the Flower, Zeami)
fusuma paintings (shōji-e)
gambling, on tea testing
gardens: construction of; English; at Muromachi Palace; and “people of the riverbed,”; rock and sand; spiritual enlightenment from; at Temple of the Silver Pavilion; Zen-inspired
gekokujō (those underneath conquering those above)
Genshin (monk)
gentlemen-poets (bunjin)
Gien. See Ashikaga Yoshinori
Gijin. See Ashikaga Yoshimi
Ginkaku. See Silver Pavilion
Ginkaku-ji. See Temple of the Silver Pavilion
Go-Daigo (emperor of Japan)
Go-Hanazono (emperor of Japan): and Akamatsu revolt; importance of; and Ōnin War; and Yoshihisa; and Yoshimasa; and Yoshinori’s death
Go-Tsuchimikado (emperor of Japan)
good works, transitory nature of
gozan (Five Mountains, great Zen temples)
Gozan bungaku (Literature of the Five Mountains)
green tea (ryokumei)
Haga Kōshirō: on Higashiyama culture; on Higashiyama gardens; on karesansui gardens; on renga, Zen priests’ interest in; on Yoshimasa
haiku (verse form)
hajitomi (shutters)
Hana no gosho. See Muromachi Palace
hanging scroll paintings (kakemono)
Hatakeyama family
Hatakeyama Masanaga (shogunal deputy appointee)
Hatakeyama Mitsuie (shogunal deputy)
Hatakeyama Mochikuni (shogunal deputy)
Hatakeyama Yoshinari
Heian period
Hekizan nichiroku (diary, Unsen Taikyoku)
Higashiyama cultural period: Chinese cultural forms, Japanization of; Chinese things, worship of; communality in; contributors to; cuisine of; duration of; flower arrangement in; guiding spirit of; influence of; name, origin of; style, familiarity of; Yoshimasa’s contribution to. See also renga; tea ceremony; Temple of the Silver Pavilion
Higashiyama retreat (Higashiyamadono). See Temple of the Silver Pavilion
Hino family
Hino Katsumitsu (Yoshimasa’s brother-in-law)
Hino Shigeko (Yoshikatsu and Yoshimasa’s mother): consort, dismissal as; family background of; government, meddling in; and Imamairi; nightmares of; palace for; unpopularity of
Hino Tomiko (Yoshimasa’s wife): avarice of; in chronology; and Imamairi; infertility of; marriage of; Ōnin War, meddling as cause of; portrait statue of; shogunal succession, preferences on; sons of; and Yamana family; and Yoshimasa
Hino Yoshisuke (Yoshikatsu’s uncle)
Hokke-dō (Honkoku-ji, Nichiren temple)
Hōnen (Zen priest)
Hongan-ji (Zen temple)
Honkoku-ji (Hokke-dō, Nichiren temple)
horizontal scroll paintings (emakimono)
Hosokawa family. See also Eastern Army
Hosokawa Katsumoto (shogunal deputy)
Hosokawa Mochiyuki (shogunal deputy): and Akamatsu family; death of; importance of; and Mitsusuke’s head, inspection of; and Mitsusuke’s messengers; and peasant uprising; political skill of; Yoshinori’s assassination, report on
Hsia Kuei (painter)
Hsüan-te (emperor of China)
Hui-tsung (emperor of China)
Hung-wu (emperor of China)
Ichijō Kaneyoshi (scholar-nobleman)
Ichijō-in (subtemple of Kōfuku-ji)
Ikenobō school of flower arrangers
ikkō ikki uprisings
Ikkyū Sōjun (priest-poet): great monasteries, disgust at; poetry of; portrait of
Imadegawa-dono. See Ashikaga Yoshimi
Imamairi no tsubone (Oimamairi, nurse)
Imatani Akira
imperial edicts
imperial family, religious beliefs of
imperial regalia, theft of
ink paintings (suibokuga)
interior decoration, of Higashiyama retreat
invisible world (yūgen)
Ippen (Zen priest)
Ise family
Ise Sadachika (administrative secretary)
Ise Sadakuni (Yoshimasa’s tutor)
Ise Sadamune
Isshiki Yoshitsura (general)
Japan: aesthetic of, (see also Higashiyama cultural period); ceramics of; and China; cuisine, inception of; milk drinking in; tea drinking in; trade, attitude toward; Yoshimitsu as King of. See also culture; emperors, Japanese; shoguns
Jiken (lay priest)
Jinson (abbot)
Jishō-ji (Zen temple). See Temple of the Silver Pavilion
Jishōi-dono. See Ashikaga Yoshimasa
jitō (estate stewards)
Jōdo shinshū. See True Pure Land Buddhism
Jōdo-ji (subtemple of Enryaku-ji)
Josetsu (priest-painter)
kadō (art of flower arrangement)
kaisho (meeting place, in Temple of the Silver Pavilion)
kakemono (hanging scroll paintings)
Kakitsu monogatari (historical narrative)
Kamakura bakufu (shogunate)
Kanenaga (prince of Japan)
Kaneyoshi. See Ichijō Kaneyoshi
Kannon (bodhisattva)
Kannon-den. See Silver Pavilion
Kanō Masanobu (painter)
kanshi (poems in Chinese)
kanwa renga (wakan renga)
Kanze Kan’ami
Kanze Matasaburō
Kanze On’ami (Motoshige, Saburō)
Kanze school of nō
karamono (Chinese things)
Karasuma-dono (shogun’s palace)
Karasumaru Palace
Karasumaru Suketō (Karasuma)
karesansui (rock and sand) gardens
Katsumoto. See Hosokawa Katsumoto
kawaramono (people of the riverbed)
kemari (kickball)
Kenkō (priest)
Kenmu shikimoku (Kenmu Code, Ashikaga Takauji)
Kennin-ji (Zen temple)
kichō (screen of state)
kickball (kemari)
Kikei Shinzui (priest)
King of Japan, Yoshimitsu as
Kinkaku-ji. See Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Kisen Shūshō (Zen priest)
Kissa ōrai (text)
Kissa yōjōki (Drink Tea and Prolong Life, Yōsai)
Kōfuku-ji (temple)
Kokawa Palace
Kokinshū (poetry collection)
Konkō-ji (Zen temple)
Konoe Masaie (prime minister)
Konparu Zenchiku (nō master)
Koshirō (master gardener)
Kumakura Isao
Kundaikan sō chōki (art catalog)
kusari renga (chain renga)
Kuwata Tadachika
Kyōgoku Mochikiyo (military governor)
landscape gardening
Lao Tzu, on colors
Li Lung-mien (painter)
Li T’ang (painter)
Liang K’ai (Zen master)
Literature of the Five Mountains (Gozan bungaku)
low status, people of
Lu Yü
Ma Yüan (painter)
Madenokōji Tokifusa
Mansai (priest)
Masanaga. See Hatakeyama Masanaga
Matashirō (master gardener)
matsubayashi (festive dances)
Meiji Restoration
Miharu. See Ashikaga Yoshimasa
military governors
Mimasaka (Akamatsu domain)
Minamoto Sanetomo (shogun)
Minamoto Yoritomo (shogun)
Minase sangin (Three Poets at Minase, renga sequence)
Ming dynasty
Mirror of the East (Azuma kagami, Yōsai)
Mitsusuke. See Akamatsu Mitsusuke
Mochikuni. See Hatakeyama Mochikuni
Mochiyuki. See Hosokawa Mochiyuki
Mokuami (master of tea ceremony)
Mokuan Reigen (Zen priest)
monks. See Zen Buddhism: monks
mono no aware (pity of things)
Morita Kyōji
Motomasa (Zeami’s son)
Motoshige. See Kanze On’ami
Motoyoshi (Zeami’s son)
“Mourning Those Killed in Action” (Ikkyū Sōjun)
Mu Ch’i (Zen master)
Murasaki Shikibu (Lady Murasaki)
Murata Shukō (master of tea ceremony)
Muromachi Palace (Palace of Flowers, Hana no gosho): burning of; expense of; kaisho in; new, construction of; original
Muromachi period
Muromachi shogunate. See Ashikaga bakufu
music, rites and
Musō Soseki
Nakayama Sadachika
Nanzen-ji (Zen temple)
nenbutsu (Buddhist invocation)
Nihon kōki (one of Six Dynastic Histories)
Nihon no kokoro (soul of Japan)
Nijo school of poetry
Nijo Yoshimoto (poet)
Ningpo (Chinese port)
Nippon Sesshū. See Sesshū Tōyo
Nittō Guhō Junrei Kōki (Travel Diary of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law, Ennin)
nō theater
Nōami (assistant to Yoshimasa): as compiler of art catalogs; and flower arranging; skills of; and tea ceremony
Nonomiya (Konparu Zenchiku)
Northern Court
Oda Nobunaga
Oda Toshihiro (acting military governor)
Ōdachi family
ofumi (Zen teachings, Rennyo)
Ōgimachisanjō Tadako (Yoshinori’s consort)
Oguri Sōtan (painter)
Oimamairi (Imamairi no tsubone, nurse)
Ōjō yōshū (Essentials of Salvation, Genshin)
Okakura Kakuzō
“On the Warfare of the Bunmei Era” (Ikkyū Sōjun)
Ōnin ki (chronicle of Ōnin War)
Ōnin War; causes of; commencement of; destruction from; effects of; emperor during; name of; poems on; and renga poets; social functions as release from; and Yoshimasa
Ōsen Keisan
oshiita (shelf)
Ōtomo family
Ōuchi family
Ōuchi Masahiro
Ōuchi Yoshihiro
pa-fan (wakō, pirates)
painters: Chinese paintings as inspiration for Japanese; in Higashiyama period; Hsia Kuei; Josetsu; Li T’ang; Ma Yüan; Oguri Sōtan; Sesshū Tōyō; Tenshō Shūbun
Palace of Flowers. See Muromachi Palace
palaces . See also Muromachi Palace
peasant uprisings (tsuchi ikki)
people of the riverbed (kawaramono)
perfume blending
perishability, beauty and
pirates (pa-fan, wakō)
pity of things (mono no aware)
plovers (chidori)
poem competitions (utakai, uta-awase)
poetry; in Chinese; composition of, social function of; kaisho as location for creation of; on Ōnin War; provinces, diffusion to; Yoshihisa’s study of. See also Ikkyū Sōjun; renga; waka
pottery, tea ceremony and
provincial military governors (shugo daimyō)
Pure Land Buddhism. See True Pure Land Buddhism
ranjatai (log of incense wood)
reign-name, changes to
Reikō-den (hall in Tōji-in)
religion. See also Buddhism; True Pure Land Buddhism; Zen Buddhism
renga (linked verse); amateur writers of; betting on; chain; composition, locations for; composition, method of; cooperative nature of; criticism, vocabulary of; divine nature of; manuscripts of; new style of; origins of; popularity of; rules of; Shinkei on art of; tea ceremony, comparison with; Three Poets at Minase; vocabulary of; wakan (kanwa); Yoshimasa’s devotion to
Rennyo (priest)
rikka (tatebana, standing flowers)
“Rikugi” (Six Principles, Zeami)
rites, music and
robes, for nō actors
rock and sand (karesansui) gardens
Rokurin ichiro (Six Circles, One Dewdrop, Konparu Zenchiku)
Ryōan-ji (Zen temple), garden of
ryokumei (green tea)
Ryuami (assistant to Yoshimasa)
Saburō. See Kanze On’ami
sadō (Way of Tea)
Saga (emperor of Japan)
Saidai-ji (temple)
Saihō-ji (temple)
Saionji Kinna (minister of the center)
Saishi-an (Zen meditation hall, in Temple of the Silver Pavilion)
sand and stone (karesansui) gardens
Sanjōnishi Sanetaka
Sanko (Yoshimasa’s mistress)
Sansom, George
Sasaki Dōyo
“Sayo no nezame” (Waking at Night, Ichijō Kaneyoshi)
screen of state (kichō)
screens (shōji)
scroll paintings, horizontal (emakimono)
Seigan-ji (Zen temple)
Sen no Rikyū (master of tea ceremony)
Senkei (flower arranger)
Sen’yachamaru. See Ashikaga Yoshikatsu
Sesshū Tōyō (painter)
shelves (chigaidana, oshiita)
Shinkei (poet)
Shinran (Zen priest)
“Shōdan chiyō” (A Woodcutter’s Talks on Good Government, Ichijō Kaneyoshi)
shogunate. See Ashikaga bakufu; bakufu
shoguns: of Ashikaga family, genealogy; choosing of, by lots; consorts of; Minamoto Sanetomo; Minamoto Yoritomo; of Tokugawa family; Tokugawa Ieyasu. See also Ashikaga bakufu; individual Ashikaga shoguns
shoin-zukuri (architecture form)
shōji (screens)
shōji-e (fusuma paintings)
Shōkoku-ji (Zen temple)
Shōtetsu (priest)
shugo (constables)
shugo daimyō (provincial military governors)
“Shūgyoku tokka” (Finding Gems and Gaining the Flower, Zeami)
Shukō. See Murata Shukō
shutters (hajitomi)
Silver Pavilion (Ginkaku, Kannon-den). See also Temple of the Silver Pavilion
Six Circles, One Dewdrop (Rokurin ichiro, Konparu Zenchiku)
“Six Principles” (Rikugi, Zeami)
Sōami (art adviser to Yoshimasa)
social activities
Sōgi (poet)
soul of Japan (Nihon no kokoro)
Southern Court
Sōzen. See Yamana Mochitoyo
spring festival
staggered shelves (chigaidana)
suibokuga (ink paintings)
Taimitsu Buddhism
Takakura Palace
Takauji. See Ashikaga Takauji
Tale of Gengi, The (Murasaki Shikibu)
tatami mats
tatebana (rikka, standing flowers)
taxes. See also tokusei
tea; connoisseurship of; drinking of; green; leaves, as food; medicinal qualities of; milk with; plants, introduction to Japan; tea parties
tea ceremony (chanoyu);Dōjinsai (tea room in Tōgu-dō); origins of; renga, comparison with; term, use of; unbroken traditions of; utensils, value of; wabicha
“Teachings on Style and the Flower” (Fūshi kaden, Zeami)
Teika (Konparu Zenchiku)
Temple of the Golden Pavilion (Kinkaku-ji)
Temple of the Silver Pavilion(Higashiyama retreat, Higashiyama-dono, Ginkaku-ji, Jishō-ji), ; construction of; destruction of; earlier palaces, differences from; flower arrangements in; foreigners’ impression of; funds for; gardens of; Golden Pavilion, comparison with; interior decoration of; land, ownership of; landscape of; name of; visitors to
BUILDINGS: Dōjinsai (chashitsu, tea room, in Tōgu-dō); kaisho (meeting place); Saishian (Zen meditation hall); surviving; Tōgu-dō (Amida-dono, chief hall) ; tsunenogosho (living quarters); use of
temples: Enryaku-ji; Ichijō-in; Jōdo-ji; Kinkaku-ji, ix; Kōfuku-ji; “mountain names” of; Saidai-ji; Saihō-ji; Tōji-in. See also Zen temples
Ten Monks
Tenryū-ji (Zen temple)
Tenryū-ji ships
Tenshō Shūbun (official painter)
Thornhill, Arthur H.
Three Poets at Minase (Minase sangin, renga sequence)
Tōfuku-ji (Zen temple)
Tōgu-dō (Amida-dono, chief hall of Temple of the Silver Pavilion)
Tōji-in (temple)
tokonoma (alcove)
Tokugawa bakufu (shogunate)
Tokugawa Ieyasu (shogun)
tokusei (act of grace, forgiveness of debt)
trade relations, Japanese with China
Travel Diary of a Pilgrimage to China in Search of the Law (Nittō Guhō Junrei Kōki, Ennin)
tribute missions, Japanese to China
True Pure Land Buddhism (Jōdo shinshū)
tsuchi ikki (peasant uprisings)
tsunenogosho (living quarters, of Temple of the Silver Pavilion)
Tsurezuregusa (Essays in Idleness, Kenkō)
Unsen Taikyoku (Zen priest)
Uramatsu family. See Hino family
utakai (uta-awase, poem competitions)
wabicha (style of tea ceremony)
waka (verse form): collections of; composition, locations for; and Ōnin War; of Yoshimasa
wakan renga (kanwa renga)
“Waking at Night” (Sayo no nezame, Ichijō Kaneyoshi)
wakō (pa-fan, pirates)
Way of Tea (sadō)
Western Army (Yamana family)
“Woodcutter’s Talks on Good Government, A” (Shōdan chiyō, Ichijō Kaneyoshi)
Yamana family. See also Western Army
Yamana Mochitoyo (Sōzen, army commander): and Akamatsu revolt; Harima Province, plundering of; and Hatakeyama dispute; provinces, acquisition of; and Yoshimasa’s successor
Yamanoue Sōji
Yamanoue sōji ki (Sen no Rikyū)
Yang Kuei-fei (Chinese beauty)
Yōkihi (Konparu Zenchiku)
Yōsai (Eisai, priest)
Yoshihisa. See Ashikaga Yoshihisa
Yoshikatsu. See Ashikaga Yoshikatsu
Yoshimasa. See Ashikaga Yoshimasa
Yoshinori. See Ashikaga Yoshinori
Yoshishige. See Ashikaga Yoshimasa
Yoshitaka (Yoshinori’s rival)
Yōsō Sōi
yūgen (invisible world)
Yung-lo (emperor of China)
za (group with communality of spirit)
Zeami (nō master),
Zen Buddhism: Chinese models for; and gardens; Kaneyoshi on; monasteries, worldly atmosphere of; monks; priests; teachings of; writings of; and Yoshimasa
Zen temples: Daitoku-ji; Five Mountains; Hongan-ji; Kennin-ji; Konkō-ji; Nanzen-ji; ponds at; Seigan-ji; Shōkoku-ji; Tenryū-ji; Tōfuku-ji
Zen’ami (master gardener)
Zenchiku. See Konparu Zenchiku
Zenrin kokuhō ki (Zuikei Shūhō)
Zuikei Shuhō (poet-priest)