The Professor And The Digger

Our chaplain so often said, “Call me, Digger” so we did. And we had a Red Shield [Salvation Army] representative as a welfare officer whom we called “The Professor”.

I always thought Digger was the best soldier in the battalion, though he was not of my belief, and I can’t speak too highly of the old Professor, with his pencils and paper and, “Write to your mum, soldier”.

When the main force of the battalion landed at Rabaul, I was in the first barge and one of the first ashore. Out of the bush came a voice, “Coffee, mate – with or without?” It was the Professor. He’d landed the night before, hadn’t he? And the Digger: “You’re looking tired, soldier. Give us your shovel. I need some exercise.” Are there still men like these around?

Sergeant William Ryan, 296 Light Aid Detachment, New Guinea
