From the private diaries of Father Xavier Perez
April 30, 2074
The villagers are safe.
The Psy assassins have given up and gone away, and the people we saved know to stay in their hidden new home until things change on a far wider scale.
Today, for the first time since I lost you, since our people were butchered, I felt God in my heart again. And in the ray of dawn sunlight as it touched a child’s peacefully sleeping face, I saw hope.
The Psy soldier with whom I work in the darkness to thwart his fellow assassins shows no one his face, but these villagers know mine, trust mine. I am one of them after all, my skin the same dark shade, my features familiar, my language theirs, my race human.
Now, however, it seems I’m also a rebel in a sense I could’ve never predicted only months earlier. I fight alongside a man I would’ve once murdered for the simple fact he is Psy and it was Psy who so viciously stole everything from me. That shames me and yet I write it here because I want you to know who I’ve become since I lost you. The good and the bad.
Nina . . . I miss you.