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“The human heart refuses to believe in a universe without a purpose.”
-Immanuel Kant-
The night is silent around us, giving a fake illusion of peace and tranquility. Finn and I know better as we move in the shadows in wolf form. While I blend in with the darkness, my buddy is all but a target with his snowy fur.
This damn full moon isn’t helping things. His mutter echoes across my own thoughts, and I snort my chuckle.
Stick to the shadows and we’ll be fine. I angle my head, trying to catch scents but failing. Since our last pack meeting, Lucas has us patrolling the grounds at night—every night. Needless to say, I've spent little time with Luz between work and pack life.
Over there.
Finn jumps ahead and I snap to and follow him. As wolves, we have a sharp sense of smell in general, but my Irish buddy combines that with an innate extrasensory perception that comes in handy when we hunt.
As a Celtic werewolf, there are many things I still don’t understand about him, and much more he refuses to tell us. But no matter what secrets we each hide, I’ve come to trust these guys with my life.
So when I follow Finn, it’s without doubt, my senses honed in trying to see whatever had him spooked. We run a few blocks, sticking to the shadows, before reaching a restaurant. The alleyway behind it bears the distinct stench of werewolves, and I recognize the aroma of the Reapers. Since they tend to consume most of their food as wolves—meaning they hunt and kill it while morphed—it sticks to their skin.
Sure enough, when we turn the corner and step closer, two wolves are going at it hard enough to saturate the air with the smell of blood. I wrinkle my muzzle, throwing a look at Finn. In the darkness, it seems like he shrugs.
We approach silently, sticking to the shadows, our hackles raised and ready for action. When we’re only a few feet away, the dark brown wolf whirls to face us, and I recognize his empty gaze.
Jared. What are you doing here? It’s probably not a good idea to drop my mental barriers to communicate with him, but there’s not much choice if we want answers.
The Reapers’ alpha scoffs, stepping back from the wolf he’s fighting with. Half his size, the tiny black animal seems pitiful in comparison. One ear is bleeding, torn to shreds, and his muzzle has a deep gash.
Beating up pups again? My taunt raises a growl out of Jared, but the other wolf only backs away in a corner, trying to make himself scarce.
Whatever’s going on here, we can’t intervene. Each pack has a set of rules, and if Lucas was here, maybe he could influence Jared to show more mercy. As it is, nothing I do will help, only aggravate the situation for the other wolf.
Finn’s call snaps me out of doing something stupid, and back to our purpose here. I glance around, but catch nothing. There’s garbage bags everywhere, broken bottles on the ground, and even human excrements—but nothing of what we need.
My eyes fall on Finn, who shakes his head. I thought I smelled something, but it must have been only his blood.
His gaze lands on the wolf cowering in a corner, and I think I recognize the dirty fur as one of Jared’s lieutenants. Having a hard time controlling your pack, Jared?
He snarls, inching closer. The man always had a temper, and it doesn’t take much to rile him up. Finn knows as much and moves by my side, ready to back me up. Lucas would frown on us engaging Jared in an open fight, but then again the man is on our territory, which means it’s free hunting time.
I don’t budge, despite him getting so close we’re muzzle to muzzle. He’s smaller than me in wolf form, but it doesn’t stop him from being the most aggressive of his bunch.
I said it’s none of your business.
My gaze drifts around again, scanning the surroundings. I don’t know what I’m searching for, but something tells me Finn had it right and we’re missing a clue.
That's when I see it—a piece of fabric peeking out from a garbage lid. There’s nothing special about it, but the minute I focus on it I get the uncanny sensation this is it. I head towards the area, dismissing Jared's grumbles and trusting Finn to have my back if he’s stupid enough to attack. The closer I get, the scent assails me more.
What is it? Finn senses my agitation and takes a step towards me.
I throw a look over my shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. Stay with Jared. Don’t let him out of your sight.
If the roles were reversed, I would have snapped at being ordered around by anyone besides the alpha of our pack. But Finn knows the rules, and he’s a stickler for following them. I don’t have to look again to confirm he’s taking my command to heart and keeping his attention on Jared—I know he is.
Instead, I stalk to the garbage, scanning the area to make sure nothing’s hiding in the shadows. When I reach the lid, I grab the cloth and pull on it until it’s free. It’s a pair of old jeans, washed out and holed. But the scent off them... I stick my muzzle closer, inhaling and committing it to memory.
Then I grab the pants and walk back to Jared, dropping them at his feet. If I was expecting a reaction, I’m disappointed when he only looks at me with an inscrutable gaze. What the hell is this?
You tell me. You’re the one in our territory, injuring a wolf, and near a telling piece of evidence.
Evidence? Jared scoffs, almost rolling his eyes. You’re delusional. Come on, Tiny. Time to get back home. Rabid dogs can be contagious.
Before I can rationalize my next step, I’m directly in his path and block his way. Probably not my best move, considering he’s an alpha in his own right, and I’m only second-in-command. Normally, this would mean I bring the evidence to Lucas and let him decide.
But then I think of the dead animal, and whoever is out there, and all I see is red. Jared steps to the side, a rumble building in his chest. I tense my muscles, getting ready to fight him if need be.
Finn, the ever-peacemaker, moves between us and separates us. We’re not looking for a fight, Jared.
Speak for yourself.
He ignores me, instead keeping a calm tone. Someone is targeting animals on our territory, eviscerating them like nothing. We think it may be a human or someone like us, so we’ve been patrolling the area. Tonight, it led us here. He nods to the discarded jeans. To that. Did you see anything?
Jared's gaze falls on the jeans again, then back to Finn and me. For a moment, I almost think he'll be helpful. But all he does is push past us. Tiny, I said come!
The smaller wolf scurries after him, leaving Finn and I alone. Damn. You think he has something to do with it?
Much as I want to say yes, I shake my head, not quite believing it. I couldn’t smell anything off him. But there’s definitely something going on with the Reapers.
Finn turns to face me, tilting his head in surprise. You caught that too?
Caught what?
Rather than answer, Finn stares at Jared and Tiny’s departing forms. The smaller wolf is trailing way behind the alpha, seemingly afraid to get anywhere near.
Jared wasn’t just beating his lieutenant up, Dom. He was trying to get information out of him.
Of course Finn read more into the altercation than I did. You sure you’re not grasping at straws?
I’m telling you, that had all the markings of an interrogation, not a beating. Lieutenants may be low on pack hierarchy, but in a grouping like the Reapers, they’d be the one carrying out daily operations like food supplies, targeting humans... He trails off, meeting my stunned look. And territory patrol.
His meaning dawns on me, and I glance to the jeans. You think Tiny might know who’s behind this?
At the very least, he saw something. Why else would Jared be so focused on him?
Another thought pulls at me, and I scratch at my muzzle in annoyance. There’s something else. When I was at The Cave with Luz, and the Reapers walked in... Jared accused us of being on his territory.
You’re saying he thinks we’re behind this?
I nod, picking up the jeans in my mouth. We should probably bring the jeans to Lucas, and tell him all this.
That’s... new.
Finn’s tone has my attention. What do you mean?
For a second there, you didn’t seem to care much about Lucas’ authority, considering you nearly started a fight with a rival alpha.
I can’t explain my contradicting feelings to Finn, so I move instead out of the alleyway. Let’s just go.
I finish typing up the sales report Lucas wanted, print a copy and head towards his office at the back. He’s been acting distant since Dominic revealed we’re dating, and normally it would worry me. But I catch his onyx eyes every so often lingering on me, and the tingling it gives me makes the lie worth it.
My boots clack on the floor, and I cringe. The snow melted in the last few days, and I thought it safe enough to wear a pair of boots with heels. The discomfort I've been experiencing all morning has me now rethinking my decision.
I’m almost at the door when I hear voices—Dom’s and Lucas’—and they don’t sound happy.
“I’m getting mighty tired of your antics,” Lucas is saying, and through the half-open door I see him leaning back on his chair, hands crossed behind his neck.
My mouth waters at the sight of him, recognizing the sex appeal he exudes. But then his high and mighty tone makes me frown. Antics?
“I thought you might.” Dom sounds annoyed, and I can see half of his back through the crack, tense with emotion. “But we both know you didn’t send me out there only to patrol. So why don’t we cut the bull?”
Lucas’ eyes narrow, though his pose remains casual. “What are you going on about, amico?”
“You know what. You don’t want me near Luz, and this was the perfect excuse to keep me at bay.”
His words root me to the ground as I try to wrap my head around the implications. Lucas didn’t want Dom around me? But that would imply he’s bothered by us dating. The realization should give me more of a thrill, but other than my mouth watering at the sight of his body, I don’t feel any of what I had expected.
Rather than react to the jibe, Lucas’ face gives nothing away, other than further frustration with Dominic.
“Why don’t you admit it?”
Oh Dom...
“None of this has anything to do with Luz, but with your disobedience. I’m the boss, and you can damn well start acting like you respect it!”
“As I recall—”
Lucas lifts his hand, stopping Dom halfway. “Come in, Lucrezia.”
I couldn’t have ignored his order if I wanted to. My feet, frozen until he spoke, shuffle one in front of the other. Then I’m pushing the door open the rest of the way, wondering how the hell he guessed I was outside.
My eyes dart between Lucas to Dom, and sure enough my assumption was correct. Dom’s gaze is darkened with barely held-back fury, his lips pressed together. I linger on his mouth, remembering it against my neck, his body close to mine...
Lucas clears his throat, and I jump guiltily to face him. His face is hard now, no longer relaxed, and his nostrils are flaring. “I, um...” Faced with such an obvious reaction, I lose my voice.
“The sales report, draga mea.” I throw Dom a grateful look—noticing his now amused expression—and dump the folder on Lucas’ desk.
“You asked for the budget figures until now. I, um, I’ll be at my desk if you have questions.”
Then I turn tail and run out of there, cheeks flaming. On a sharp corner I run smack into Finn with enough force to stumble back. Without his arms wrapping around me, I would have fallen straight on my ass.
As it is, his body heat seeps into me and I meet his confused gaze. “Sorry.”
He chuckles, releasing me. “All good, love. What were you running from?”
My glance to Lucas’ office gives me away, and Finn goes, “Ah.”
“What’s going on with Dom and Lucas?” I don’t mean to pry, but... He is a guy, and has known them longer than I have. Surely he has some insight.
Finn grimaces, shaking his head. “Those two have been at each other’s throats for ages, don’t worry about it.”
I nibble on my bottom lip, not reassured in the least. “Lucas seems very, um, set on obedience, huh?”
“You could say that.” There’s a playful smile on his lips, not unlike the Mona Lisa’s secretive smirk. I can’t help feeling like something’s going over my head here.
“Know what helps two guys in a pissing contest?”
I'm about to contradict him on the contest, but only end up asking, “What?”
I blink in surprise, thinking he’s playing some joke on me. But Finn grins instead. “I promise. Doughnuts, croissants, you name it. Think you can bring us some while I go disarm whatever situation is unraveling back there?”
My lips mirror his grin and I nod. “Sure. It’s lunch time, anyway.”
As he passes by me and heads to Lucas, I move to my desk. Imagine my surprise when I find Tristan, of all people, leaning over the counter.
“I... Can I help you?” I like Tristan, same as all the others. But he’s the most quiet and reserved of the bunch, and not the most talkative. Which, basically, means he intimidates the hell out of me.
Seeing him all relaxed and charming crookedly throws me off. And then I have the uncanny sensation I’m like little Red Riding Hood amid a pack of wolves.
“Here’s a question for you, beleza.”
His endearment is new—calling me beauty—but it’s the semi-amused tone that makes me snap out of my thoughts and my entire attention on him. “Yeah?” I’m not sure I want to answer any of his questions, but then again, it doesn’t look like he’ll give me much of a choice.
“Blue or green?”
My jaw must have dropped because he throws his head back and laughs like it’s the world’s funniest joke. “I... What?”
“Relax, Red. I don’t bite.”
His words only leave me shaking my head, and I move behind my desk. His unnerving gaze keeps watching me, even as I log into the computer and save the last files I was working on, before gathering my coat to go out.
“Seriously, Tristan... What do you want?”
When he says nothing, I look up. He searches my gaze, but for what, I don't understand. His only comment is, “I can understand what Dom sees in you. But be careful, Luz. Not every wolf sheds his skin.”
My skin prickles at the warning, but Tristan up and leaves before I can ask more. If he wanted to unsettle me, mission accomplished. Because his words echo my thoughts too closely.
Shaking my head, I zip up my jacket and step out the door. There’s a small bakery two blocks down the street, owned by a nice elderly couple. With the way the day is going, some sugar and baked goods seem to be the perfect idea.
With the still frigid weather, I practically speed-walk there and it takes me less time than normally. Inside the bakery, fresh smells of croissants and baked goods assail me, and my mouth waters.
“What can I get you, sweetie?”
A busty, round woman walks behind the counter, watching me with twinkling brown eyes. Her hair is white, pulled back in a ponytail. She pats her hands full of flour on the dirty apron she’s wearing, and her wrinkled expression immediately puts me at ease.
“I hope so,” I laugh. “I have four guys to feed.” When her eyes widen at my statement, I hasten to add, “My coworkers, I mean!”
She nods at that, and points to a side display of goodies. “You’ll want some of these! Any grown man will go for them.”
I take a bit of everything, as much as I can afford while on my salary. Just as she’s packing it all up, a young woman about my age steps from the back. Her face is flushed, making her hazel eyes stand out more. What I can see of her hair is chestnut brown, and tied in a bun.
“Grandmama, the oven broke again!”
By her whine, I can tell it’s not the first time this particular issue has come up. The elderly woman rolls her eyes good-naturedly. “Heavens, Elle, can’t you see I’m with a customer? Pick up the phone and call the usual guy, he’ll come by and fix it soon as he can.”
Grumbling under her breath, Elle does as she’s told and walks to the back, nearly stomping her feet. I catch myself thinking she’d be a good match for one of the guys... Then shake my head at the errant thought. I doubt they’d appreciate me playing matchmaker.
“Here you go, dearie.” The elderly woman hands me my package and I pay for the treats, then head out. Elle’s pretty face still floats in my mind, even as I’m mentally inventorying the guys’ qualities to see who she’d be best fitted with.
I’m pushing the door open while trying not to drop my package when a bulky body walks in.
“Well, well. Look what the dogs dragged in.”
I know that voice...
I glance up to see a man, a few inches taller than me, with a shaved head and cropped beard. He’s handsome but aloof, in a cold type of beauty reminiscent of an untouchable panther. A scar cuts across his eye, ruining the pretty face aspect and adding a hint of danger. While some girls might find him hot, I barely retain a shiver.
“Sorry, I almost knocked into you.” I back off while talking, wanting to put some distance between us. “I work next door and was coming in to get some treats...”
My nervous babble stops when another man follows him in. He’d been the one speaking, and I recognize the biker from the bar the other night, Jared. His gaze narrows on me like on an unworthy insect. I stop talking at that point, squirming under their scrutiny.
“You’re their recruit, aren’t you? Lucrezia something?” The new guy's voice is hoarse like a smoker's, his tone snide and snotty.
I nod, unsure where this is headed—and not liking it.
His name echoes in my head, but I can’t fathom why. The bearded guy tilts his head to the side, smirking now. A glance to his boss, Jared, then he turns back to me. His hand lifts and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I jerk out of his reach, scowling.
“You’ve got spunk, I’ll give you that. I’m Aiden. Do me a favor, little girl. Tell Dominic I say hi, won’t you?”
Something snaps in me at his condescending tone and I straighten my back, no longer avoiding his glare. “Tell him yourself.”
Without pausing, I push between them and head out the door. I hear curses behind me, but I don't stick around. Instead, I move as fast as I can—without actually running—towards Claws Auto Shop.
After Luz leaves, Lucas’ anger skyrockets a notch. I’m amused by it, if slightly confused by her behavior. For someone who wants Lucas, she’s sure acting like my lips are the sole focus of her existence.
“You need to be careful.”
I cross my arms over my chest, widening my stance and Lucas’ gaze narrows at my obvious defiance. To my surprise, he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I know you think I’m trying to sabotage your relationship, but I’m only looking out for you. I like having you as beta, Dom, and would hate for anything to break the balance. Capisci?”
Yeah, I understand all right. “Nothing will.” So maybe my answer comes out through gritted teeth. I never said I’m good at masking my emotions.
Finn walks in at that point, reading the situation with a sweeping glance. “Luz is on her way out to grab us some sweets. So what do you both say to cutting the pissing contest and focusing on the problem we have? Serial killer, anyone?”
Lucas and I glare at each other for a bit longer, then I uncross my arms. “Finn’s right. We’re too old for this shit. What do you think of the jeans we brought you?”
For an alpha, Lucas sure knows how to defuse fast. In the blink of an eye, he’s standing and pacing the office, thinking out loud. “I caught the same scent you all did—of murder. But there have been no sightings of bodies. I even listened to the police scanner this morning on my way in... still niente.”
“What about our theory of Jared being involved?” I’m kind of happy Finn’s the one who asked, seeing as I still feel the tension between me and Lucas.
“You may not be far off... The newfound jeans make me seriously think we’re looking at a werewolf. But Jared’s interrogation of one of his own seems weird, to say the least.”
“So let us talk to him.” Lucas faces me, nodding to indicate I can continue. “If you go accusing Jared, it’ll start a turf war. Let me find Tiny on my own and ask him a few innocent questions.”
“You and innocent don’t mix, Dom.”
I glare at Finn, but sadly, he’s right. Lucas seems to realize the same thing as he shakes his head. “You’re too impulsive, and I can’t condone something like this. If it blows up in our face...”
“You have plausible deniability.”
Lucas glances to Finn, then runs a hand over his face. “I cannot agree to this.” I’m about to argue, but he raises a hand to shut me up. “However, Tristan and I will take the next few nights of patrol. If, at any point during that time, two members of my pack were to meet up by pure coincidence and run into Tiny on their way to grab a drink...” He shrugs, smirking. “Not much I can do if you chat, sì?”
I laugh, clasping his back. “Quite right, boss.”
Lucas rolls his eyes, but the tension is now gone and I finally feel like we’re moving forward. Tonight, we can find out who’s behind this. My excited gaze meets Finn’s, and I can read the eagerness in his expression.
“One of you should meet up with Tristan and me after to share what you found out. We can’t do anything until we know what we’re dealing with.”
I nod, but my mind is no longer in it. For the last few moments, my stomach’s been in knots and I can’t figure out why. When the bell rings, signaling the door opening and closing, I storm out of Lucas’ office.
Luz is by her office when I get to her, a box of goodies on her desk. “Damn, that smells good!”
She jumps at my voice, almost dropping her jacket. “Is everything alright?”
Her nod only confirms my suspicions, as she looks distracted. She meets my gaze, biting on her bottom lip, then the words pour out. “Um, I ran into a friend of yours.... Aiden something? He said to tell you hi.”
My teeth nearly snap with the force I’m using, but I manage to keep a lid on it. Aiden is Jared’s beta, and the fact he was near Luz bodes nothing good.
“That man is no friend of mine.”
Luz sighs at my admittance, shifting on her feet. “I thought as much. Jared was with him.” When I only clench my fists in response, she steps closer. “What’s going on, Dom? Who are these guys?”
Out of the corner of my eye I see Lucas approaching, followed by Finn.
“Everything okay here?” He echoes, but his eyes are only on me.
My admission comes through gritted teeth. “Aiden says hi. Ran into Luz at the bakery.”
To his credit, Lucas doesn't even blink. Instead, he says, “We’ll take care of it.” He turns to Luz, and she almost becomes a puddle at his feet when he touches her shoulder. “Stay away from that guy in the meantime.”
She nods, and in that moment I can’t decide who I want to kill more, Aiden or Lucas.
The day goes by more or less smoothly from there, though my wolf won't quiet down. Each time the bell rings, my head snaps to Luz, checking to make sure it’s none of the Reapers. When the end of shift comes by, I could scream in relief.
Luz is putting on her jacket by the time I change and head out of the garage. “I’ll walk you home.”
“Does that fall under your duties as my fake boyfriend?” There’s a smile tugging on her lips, but her eyes are wary.
I lean against the wall, crossing my arms and watching her closely. “Maybe, maybe not...but it’s definitely part of my friend duties.” Pushing off the wall, I step closer and bring my hand up to her cheek. “Regardless of what this is, Luz, I’m first and foremost your friend. And your safety is my priority.”
For a moment, I’m afraid she might say no, looking as skittish as a doe in the headlights. But whatever runs through her head seems to decide her, and Luz inclines her head in assent. “I’d like that.”
I hold the door open for her, and lock up behind us. Lucas and Tristan left a while ago, at sundown, to start their patrol. And Finn said he had something else to do, so we’re the only ones left.
Lucas thinks whoever is behind the killings is nocturnal, so it stands to reason we don’t want to miss a second of darkness. Human police will never bother investigating animal crimes, but we don’t intend to let this psycho go by unpunished—not by a long shot.
Luz’s hand slides into mine, and I glance down in surprise. She doesn’t acknowledge it, only steps closer. “You called me something today, in Lucas’ office.”
“Draga mea,” I repeat. “In Romanian, it means my darling.”
Considering her last comment, I half-expect her to say it’s not normal in fake relationships to be using endearments. Instead, Luz only says, “It’s sweet. I like it.”
Something in me melts at her tone, but all too soon we’ve reached her door. Luz’s grip on my hand tightens, pulling my attention to her.
Her eyes are downcast, and there’s a faint blush to her cheeks that takes me by surprise. What I wouldn’t give to read her mind...
When she finally looks at me, her green eyes are dark with emotion, but I don’t have time to search their depths. Luz rises on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek, then pulls back quickly. “Thanks for walking me home.”
She’s gone before I can say another word, leaving my wolf and I restless, and unsaid words in the air. Once her light turns on, I walk to my place in silence.