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“The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.”
–George Washington–
We’ve been making our way into town in silence, Dani and Tristan lagging behind. Not surprising, given they’ve been running around more than most of us. I don’t even know how much longer I can keep this up, and the fight hasn’t even started.
It’s because I’m so focused on Lucas, trying to see what’s going on with him, that I miss it at first. Then smoke smoke fills my nostrils completely, and I slow down my stride. What the feckin’ hell did Declan do?
“Burned half the town,” Lucas says in a voice devoid of emotion. “They’ll attribute it to some human freak accident, but I am done bowing down to being morally good just so I can save my soul.”
I share a look with Dani and Tristan. What does that mean? They seem as confused as I am.
Nothing about Lucas gives way to his thoughts, except maybe the rigidity in his back indicating he’s close to snapping. He doesn’t even look at us, but keeps moving. “Nothing.”
Then how is it you can speak out loud right now?
“I’ve always been able to,” Lucas mutters. “It’s part of my heritage.”
Cryptic answer, Tristan mutters. You going to elaborate, chefe?
“No. Less talking, more following, shall we? We’re wasting time going at a snail’s pace.” His words have a stronger effect than normal. As our alpha, we have to listen to him, but this time it’s impossible to fight the pressure in my head, ordering me to move.
I’m the first to match Lucas’ pace, so I hazard one last question. Where, exactly, are we going?
“To inspect the damage.”
∞ ♦ ∞
The thought hits me that had Declan wanted to burn down the entire town, he easily could have. But, he didn’t.
Why? Dani asks, when I voice my thoughts in the middle of rubble upon rubble.
It was bad when Dani blew up that building, Tristan adds, but this is... Chaos.
Hidden in the shadows of the tree line, we’ve been watching as humans throw water over the remaining flames, in an attempt to salvage the few still-standing buildings. The fire turned to ashes whatever was left of Elle’s bakery, as well as the pub we used to spend every weekend at, and a couple of other store.
Is our shop safe?
Lucas shakes his head. “No, but I don’t care. I will rebuild it.” His gaze surveys the area, then stops, frozen, on someone a few feet away. A flash of red catches our eye, followed by blonde.
Uh oh, Dani says.
I glance between her and Tristan, and move closer to my friend. Did you not tell him?
Tristan throws me a look. I didn’t really get a chance to, in between running after your ass, saving it, and chewing you out for putting Dani in danger.
I said I was sorry for that!
He takes a step closer. Matter of fact, you didn’t.
Guys, we don’t have time for this! Dani moves between us, nudging me towards our alpha. Go do your thing before shit really blows up in our faces.
I move in front of Lucas, unsure how much he heard of our exchange, but already it’s too late. He morphs to human and rushes out of our hiding spot. Luckily, Dani snaps out of her daze fast and morphs too, using her magic to throw clothes over him.
Meeting our grateful gazes, she says, The last thing we need right now is to attract human attention by running around naked.
Agreed, I whisper. Then I follow suit with Tristan and morph, shooting Dani a quick, “Thank you,” when she clothes us both.
From a distance, we approach Lucas. He stopped a few feet away from Lucrezia, staring at her and completely unaware of the fact Dom’s about to go crazy on him again. She’s frozen in the middle of the street, and Dom’s practically blowing smoke through his nostrils.
There are too many humans around, I try to tell my friend, but neither he nor my alpha seem to hear me. Then Lucas takes a step forward, and engulfs Lucrezia in the tightest hug I’ve seen him give. He buries his head in her hair, and I see his shoulders shake.
His relief is palpable – even Dom feels it, but it’s not enough to stop him. He lunges at Lucas, ripping him away from Lucrezia and baring his teeth at him. “Stay the fuck away from her!”
“Dom!” Luz tries to grasp his hand, but he shakes her off and places himself square in front of her.
“You don’t get to touch my mate, dumbfuck. Not after she died because of you!”
Of muted understanding, Tristan and I step between them. “The humans are staring,” Tristan says. “Let’s take this back to the shop.”
“Claws Auto is ruined, Lucas,” Lucrezia whispers, tears shining in her eyes. The sound of her voice seems to snap my alpha out of his daze, as he inhales sharply.
“Mio Dio, how are you alive?” His voice is hoarse. “How is this possible?”
Luz scans our surroundings, noticing the curious – and suspicious – looks from the town people. They may be around to pick up debris, but we stand out like a sore thumb with our little gang.
“Lucas, let’s go back to your place,” she says. “We need to talk, but not here.”
Dominic’s nostrils flare, and his glare intensifies on Lucas. “You’re not going anywhere with him.”
Luz stares up at her mate and smiles. “You can come, but don’t try to kill him. That’s my one rule. Deal?”
I have a feeling it’s only her soft, questing touch to his hand that makes Dom nod tightly. Then he engulfs her hand in his, and walks away. In complete silence, we follow them to the car.
Dani quickens her pace and taps my shoulder. “Is it really a good idea, cramming us all in Dom’s pick–up truck?”
“You’ve got a point. Hop in the back, at least this way the inside won’t be suffused with testosterone.”
She nods at my suggestion and goes back to let Tristan know.
On the way to the house, Lucrezia fills us in on hearing the roar, and getting Dom to drive them into town and see what was happening. That’s when they’d seen Claws Auto burnt, but according to them it was only the back of the building that suffered, and the rest survived.
“Damn miracle,” Tristan mutters through the open window of the backseat.
I nod, but say nothing. Luz looks at me, biting her lip. “Where’s Elle? And Tytus?”
My heart clenches, and I dig my fingers in my thighs to grasp some semblance of control. “I don’t know about him, but Lucas says she left with Declan.”
“Of her own will?” Luz frowns. “Elle wouldn’t do that.”
“Tell it to the evidence,” Lucas mutters and jerks his head ahead.
Dom slams on the breaks just in time to avoid running over the two bedraggled looking people in the middle of the road. One look at the white hair, and I know we fell upon Fiona, and a half–conscious Tytus she’s hosting up.
Before Lucas can say anything, I jump out of the car, Lucrezia and Dani on my heels. We get to them just as Fiona collapses on the ground, and catch Tytus’ bulk before he topples over her.
Declan wasn’t lying when he said this was his home. He moves around like he was born here. I’m too stunned by the amount of opulence to care much for him, to be honest.
There is gold everywhere. Threads in the old tapestries on the walls. Metal intertwined around the chandeliers in the walls. Antique furniture in every room, of various shades and colors – all vibrant, though a tad dusty. Basically, the entire place looks like it was decorated for a tzar, or something.
Mesmerized, I don’t immediately realize Declan is watching me. Then he clears his throat, and I face him. There’s something unsettling in that stormy gaze, so like Tytus’ – and so not, at the same time.
“You would do well to stop comparing me to my brother,” Declan says. There’s a hint of a warning in there, which I choose I ignore.
Instead, I lift my chin and glare at him. “If you brought me here to intimidate me–”
“Intimidate?” Declan laughs. “You are here to train.”
“For what? I don’t have full zmeu powers. I can’t ever be what you and Tytus are. It’s bad enough I’m not normal, I don’t need crap like magic in my life, too.”
“Should have thought of that before following me here, then.”
“I didn’t! She did!”
He circles me, arms crossed. “She is you. Lie as much as you want to yourself, but you cannot to me.”
I narrow my eyes on him. “I don’t know what your goal is here, but I won’t help you hurt my friends.”
“You already have.”
“No, that was her.”
“In your body.”
It’s like arguing with a very immovable wall. I’ve got nothing to say to that, because it’s true. And the thought they’re all thinking – that Finn thinks – I betrayed them... Air escapes me, and somehow I can’t get it back.
Declan narrows his eyes on me, looking more than a little annoyed. “What did you go doing something so foolish for?”
Still hyperventilating, I shake my head. “Don’t...know...what you mean.”
Declan strides towards me, a muscle in his jaw ticking. “Starting the legătură with a wolf, really? Is that what my lineage has come to?”
Then he grasps my hand in his, squeezing it – hard. A shudder runs through me, then I’m being pushed to the back again. She’s in the driver’s seat, grinning up at him.
“That’s better,” Declan praises. “Now show me what you can do.”
With Dani and Fiona’s help, we make it back to Lucas’ in one piece. He goes in first, followed by us with Tytus, and finally Dom, Tristan and Lucrezia. Her soft gasp when she sees the state of the living room makes me turn and grin.
“You should see the rest of it.”
Her distress is clear as we advance, and she looks between Dom and Lucas. “You two nearly killed each other!”
They share a look, neither saying anything. Tytus groans in pain, so I set him on what’s left of a couch. I don’t see any injuries at first glance, but his sweaty forehead and clammy body tell me otherwise.
“Just what do we know about a zmeu and healing?” Tristan asks by my side, then glances at Dani.
“I...” She’s at a loss, I can taste it in the air. She’s not used to seeing Tytus in such a weakened position – none of us are. And it’s a rough wake–up call, showing us how badly outmaneuvered we are.
“His wounds can only be healed while in zmeu form,” Fiona whispers from behind us. She’s been so silent, pale as a ghost, and leaning against the darkest corner. Even now, as she speaks, her eyes are closed, her voice faint.
“Can we get him to morph?” Tristan asks. “He’s not looking so good.”
Fiona shakes her head, and the movement seems to get the most of her. “He needs rest. Once his human form recovers, we can attempt it. But for now....he....rest...”
I’m closest to her and catch her just as she passes out. Looking at Lucas, I ask, “Is there another spot I can place her, so she can sleep?”
“Over here,” Luz waves me over. She’s got some blankets and pillows, and is pointing to a corner behind Tytus’ couch. Once she sets everything down, I lower Fiona to the ground, and pull the covers over her.
“She doesn’t look so good.” When Luz doesn’t answer, I look up to see her staring at Lucas and Dom. They’re on opposite sides of the living room, glaring daggers at each other.
Tension is thick in the air, and getting worse. I quickly finish tucking the witch in, knowing I’ll need my hands ready in case they go back at it.
As if catching my train of thought, Lucrezia shakes her head and straightens up, marching so she’s standing between them. “No more. You can’t be at odds because of me, I won’t accept it.”
“How...” Lucas clears his throat, then clenches his jaw. He’s having a hard time keeping control of himself, and I can guess why. His wolf’s agitation permeates the air – as does his need to make Dom submit.
“Basta. Enough avoiding the topic, Lucrezia. How are you alive? I saw you die with my own eyes.”
Something in Lucas’ tone must clue her in that he’s serious, as Luz looks to the floor, biting her lip. “And I was. Dead, I mean. But Tytus, he protected me.”
Lucas’ nostrils flare, and I figure now’s as good a time as any to step in before he loses it completely. “What she means is, way before Luz became part of our pack, she had already been afforded protection by Tytus, though not willingly.”
“Not willingly?”
“Aye,” I nod, holding his gaze with mine and hoping Lucas hears the warning in my tone. “Tytus didn’t know he was doing it when he threatened some Reapers away from her. There’s some old zmeu magic involved, but the story is, that action provided Lucrezia with protection of her body and soul. When she died, her soul lingered around – Tytus accidentally called it back last night.”
Lucas turns the full effect of his burning stare to Lucrezia. “È vero? Is this true?”
“Yes,” Luz says. “All of it.”
At her confirmation, Lucas turns his back on her and walks to the wall. His shoulders radiate tension once more, and he puts up a palm on the wall, then breathes in deeply. After a few moments, he faces us once more.
“It is... I’m glad you are well, Lucrezia,” Lucas says. “There is much to be thankful for, but unfortunately we also have a new set of problems on our hands.”
“All thanks to you,” Dom mutters.
A low growl escapes from Lucas, and his gaze pins Dom. I taste their rising tension in the air, and I fear another incident. Only this time, I doubt Lucas’ house would survive.
Dom opens his mouth to speak, but Luz turns to him, lifting a hand to his chest. “I know you’re mad, I feel it off you, my love. But if you care for me, I need you to stop fighting. Please. At least try.”
The desperation in her voice gets him, and he grits his teeth. “I will if he does.”
“I promise,” says Lucas, surprising us all. Me, most of all, because there’s nothing I taste around him that would give me the impression he’s so easily subdued.
Tytus’ groan interrupts further conversations. He blinks, regaining conscience for a moment. “Declan... Underestimated his strength. He got away with Elle.”
My gut churns more painfully, and this time I drop to the ground, panting. “It’s happening again,” I whisper.
“What is?”
“They’re... Whatever’s happening to Elle when they’re apart, he feels,” Dani explains, because I can’t. All I see is darkness, and I shout in pain.
When I wake up, it’s with the sun’s rays on my face. The unfamiliar bed quickly shakes me wide alert – I don’t recall ever owning such luxurious sheets. They’re like feathers where they touch me, tickling my skin...
I jump up. I don’t remember getting in bed – but luckily I’m alone, and dressed. At least in something that covers mid-thigh, which explains why I felt the covers on my skin.
Snippets of the day before – hours before? – run through my mind. After taking over my body again, she showed Declan the magic she knows. I recall him being impressed at some, and disappointed at other parts, but it’s like putting together pieces of a puzzle, and not seeing the bigger picture.
And she kept flirting with him. It scares me, their connection. But not as much as the realization she took to being bad super easy. What if that’s who I am, deep down?
The idea is too much to linger on, so I try to think back to what else happened. Nothing comes to mind, other than stumbling here to rest – I think. My body feels like it’s been run over by a train, so I step into the bathroom.
It’s not a twentieth century place, that’s for sure. But there is a large tub and a knob that presumably is connected to some type of plumbing system, so I let it run. Water spills out and I let it fill the tub, amazed at its clarity.
Surprised it still works after all this time.
Declan fixed it for us, she says. Enjoy it while you can. I’m going to rest a bit longer.
I ignore her, hoping she’ll go away for good. She does – but she’ll be back, I’ve no doubt about it.
After I finish with the bath, I get up and clothes are waiting for me. A simple royal blue gown, held up by two brooches on the shoulder, with some sort of bustier keeping my breasts afloat. The fabric is silky – I blush just touching it.
What the hell is Declan playing at?
She doesn’t answer.
I drop my dirty clothes in the tub to soak, hoping I can return and wash them by hand. At least, after whatever Declan’s got planned for this morning finishes. And if it’s anything other than magic training, he’s got another thing coming.
Now would be the perfect time to escape, I think as I’m braiding my hair to keep it out of my face. But I know it would be futile. I have no magic, no way to get back home, and there’s no phone in this damn place – I looked.
The only thing I can do is try and figure out the magic. If I do what Finn and Tytus have been begging me to try since the beginning, then I may have a chance to get my body back.
Resolved, I head down the stairs. After stumbling in numerous places, enough to make my head dizzy, I find Declan.
He’s standing in the impossibly tall living room, staring at the sunrise. “For eons, I was robbed of this,” he whispers, and for the first time there is no malice in his voice. Rather, it’s soft and whimsical, completely at odds with the man I’ve seen so far.
Desperate to keep him in a good mood, I keep my voice low as well, hoping it will continue whatever trance he is in. “It wasn’t fair.”
Declan freezes at the tone of my voice and turns with a smirk. It freezes on his lips when he sees what I’m wearing, and a different glint burns in his eyes. “Ready to continue your training?”
He narrows his eyes. “Where is she?”
It’s uncanny how he knows the difference between us. Instead of cowering away like I have so far, I lift my chin up and say, “I’m here for now. Stop trying to push me away, this is my body and my choices! Now what the hell did you mean yesterday about whatever I did with the wolf? And when will you return me home!”
Declan watches me for a moment, as if waiting to see if I’m done. Once I fall quiet, he shrugs. “You are no good to me tied to a wolf. And since the mating you have begun is impossible to break, I have only one choice. Dispose of you in favor of your alter, who did not mate.”
“But she did....We both did...” Didn’t we?
She doesn’t answer.
Declan grins. “Perhaps my brother neglected to mention that in order for a mating to be complete, your mate has to travel through fire for you.”
I gulp. “He mentioned that, yeah.”
“But given there are two of you, and only one with magic....”
Realization dawns on me. “Only she can complete the mating?”
“As humans say, bingo. Now, I do love answering idiotic questions, but I need your other half here.”
He grabs my hand and once more I’m pushed at the back. She comes to the front, smug as always. And flirting. Always damn flirting with him.
“Like the outfit?”
“It suits you,” he says, then puts a distance between us. “Now, show me you remember what I taught you last night.”
She draws a rune in the air, and it looks more complicated than most. Declan nods, a faint smile on his lips. “Good. Again.”
I don’t know what it’s supposed to do, but whatever it is, the rune is important to both of them – at least judging by their focus. I try to imprint it in my memory, but her questions distract me.
“Why the rush?”
Declan touches a strand of hair – my hair – and twirls it around a finger. His voice is soft again, though deadly. “My brother has a pendant with my blood in his possession. If the witch does the counter spell before the new moon phase ends, everything will be undone. I need to retrieve and destroy it, breaking all ties with my past.”
“And how do you plan to do that?”
Declan grins. “With your help, draga mea.”
“You know they can't continue like this.”
I snap out of my dark thoughts and look up. It's only then I realize how aching my muscles have become. So I stand, towering over Luz.
She nods towards the corner, where Lucas and Dom are at a standoff – again. Our alpha sent Tristan and Dani to try and track Elle or Declan, and Dom didn't agree with splitting us off. Obviously.
A sigh escapes me. “I don't have the energy to deal with this.”
I glance at Tytus and Fiona, still asleep in the opposite side of the living room. I need to find out how to get to Elle, and they’re the only two people who can help me.
Luz reaches for me, then seems to think better of it and stops herself. “I know. I get how hard it is to be away from the one you love.” Her gaze slides to Dom, and something tells me there’s more to her story, and what she saw when she was dead.
Then Luz shrugs, and smiles at me. Weak as it is, it's still blinding. “But you have to help, Finn. We need to fix them, at least to get them to fight on the same side, else we're screwed. Who knows what the Reapers are planning now? Please.”
Her plea is what gets me, and I nod. Then turn to my two superiors. “Oy, you two! Are you done fighting it out yet?”
Lucas faces me first, his expression tight and ready to snap. Dom's still busy glaring daggers at him, so Luz moves closer to him, straight in his line of vision. Dom's expression softens and he reaches for her, pulling her into his side as if he can't be apart from her for even a second.
I get that, mate. Boy, do I get that now.
The familiar burning is back in my veins, and I wish I was by Elle's side, regardless of where she is. Instead, I meet Lucas' gaze. “The time for fighting is over. We need to put our heads together and see what we can do to stop the Reapers.”
“Hard to do, without information,” Lucas bites.
“And whose fault is that?” Dom snaps.
Luz moves between them again. “Enough! Please, both of you. I know why you're at odds, but it's not right.”
“Not right? What's not right is that you died because of him!”
“I died because of a Reaper, Dom!”
“Because he put you there!”
“He's right.”
Luz whirls around, facing Lucas. I'm just as shocked. My alpha's shoulders drop, and he shakes his head, running a hand over his face. “Lucrezia, I... Mi scuzi, bella. It's my fault. All of it.”
She takes a step closer, grabbing his hand in hers. “I'm alive, aren't I?”
“But you could have been dead for good.”
“She was dead!” Dom growls.
“Enough! I'm alive, that's what matters. And maybe we can use this to our advantage.”
Lucas tilts his head to the side. “How so?”
“The Reapers don't know I'm alive, nor that I've been...enhanced, so to speak. I can help–”
“Absolutely not!”
The shout comes from both of them, and I grin. “Well, at least you agree on something.”
∞ ♦ ∞
After an hour of negotiation, we finally get Lucas and Dominic to sit down and talk through options – under our supervision, of course. I wish there was some way to just shake some sense into them, but given they’re both at the top of the hierarchy, I doubt that’s possible.
“Do you think it'll last?” Luz joins me on the floor, resting her head on her knees, and looking ready to fall asleep.
I shrug. “Hell if I know, Red. I guess we'll have to wait and see.”
My gaze runs to the blood–red sky. What am I going to do if they're right, and Elle is with this guy? How am I supposed to fight my mate?