Chapter 16. JavaScript and PHP Validation and Error Handling

With your solid foundation in both PHP and JavaScript, it’s time to bring these technologies together to create web forms that are as user-friendly as possible.

We’ll be using PHP to create the forms and JavaScript to perform client-side validation to ensure that the data is as complete and correct as it can be before it is submitted. Final validation of the input will then be made by PHP, which will, if necessary, present the form again to the user for further modification.

In the process, this chapter will cover validation and regular expressions in both JavaScript and PHP.

Validating User Input with JavaScript

JavaScript validation should be considered an assistance more to your users than to your websites because, as I have already stressed many times, you cannot trust any data submitted to your server, even if it has supposedly been validated with JavaScript. This is because hackers can quite easily simulate your web forms and submit any data of their choosing.

Another reason you cannot rely on JavaScript to perform all your input validation is that some users disable JavaScript, or use browsers that don’t support it.

So the best types of validation to do in JavaScript are checking that fields have content if they are not to be left empty, ensuring that email addresses conform to the proper format, and ensuring that values entered are within expected bounds.

The validate.html Document (Part 1)

Let’s begin with a general sign-up form, common on most sites that offer memberships or registered users. The inputs requested will be forename, surname, username, password, age, and email address. Example 16-1 provides a good template for such a form.

Example 16-1. A form with JavaScript validation (part 1)
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>An Example Form</title>
      .signup {
        border:1px solid #999999;
        font:  normal 14px helvetica;
        color: #444444;
      function validate(form)
        fail  = validateForename(form.forename.value)
        fail += validateSurname(form.surname.value)
        fail += validateUsername(form.username.value)
        fail += validatePassword(form.password.value)
        fail += validateAge(form.age.value)
        fail += validateEmail(

        if   (fail == "")   return true
        else { alert(fail); return false }
    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
      <th colspan="2" align="center">Signup Form</th>
      <form method="post" action="adduser.php" onsubmit="return validate(this)">
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="32" name="forename"></td></tr>
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="32" name="surname"></td></tr>
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="16" name="username"></td></tr>
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="12" name="password"></td></tr>
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="3"  name="age"></td></tr>
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="64" name="email"></td></tr>
        <tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit"

As it stands, this form will display correctly but will not self-validate, because the main validation functions have not yet been added. Even so, save it as validate.html, and when you call it up in your browser, it will look like Figure 16-1.

The output from Example 16-1
Figure 16-1. The output from Example 16-1

Let’s look at how this document is made up. The first few lines set up the document and use a little CSS to make the form look a little less plain. The parts of the document related to JavaScript come next and are shown in bold.

Between the <script> and </script> tags lies a single function called validate that itself calls up  six other functions to validate each of the form’s input fields. We’ll get to these functions shortly. For now I’ll just explain that they return either an empty string if a field validates, or an error message if it fails. If there are any errors, the final line of the script pops up an alert box to display them.

Upon passing validation, the validate function returns a value of true; otherwise, it returns false. The return values from validate are important, because if it returns false, the form is prevented from being submitted. This allows the user to close the alert pop up and make changes. If true is returned, no errors were encountered in the form’s fields and so the form is allowed to be submitted.

The second part of this example features the HTML for the form with each field and its name placed within its own row of a table. This is pretty straightforward HTML, with the exception of the onSubmit="return validate(this)" statement within the opening <form> tag. Using onSubmit, you can cause a function of your choice to be called when a form is submitted. That function can perform some checking and return a value of either true or false to signify whether the form should be allowed to be submitted.

The this parameter is the current object (i.e., this form) and is passed to the validate function just discussed. The validate function receives this parameter as the object form.

As you can see, the only JavaScript used within the form’s HTML is the call to return buried in the onSubmit attribute. Browsers with JavaScript disabled or not available will simply ignore the onSubmit attribute, and the HTML will display just fine.

The validate.html Document (Part 2)

Now we come to Example 16-2, a set of six functions that do the actual form-field validation. I suggest that you type all of this second part and save it in the <script>...</script> section of Example 16-1, which you should already have saved as validate.html.

Example 16-2. A form with JavaScript validation (part 2)
function validateForename(field)
  return (field == "") ? "No Forename was entered.\n" : ""

function validateSurname(field)
  return (field == "") ? "No Surname was entered.\n" : ""

function validateUsername(field)
  if (field == "") return "No Username was entered.\n"
  else if (field.length < 5)
    return "Usernames must be at least 5 characters.\n"
  else if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/.test(field))
    return "Only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _ allowed in Usernames.\n"
  return ""

function validatePassword(field)
  if (field == "") return "No Password was entered.\n"
  else if (field.length < 6)
    return "Passwords must be at least 6 characters.\n"
  else if (!/[a-z]/.test(field) || ! /[A-Z]/.test(field) ||
    return "Passwords require one each of a-z, A-Z and 0-9.\n"
  return ""

function validateAge(field)
  if (isNaN(field)) return "No Age was entered.\n"
  else if (field < 18 || field > 110)
    return "Age must be between 18 and 110.\n"
  return ""

function validateEmail(field)
  if (field == "") return "No Email was entered.\n"
    else if (!((field.indexOf(".") > 0) &&
               (field.indexOf("@") > 0)) ||
      return "The Email address is invalid.\n"
  return ""

We’ll go through each of these functions in turn, starting with validateForename, so you can see how validation works.

Validating the forename

validateForename is quite a short function that accepts the parameter field, which is the value of the forename passed to it by the validate function.

If this value is the empty string, an error message is returned; otherwise, an empty string is returned to signify that no error was encountered.

If the user entered spaces in this field, it would be accepted by validateForename, even though it’s empty for all intents and purposes. You can fix this by adding an extra statement to trim whitespace from the field before checking whether it’s empty, use a regular expression to make sure there’s something besides whitespace in the field, or—as I do here—just let the user make the mistake and allow the PHP program to catch it on the server.

Validating the surname

The validateSurname function is almost identical to validateForename in that an error is returned only if the surname supplied was an empty string. I chose not to limit the characters allowed in either of the name fields to allow for possibilities such as non-English and accented characters.

Using a separate JavaScript file

Of course, because they are generic in construction and could apply to many types of validations you might require, these six functions make ideal candidates for moving out into a separate JavaScript file. You could name the file something like validate_functions.js and include it right after the initial script section in Example 16-1, using the following statement:

<script src="validate_functions.js"></script>

Regular Expressions

Let’s look a little more closely at the pattern matching we have been doing. We’ve achieved it using regular expressions, which are supported by both JavaScript and PHP. They make it possible to construct the most powerful of pattern-matching algorithms within a single expression.

Fuzzy Character Matching

The dot (.) is particularly useful, because it can match anything except a newline. Suppose that you are looking for HTML tags, which start with < and end with >. A simple way to do so is shown here:


The dot matches any character, and the * expands it to match zero or more characters, so this is saying, “Match anything that lies between < and >, even if there’s nothing.” You will match <>, <em>, <br>, and so on. But if you don’t want to match the empty case, <>, you should use + instead of *, like this:


The plus sign expands the dot to match one or more characters, saying, “Match anything that lies between < and > as long as there’s at least one character between them.” You will match <em> and </em>, <h1> and </h1>, and tags with attributes, such as this:

<a href="">

Unfortunately, the plus sign keeps on matching up to the last > on the line, so you might end up with this:


A lot more than one tag! I’ll show a better solution later in this section.


If you use the dot on its own between the angle brackets, without following it with either a + or *, then it matches a single character; you will match <b> and <i> but not <em> or <textarea>.

If you want to match the dot character itself (.), you have to escape it by placing a backslash (\) before it, because otherwise it’s a metacharacter and matches anything. As an example, suppose you want to match the floating-point number 5.0. The regular expression is as follows:


The backslash can escape any metacharacter, including another backslash (in case you’re trying to match a backslash in text). However, to make things a bit confusing, you’ll see later how backslashes sometimes give the following character a special meaning.

We just matched a floating-point number. But perhaps you want to match 5. as well as 5.0, because both mean the same thing as a floating-point number. You also want to match 5.00, 5.000, and so forth—any number of zeros is allowed. You can do this by adding an asterisk, as you’ve seen:


Some More-Complicated Examples

With an understanding of character classes and negation,  you’re ready now to see a better solution to the problem of matching an HTML tag. This solution avoids going past the end of a single tag, but still matches tags such as <em> and </em> as well as tags with attributes such as this:

<a href="">

Here is one solution:


That regular expression may look like I just dropped my teacup on the keyboard, but it is perfectly valid and very useful. Let’s break it apart. Figure 16-3 shows the various elements, which I’ll describe one by one.

Breakdown of a typical regular expression
Figure 16-3. Breakdown of a typical regular expression

The elements are as follows:

Opening slash that indicates this is a regular expression.
Opening bracket of an HTML tag. This is matched exactly; it is not a metacharacter.
Character class. The embedded ^> means “match anything except a closing angle bracket.”
Allows any number of characters to match the previous [^>], as long as there is at least one of them.
Closing bracket of an HTML tag. This is matched exactly.
Closing slash that indicates the end of the regular expression.

We are going to look now at one of the expressions from Example 16-1, where the validateUsername function is used:


Figure 16-4 shows the various elements.

Breakdown of the validateUsername regular expression
Figure 16-4. Breakdown of the validateUsername regular expression

Let’s look at these elements in detail:

Opening slash that indicates this is a regular expression.
Opening bracket that starts a character class.
Negation character: inverts everything else between the brackets.
Represents any lowercase letter.
Represents any uppercase letter.
Represents any digit.
An underscore.
A dash.
Closing bracket that ends a character class.
Closing slash that indicates the end of the regular expression.

There are two other important metacharacters. They “anchor” a regular expression by requiring that it appear in a particular place. If a caret (^) appears at the beginning of the regular expression, the expression has to appear at the beginning of a line of text; otherwise, it doesn’t match. Similarly, if a dollar sign ($) appears at the end of the regular expression, the expression has to appear at the end of a line of text.


It may be somewhat confusing that ^ can mean “negate the character class” inside square brackets and “match the beginning of the line” if it’s at the beginning of the regular expression. Unfortunately, the same character is used for two different things, so take care when using it.

We’ll finish our exploration of regular expression basics by answering a question raised earlier: suppose you want to make sure there is nothing extra on a line besides the regular expression? What if you want a line that has “Le Guin” and nothing else? We can do that by amending the earlier regular expression to anchor the two ends:

/^Le *Guin$/

Summary of Metacharacters

Table 16-1 shows the metacharacters available in regular expressions.

Table 16-1. Regular expression metacharacters
Metacharacters Description
/ Begins and ends the regular expression
. Matches any single character except the newline
element* Matches element zero or more times
element+ Matches element one or more times
element? Matches element zero or one times
[characters] Matches a character out of those contained within the brackets
[^characters] Matches a single character that is not contained within the brackets
(regex) Treats the regex as a group for counting or a following *, +, or ?
left|right Matches either left or right
[l-r] Matches a range of characters between l and r
^ Requires match to be at the string’s start
$ Requires match to be at the string’s end
\b Matches a word boundary
\B Matches where there is not a word boundary
\d Matches a single digit
\D Matches a single nondigit
\n Matches a newline character
\s Matches a whitespace character
\S Matches a nonwhitespace character
\t Matches a tab character
\w Matches a word character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _)
\W Matches a nonword character (anything but a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _)
\x x (useful if x is a metacharacter, but you really want x)
{n} Matches exactly n times
{n,} Matches n times or more
{min,max} Matches at least min and at most max times

Provided with this  table, and looking again at the expression /[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/, you can see that it could easily be shortened to /[^\w]/ because the single metacharacter \w (with a lowercase w) specifies the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _.

In fact, we can be cleverer than that, because the metacharacter \W (with an uppercase W) specifies all characters except for a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _. Therefore, we could also drop the ^ metacharacter and simply use /[\W]/ for the expression.

To give you more ideas of how this all works, Table 16-2 shows a range of expressions and the patterns they match.

Table 16-2. Some example regular expressions
Example Matches
r The first r in The quick brown
rec[ei][ei]ve Either of receive or recieve (but also receeve or reciive)
rec[ei]{2}ve Either of receive or recieve (but also receeve or reciive)
rec(ei|ie)ve Either of receive or recieve (but not receeve or reciive)
cat The word cat in I like cats and dogs
cat|dog Either of the words cat or dog in I like cats and dogs
\. . (the \ is necessary because . is a metacharacter)
5\.0* 5., 5.0, 5.00, 5.000, etc.
[a-f] Any of the characters a, b, c, d, e or f
cats$ Only the final cats in My cats are friendly cats
^my Only the first my in my cats are my pets
\d{2,3} Any two- or three-digit number (00 through 999)
7(,000)+ 7,000; 7,000,000; 7,000,000,000; 7,000,000,000,000; etc.
[\w]+ Any word of one or more characters
[\w]{5} Any five-letter word

Using Regular Expressions in PHP

The most common regular expression functions that you are likely to use in PHP are preg_match, preg_match_all, and preg_replace.

To test whether the word cats appears anywhere within a string, in any combination of upper- and lowercase, you could use preg_match like this:

$n = preg_match("/cats/i", "Cats are crazy. I like cats.");

Because PHP uses 1 for TRUE and 0 for FALSE, the preceding statement sets $n to 1. The first argument is the regular expression, and the second is the text to match. But preg_match is actually a good deal more powerful and complicated, because it takes a third argument that shows what text matched:

$n = preg_match("/cats/i", "Cats are curious. I like cats.", $match);
echo "$n Matches: $match[0]";

The third argument is an array (here, given the name $match). The function puts the text that matches into the first element, so if the match is successful, you can find the text that matched in $match[0]. In this example, the output lets us know that the matched text was capitalized:

1 Matches: Cats

If you wish to locate all matches, you use the preg_match_all function, like this:

$n = preg_match_all("/cats/i", "Cats are strange. I like cats.", $match);
echo "$n Matches: ";
for ($j=0 ; $j < $n ; ++$j) echo $match[0][$j]." ";

As before, $match is passed to the function and the element $match[0] is assigned the matches made, but this time as a subarray. To display the subarray, this example iterates through it with a for loop.

When you want to replace part of a string, you can use preg_replace as shown here. This example replaces all occurrences of the word cats with the word dogs, regardless of case:

echo preg_replace("/cats/i", "dogs", "Cats are furry. I like cats.");

Redisplaying a Form After PHP Validation

OK, back to form validation. So far we’ve created the HTML document validate.html, which will post through to the PHP program adduser.php, but only if JavaScript validates the fields or if JavaScript is disabled or unavailable.

So now it’s time to create adduser.php to receive the posted form, perform its own validation, and then present the form again to the visitor if the validation fails. Example 16-3 contains the code that you should type and save (or download from the companion website).

Example 16-3. The adduser.php program
<?php // adduser.php

  // The PHP code

  $forename = $surname = $username = $password = $age = $email = "";

  if (isset($_POST['forename']))
    $forename = fix_string($_POST['forename']);
  if (isset($_POST['surname']))
    $surname  = fix_string($_POST['surname']);
  if (isset($_POST['username']))
    $username = fix_string($_POST['username']);
  if (isset($_POST['password']))
    $password = fix_string($_POST['password']);
  if (isset($_POST['age']))
    $age      = fix_string($_POST['age']);
  if (isset($_POST['email']))
    $email    = fix_string($_POST['email']);

  $fail  = validate_forename($forename);
  $fail .= validate_surname($surname);
  $fail .= validate_username($username);
  $fail .= validate_password($password);
  $fail .= validate_age($age);
  $fail .= validate_email($email);

  echo "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html><head><title>An Example Form</title>";

  if ($fail == "")
    echo "</head><body>Form data successfully validated:
      $forename, $surname, $username, $password, $age, $email.</body></html>";

    // This is where you would enter the posted fields into a database,
    // preferably using hash encryption for the password.


  echo <<<_END

    <!-- The HTML/JavaScript section -->

      .signup {
        border: 1px solid #999999;
      font:   normal 14px helvetica; color:#444444;

      function validate(form)
        fail  = validateForename(form.forename.value)
        fail += validateSurname(form.surname.value)
        fail += validateUsername(form.username.value)
        fail += validatePassword(form.password.value)
        fail += validateAge(form.age.value)
        fail += validateEmail(

        if (fail == "")     return true
        else { alert(fail); return false }

      function validateForename(field)
        return (field == "") ? "No Forename was entered.\n" : ""

      function validateSurname(field)
        return (field == "") ? "No Surname was entered.\n" : ""

      function validateUsername(field)
        if (field == "") return "No Username was entered.\n"
        else if (field.length < 5)
          return "Usernames must be at least 5 characters.\n"
        else if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/.test(field))
          return "Only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _ allowed in Usernames.\n"
        return ""

      function validatePassword(field)
        if (field == "") return "No Password was entered.\n"
        else if (field.length < 6)
          return "Passwords must be at least 6 characters.\n"
        else if (!/[a-z]/.test(field) || ! /[A-Z]/.test(field) ||
          return "Passwords require one each of a-z, A-Z and 0-9.\n"
        return ""

      function validateAge(field)
        if (isNaN(field)) return "No Age was entered.\n"
        else if (field < 18 || field > 110)
          return "Age must be between 18 and 110.\n"
        return ""

      function validateEmail(field)
        if (field == "") return "No Email was entered.\n"
          else if (!((field.indexOf(".") > 0) &&
                     (field.indexOf("@") > 0)) ||
            return "The Email address is invalid.\n"
        return ""

    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="5" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
      <th colspan="2" align="center">Signup Form</th>

        <tr><td colspan="2">Sorry, the following errors were found<br>
          in your form: <p><font color=red size=1><i>$fail</i></font></p>

      <form method="post" action="adduser.php" onSubmit="return validate(this)">
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="32" name="forename" value="$forename">
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="32" name="surname"  value="$surname">
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="16" name="username" value="$username">
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="12" name="password" value="$password">
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="3"  name="age"      value="$age">
          <td><input type="text" maxlength="64" name="email"    value="$email">
        </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit"


  // The PHP functions

  function validate_forename($field)
    return ($field == "") ? "No Forename was entered<br>": "";

  function validate_surname($field)
    return($field == "") ? "No Surname was entered<br>" : "";

  function validate_username($field)
    if ($field == "") return "No Username was entered<br>";
    else if (strlen($field) < 5)
      return "Usernames must be at least 5 characters<br>";
    else if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/", $field))
      return "Only letters, numbers, - and _ in usernames<br>";
    return "";

  function validate_password($field)
    if ($field == "") return "No Password was entered<br>";
    else if (strlen($field) < 6)
      return "Passwords must be at least 6 characters<br>";
    else if (!preg_match("/[a-z]/", $field) ||
             !preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $field) ||
             !preg_match("/[0-9]/", $field))
      return "Passwords require 1 each of a-z, A-Z and 0-9<br>";
    return "";

  function validate_age($field)
    if ($field == "") return "No Age was entered<br>";
    else if ($field < 18 || $field > 110)
      return "Age must be between 18 and 110<br>";
    return "";

  function validate_email($field)
    if ($field == "") return "No Email was entered<br>";
      else if (!((strpos($field, ".") > 0) &&
                 (strpos($field, "@") > 0)) ||
                  preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.@_-]/", $field))
        return "The Email address is invalid<br>";
    return "";

  function fix_string($string)
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $string = stripslashes($string);
    return htmlentities ($string);

In this example, all input is sanitized prior to use, even passwords, which—since they may contain characters used to format HTML—will be changed into HTML entities. For example, & will become &amp; and < will become &lt;, and so on. If you will be using a hash function to store encrypted passwords, this will not be an issue as long as when you later check the password entered, it is sanitized in the same way, so that the same inputs will be compared.

The result of submitting the form with JavaScript disabled (and two fields incorrectly completed) is shown in Figure 16-5.

The form as represented after PHP validation fails
Figure 16-5. The form as represented after PHP validation fails

I have put the PHP section of this code (and changes to the HTML section) in a bold typeface so that you can more clearly see the difference between this and Example 16-1 and Example 16-2.

If you browsed through this example (or typed it or downloaded it from the website), you’ll have seen that the PHP code is almost a clone of the JavaScript code; the same regular expressions are used to validate each field in very similar functions.

But there are a couple of things to note. First, the fix_string function (right at the end) is used to sanitize each field and prevent any attempts at code injection from succeeding.

Also, you will see that the HTML from Example 16-1 has been repeated in the PHP code within a <<<_END..._END; structure, displaying the form with the values that the visitor entered the previous time. You do this by simply adding an extra value parameter to each <input> tag (such as value="$forename"). This courtesy is highly recommended so that the user has to edit only the previously entered values, and doesn’t have to type the fields all over again.


In the real world, you probably wouldn’t start with an HTML form such as the one in Example 16-1. Instead, you’d be more likely to go straight ahead and write the PHP program in Example 16-3, which incorporates all the HTML. And, of course, you’d also need to make a minor tweak for the case when it’s the first time the program is called up, to prevent it from displaying errors when all the fields are empty. You also might drop the six JavaScript functions into their own .js file for separate inclusion.

Now that you’ve seen how to bring all of PHP, HTML, and JavaScript together, the next chapter will introduce Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), which uses JavaScript calls to the server in the background to seamlessly update portions of a web page, without having to resubmit the entire page to the web server.


  1. What JavaScript method can you use to send a form for validation prior to submitting it?
  2. What JavaScript method is used to match a string against a regular expression?
  3. Write a regular expression to match any characters that are not in a word, as defined by regular expression syntax.
  4. Write a regular expression to match either of the words fox or fix.
  5. Write a regular expression to match any single word followed by any nonword character.
  6. Using regular expressions, write a JavaScript function to test whether the word fox exists in the string The quick brown fox.
  7. Using regular expressions, write a PHP function to replace all occurrences of the word the in The cow jumps over the moon with the word my.
  8. What HTML attribute is used to precomplete form fields with a value?

See Chapter 16 Answers in Appendix A for the answers to these questions.