

Aquarius (1/20–2/18)

Archetypes: Inventor, Activist, Trend Setter, Rebel

Key Focus: Freedom and Independent Spirit

Element: Air

Planetary Ruler: Uranus

Cosmic Mirror Planet: Sun

Welcome to your Aquarius sign chapter. Your Aquarius gaze at the future discovers intuitive sparks when you interact with the planetary meridians. You stay mentally alert and ready to embark on new adventures when following your intuitive guidance. A spirit of feeling reinvented and filled with replenished energy can be your reality.

Intuition moves with great speed through your sign. This resembles the way your mind looks to the days ahead because it fills you with anticipation for new excitement to come into your life. When you partner with the planetary meridians, you find greater stimulation in your relationships, work, and serious plans.

Your Aquarius Dashboard Meridian Summary

Remember that the meridians are your doorways to self-discovery. You always have freedom of choice to tune in to whichever one is needed or more than one at a time. The universe is always ready to respond to your intuitive power.

Your Aquarian Sun meridian moves quickly with you to put those stimulating goals into creative action. The Moon meridian is your emotional vehicle to make your feelings known and to create a stable home environment. The Mercury meridian works with you to keep you learning new skills and stay mentally alert. The Venus meridian points you toward the right people to find harmony with and to seek inner peace. The Mars meridian challenges you to come out of the world of ideas and courageously show your talents. The Jupiter meridian activates your thirst for knowledge and encourages you to stay open to new ideas. The Saturn meridian focuses your mind to commit to your most sincere ambitions and relationships. The Uranus meridian excites your perceptions of the future and adds inventive thinking. The Neptune meridian strengthens your faith in your ideals and belief in your intuition. The Pluto meridian empowers your identity and encourages you to act with passion.

This begins your tour through the meridians. They are each unique in their own way. Your intuition is eager to dance with each one. Make them your friends and you will never feel alone.

Creative Expression:
Sun Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

The creative vitality of the Sun moves through your birth sign, Aquarius, with a curious interest about the future. It is not that you can’t live in the present or have no concerns about the past. The future excites your mind into an energized enthusiasm. Anticipation of finding new, stimulating experiences keeps you an engaged player in the game of life.

The Sun sign of Aquarius solarizes you with a ferocious intellect. Being an air sign, you don’t always like to get too emotional, as it may get in the way of your thought processes. Your intuition and mind sometimes wonder if life can keep up with the fast pace you prefer. There are times when you enjoy slowing down to catch your breath. It is your way of reclaiming your energy.

Some people likely perceive you to be stubbornly determined to have things on your own terms, but you see this as simply knowing what you want. Once you head down a path to pursue a goal, it is not so easy to get you to change direction.

Freedom is your lifeline. Without it you feel lost. Lovers, friends, and family must accept this part of your identity. You get along better with individuals who honor your need for personal autonomy. You are apt to have a wide circle of friends. Getting input from various types of people makes life interesting. You value friendships. People you trust are your favorite companions.

You have an inventive mind. A job has to offer a challenge to your intellect or you soon outgrow it. Patience may be needed to ensure that you don’t grow too restless. You are happier when there is hope of finding a more challenging career. Starting your own business is exciting. In a work environment, you require the freedom to be your own person. Intuitively tuning in to new trends helps you learn skills that are highly marketable and profitable.

Shadow: Challenges

How would you know if you are not making a positive intuitive connection with this meridian? Your emotions feel locked away. This prevents your creative power from expressing at optimum intensity. You lack the self-confidence associated with this meridian.

You are too fixed in your opinions. A cold logic is too dominant. The Aquarius love of freedom is not being shared with others. Rather than engaging in an equal exchange of ideas, you are too attached to your own way of thinking.

Letting someone else make too many of your important decisions interferes with your personal growth. Without your own unique goals, you are lost. Your sense of direction is going in reverse. A lack of assertiveness confuses your identity.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Sun meridian replenishes your mental energy as fast as you use it. It is that quick. Your intuition loves coming here because this terrain raises your whole being to very confident levels. Promoting yourself and those you love happens powerfully. Your pride in self and others intensifies. Even your immune system benefits from the heartfelt atmosphere found in this meridian.

Falling in love with a compatible person is stimulated in this landscape. Your intuitive professional instincts get pushed forward with great enthusiasm. Following your heart when it is merged with your goals gives birth to an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. When you don’t doubt your ability, the Sun meridian guides you to the harmony and abundance waiting right around the corner.

The Sun rules Leo, the opposite sign of Aquarius. You have the distinction of being the only sign to have the Sun acting as your cosmic mirror, or mirroring agent, for your sign. What does this indicate? Whereas Aquarius lives very much on the intellectual level, the Sun inspires you to take action on your ideas. Aquarius is busy seeking objectivity, while the Sun instills dramatic feelings. These opposing forces strive to work in unison to show your intuition how to take you along the paths that will deliver the happiness and success you desire.

Creating a Home and Expressing Feelings:
Moon Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

The Moon works as a close ally with your mentally adept Aquarius Sun sign, weaving in a feeling-oriented energy. At first glance there seems to be an apparent conflict in the natural rhythms of the emotional Moon and detached Aquarius. With practice and patience, you see that the two quickly make friends, allowing your lunar intuition equal time with your immediate impulse to trust your conscious awareness first. This back and forth arrangement comes in handy in situations where you need to communicate emotions and in circumstances where you need to stay on top of your strictly mental fortitude.

You thrive living in a community that allows you to interact with a wide variety of minds. People fascinate you, whether you have one close friend or several. It is in figuring out what gets someone to think the way they do that interests you. The Moon meridian lets you tune in to the inner world of someone. Your geographical location must be progressive and innovative. Your restless mind needs this in a big way.

People who understand your need for closeness and distance win your friendship. You are somewhat complicated in that you learn to appreciate someone caring about you, but then again, you like time apart so you can miss them. You attract individuals who are fond of such an arrangement. Your freedom drive is strong. You feel secure in knowing you have the right to say what is on your mind.

You don’t always have to be upfront about your feelings, but allowing your romantic partner to hear some emotion as well as your intellect maintains clearer communication. When you are in touch with your inner landscape, this magical lunar world serves you well.

Shadow: Challenges

If you are not flowing with this meridian, there will be signals telling you this, one being that you refuse to express feelings. How will this impact you? It distances you greatly from someone you want to have as an intimate partner. Your intuition is not as powerful either. There is a block in your psyche when you hide from your emotions. Aloofness reigns.

Dependency needs get out of balance. You are either depending too much on someone else or letting people lean too heavily on you. The boundary lines are blurred. You lose your sense of direction, and personal goals grow foggy. You are looking at life through someone else’s eyes too much rather than manifesting that Aquarian need to be an individual.

You might live too much for the future and forget about the present. Acting irresponsibly won’t win admiration. Your restlessness for excitement is out of control. You are rebelling without a clear plan. This behavior causes stress in your relationships. Your commitment to a professional life is on shaky ground if you are not focused.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Moon meridian supports your intuitive grasp on establishing a sense of security. You are able to attract the right people into your life who share your need for a stable private life. Closeness is easier to accept, even for an Aquarian like yourself, when you embrace the Moon’s gentle guidance. You don’t really like to act vulnerable. You have a fierce independent spirit. Letting a special someone into your inner world makes being with a soul mate possible.

Your home needs to feel safe from the outside world. It probably needs to be filled with new technologies and the people you enjoy. Your residence must be a castle, enabling you to be the true individual you came into the world to be. Your intuition flows more freely and harmoniously when your emotions are calm.

Mustering up the courage to pursue your most emotionally intense goals is often the catalyst to bring about an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. It isn’t what comes easy that brings about the most powerful intuitive qualities hidden in the labyrinths of this meridian. Rather, it is reaching deep within yourself to tap into those inspiring symbols that get you to rise above caution and fear to put those magnificent Aquarian insights into practice.

Mental Insights:
Mercury Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

Your intuition gets a spark of excitement in this meridian without really having to think about it. It is an automatic response to the energy in this lively information-packed meridian. The ruler of your Aquarius Sun sign is Uranus. This planet has been referred to as the “higher octave” of Mercury, and therefore these two planets and your Sun sign have an affinity for one another. You are never at a loss for words when you link to the quick-thinking influence of Mercury. Your communication skills can impress others. It is that refreshing, unique perspective you give to a situation that people like. Your insight, when offered generously to your closest friends, is looked upon favorably. Individuals who do not fear to speak their minds win your admiration and often your loyalty.

You get bored easily, so learning patience comes in handy when you need to tough out a job or project. It helps if you know that your actions will actually lead to a rewarding result. Having more than one major life purpose keeps you motivated. It may be that you need a career and a passionate hobby.

Your favorite partners in life are not bothered by your frank opinions. You have a generous side if someone acts like they respect your intelligence. You accept different points of view as long as someone does not demand that you stay silent about your own. It is equality that you value and, right behind that, tolerance.

You stay fairly organized even if to an outside observer your life looks like chaos. There is an intuitive internalized sense of order not far from your awareness. You can get moving fast toward finishing a project. The closer you get to a deadline, the more focused you get.

Staying true to your most heartfelt goals keeps you the happiest. This is how you maintain a sense of direction. Moving toward the future with a positive attitude is your barometer to let you know your intuition is on target.

Shadow: Challenges

How would you know if your intuition is not working in harmony with this meridian? Your mind is racing out of control. You can’t slow down. Your nervous system is letting you know you have lost your center. Frantic actions result from not being able to get focused. Refusing to take a break from what is worrying you keeps you in this cycle.

You can be too critical of others. Perfection expectations may be beyond reason. That detail mechanism offered strongly by this meridian has to be used carefully. If you put others or even yourself under a microscope, you become too preoccupied with what you observe to be wrong. Forgetting to get back to positive thinking gets you into trouble.

Doubting your goals before they have had a fair chance to take off causes you to give up too soon. You dig up the seeds before they get an opportunity to grow. Patience and follow-through are missing.

Communication disconnects result with people if you get too headstrong. That open exchange of ideas is not in the picture. This causes arguments and misunderstanding in your key relationships.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Mercury meridian is your gateway to keeping your perceptions sharp. Your inventive ideas get energized here. A sudden move into a new field of study is possible. Your ability to adapt to change is easier when your intuition taps into this terrain. If you like the path you are on and want to maintain it, Mercury lets you see easier ways to operate.

Changing your usual routines occasionally alters the normal way your mind thinks just enough to ignite an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. This shift in your usual schedule could be just the thing to let you see the same situations in a new light. Your creative power increases when you allow for new experiences to occur.

Communication flows more smoothly with others when you listen as much as you speak. Mutual respect for one another’s ideas ensures that your important relationships stay in harmony. Thinking positive thoughts attracts the good fortune you hope to achieve.

Relationship Tendencies:
Venus Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

This is the meridian that helps your intuition keep up with all of your people connections. Venus is the social-planner planet. If you are not the type of Aquarius who enjoys mingling with others, this planet still comes in handy in handling your negotiation strategies. Whether it is in playful activities with others or dealing with more serious business associates, Venus is there to be utilized.

There will be those accusing you of being too aloof. You probably see this as being cool and logical. Venus guides you to be more personable and affectionate. That side of you that is mentally detached as an Aquarian gets mixed with showing greater emotion. This does allow your intimate partner and friends to know you value them.

Tuning in to this meridian helps maintain balance in your relationships. Knowing you are being treated as an equal by someone is what gets you to trust them. You appreciate teamwork. It means a lot to you if a partner or friend supports your goals.

You like a job where you have room to operate freely. Working independently suits you. Your ideas can be out in front of an organization or culture. Intuitively, you learn patience in order to fit into a company and to best serve the needs of others.

People with innovative ideas stimulate your own inventiveness. Your friends are likely from diverse backgrounds. You have the capacity to relate to a wide variety of people. Your romantic relationships often begin in a surprising way. It is the sudden meeting of a soul mate that changes the direction of your life unexpectedly. You are attracted to a lover with a shared spirit in welcoming the future.

Shadow: Challenges

How might the Venus meridian and your intuition not be on the same wavelength? One way is being in a relationship where you are not being treated as an equal. Your goals flatline. Your self-esteem bottoms out if you remain in such an arrangement.

If you become too unpredictable, a lover, friend, or supervisor will get frustrated. A lack of consistency in your actions makes cooperation with you a challenge. People are looking for reliability so they know what to expect. Being an individualist is fine, as that is being true to your Aquarian tendencies. It is erratic behavior that is the problem. A lack of shared goals with a romantic partner eventually pulls you apart.

Working against rest and inner peace is another potential manifestation of not being in the flow with this meridian. As an Aquarian, your mind can race toward one goal after another, making it hard for your body to get any breaks in the action. Nervous anxiety exhausts you. Resisting a need to get centered is taking a wrong turn in this peaceful meridian.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Venus meridian is an island in the midst of everyday living where you find your balance. Your values are strengthened by the energy in this landscape so they will better integrate into your hopes for a successful future. This is a nourishing oasis available to massage your feelings of self-worth. Your intuition attaches itself to your career plans, attempting to signal to you the right moves to make to obtain the best results for your talents.

The unique people you encounter are the catalysts for an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. Your life is enriched through the insights swapped in these valuable relationships. You are meant to be a free-spirited Aquarian mind calling most of your own shots. Sharing your resources with a trusted partner fills you with a treasure chest of love and emotional support that even an Aquarian will learn to appreciate. You attract the abundance and good fortune you desire by being true to your highest beliefs.

Initiating Action:
Mars Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

If you are looking to get your energy motivated in a hurry, then this is the right meridian to put to work for you. Your intuition knows the way here when trying to guide you to take brave action. The aura of this place is colored with boldness. If you don’t believe it, just dare Mars to give it a try. Before you know it, you are well on your way toward getting deep into a project that perhaps once intimidated you with its magnitude. Fear has no relevance in the Mars world other than to scare you into acting with courage.

Your Aquarius Sun sign is fast-paced mentally, so making friends with this swiftly moving meridian is not so foreign to your thinking. You might be cast into a leadership spotlight suddenly in a role you have never played before. Your instinct to show others how to move ahead assertively comes spontaneously when you trust Mars to lead the way. You can wonder later how you pulled this off.

Aquarius is an air sign, which means you live a lot in your head. A key Mars theme is expressing anger. It may make you nervous to get into a heated argument, although expressing your feelings dramatically, even if it gets messy, could be in your best interest in that this does clear the air. Clearer and calmer communication then follows and you feel better getting strong feelings off your chest and out in the open.

Learning patience does keep you from having to repeat the same actions over and over again. Your timing of major decisions will yield more productive results when you take the time to look at the details carefully. People will like you more if you don’t rush them into making fast choices and respect their need to reflect first and act later.

You tend to concentrate better in jobs that hold your attention and show a promise for growth. Being employed in progressive work environments keeps you loyal and with greater passion to be creative. You get bored easily, so you need to feel challenged in your work life.

Shadow: Challenges

What happens if your intuition is not making a clear connection with this meridian? You will find that you can’t get yourself to take the steps needed to get a goal started. It could be you are fearful of the size of the project or doubt your ability to get the job done. Another possibility is staying on the intellectual level and not getting your feet moving. In other words, you are visualizing what you want to do accurately but are procrastinating in getting started.

Impatience can be a haunting problem. This could be lacking patience with yourself or others. Failing to realize that it is better to pace yourself might end up in you not having the energy to follow through on your actions. Stopping and starting will frustrate you and aggravate the important people in your life.

Your identity gets confused if you allow someone to influence your decisions too much. The Aquarian need for originality and freedom becomes diluted. Trying to be what someone else says you should be causes mental confusion. Your future will become blurred.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Mars meridian is the fast track to put your goals into fast forward. If you need an energy wake-up call, this is the right place to visit. Bold actions are manufactured here in great supply. Your intuition will bring you here when courage needs to be summoned quickly. This is a spontaneous world not so unlike the Aquarian one you already know so well.

Expressing your most heartfelt feelings directly keeps your anger in check. There is a natural competitive drive in this meridian. If you need to put your best effort out there for the world to see, this terrain makes it happen. There is no need to worry about yesterday’s setbacks. The present and future are the proving grounds for your courage. Your intuition knows the world is a stage to showcase your ability. Your mind catches on quickly if you take a well-timed leap of faith. An evolutionary intuitive synchronicity will appear suddenly as though it was there all the time. A brave new insight will be the gift if you don’t doubt the path your intuition is taking you on.

Expanding Knowledge:
Jupiter Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

Your intuition considers this meridian a home away from home. Why? Because both your Sun sign Aquarius and the planet Jupiter have an avid interest in the future. Both of these influences in their own way act like they are already sitting in your future saying, “Just get here.” In Jupiter’s world, there is a restless urge to move forward no matter the obstacles. After all, the grass might be greener elsewhere—which, by the way, is a favorite Jupiter motto.

The desire to keep your brain stimulated gets an expansive lift from Jupiter. This might occur through travel to faraway places or by reading interesting books. The idea is to remain open to new sources of knowledge.

The Aquarius tendency to want things on your own terms learns how to adopt flexibility in this land of Jupiter. Taking a broad perspective allows you to be inclusive of differing opinions.

The educator and counselor in you is awakened when your intuition links with Jupiter. Sharing your understanding helps others find solutions to their problems. Selling ideas to promote a business concept or to land a job is part of the good luck that Jupiter delivers.

Optimism reigns in this meridian. Transforming negative thinking into productive creative power is something your intuition keeps telling you is possible. Good fortune and abundance are the rewards for letting go of negativity. Your belief in your ability opens doors for creative opportunities.

Shadow: Challenges

How might you be off-target with this meridian? One possibility is being too concerned about the future and neglecting obligations in the present. Having dreams is a good thing, but the restless energy in this meridian needs to be carefully channeled. Otherwise, your actions will be counterproductive to your hopes to accomplish goals.

Another potential theme is being too judgmental. A “my way is the only way” mentality does not win any friends. You will alienate the very people you hope to reach. The support you want for your own goals will disappear, making you a lone wolf. Tolerance for alternative views is not in the equation.

Mental curiosity is not a high priority. This runs against the natural rhythm of both Aquarius and especially Jupiter. The inventive gifts available to you from this meridian are turned off. This causes missed opportunities. You remain in a stagnant lifestyle. Your creative imagination is not as bright as it could be.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Jupiter meridian blends well with your freedom-oriented mind. Your inventive streak gets inspiration from a positive blast of upbeat energy that is constantly circulating throughout this lively meridian. Thoughts of future goals are never far from your intuitive gaze when entering this airspace.

Independent study could be the catalyst for launching an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. Or it might come when you break away from a confining situation. Suddenly you are filled with energizing insights. You find the stimulating growth hoped for in an adventure that opens your eyes to new possibilities. Travel to other locations takes your mind out of the everyday grind and endless routines. A change of scenery could be just the thing to show you the methodology to reinvent yourself. Don’t be afraid of change. It will sometimes startle you into an exciting new reality.

Career and Ambition:
Saturn Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

At first glance this would appear to be a meridian that conflicts with your powerful urge to spread your freedom wings wide. But with further investigation, you and this Saturn meridian have something in common. What might that be? Before Uranus (the modern ruler of your Sun sign Aquarius) was discovered in 1781, Saturn was assigned rulership. So you essentially have two planets co-ruling your Sun sign. You can consider Saturn a cousin. Saturn represents your instincts to preserve the past, and you will soon see that Uranus pushes you to break away from tradition. Saturn is the grounding force your intuition comes to greet when needing to stay determined. This is the terrain that provides plenty of perseverance. Saturn tries to convince you that hard work pays off. There may be a bit of delayed gratification, but eventually you will get your just rewards.

If you are an Aquarius who considers yourself a patient person, you can thank Saturn. You are a fast-thinking individualist, whether you are in the habit of displaying this or not. Saturn focuses those quick insights into pragmatic winners. Your business skills flourish from mixing your energy with the essence of this meridian. Career aspirations get disciplined and reality-tested here like in no other planetary meridian. Saturn manufactures ambition.

Past-life patterns can be integrated harmoniously in this incarnation. Perhaps you were such a free spirit in previous lives that you came here to take greater responsibility. Overcoming a fear of commitments is part of the challenge. Being supportive of those who need you brings these past tendencies into enlightenment. In some past lifetimes you may have been too timid in asserting your own goals. This is your chance to step up to the plate and make a strong statement about your own needs. Saturn is guiding your intuition to help you balance these old karmic patterns into a favorable expression.

Shadow: Challenges

Where could your intuition run off course in this meridian? One potential area is becoming rigidly attached to one way of doing things. It is next to impossible to talk you out of a decision even if someone is trying to warn you of the risk ahead of time. Inflexibility causes your internal sensor trying to guide you around an iceberg to become silent.

One failure could depress you for a long time if you dwell too much on what went wrong. An inability to move forward is due to a fear of failing again and forgetting what you know how to do well. Refocusing on an alternative route is blocked when your brainpower is frozen.

If you lose your self-reliance, this shows that a past-life pattern is occurring again. Your Aquarius ingenuity weakens. That forceful, empowering drive to express your creative talent is in low gear and comes to a grinding halt. Allowing others to be too dominant in making your decisions confuses your identity. Your Aquarius sense of direction is lost in trying too hard to please people. This is not you at your best. Another past-life theme of recklessly taking chances with little forethought will cost you time and money and could even show you losing key people in your life.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Saturn meridian gives logic to your ideas. You can be as spontaneous as needed in your Aquarius personal style. Your intuition links to Saturn to make sure your decision making has a solid foundation. After all, this is a meridian built with walls of stable thinking behind them.

Saturn guides you to believe in your leadership skills. Managing a business , department, or family is aided by this ancient god of taking control of a situation. This is the ultimate planning planet that combines beautifully with your goal-minded thought processes. The strategic talent furnished by this meridian serves to help you negotiate for what is in your best interest.

An evolutionary intuitive synchronicity bursts into your life when you let go of a fear of change. Occasionally, in losing control, it allows you to experience a transforming energy that permeates your consciousness. Your perceptions are stimulated to perceive a new reality, one that rises above negativity into a horizon filled with abundant opportunities for success.

Future Goals and Inventiveness:
Uranus Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

Your intuition visits this meridian frequently, the reason being that Uranus is the ruler of your Aquarius Sun sign. This gives you easy access to the brilliant insights offered by this inventive meridian. You can reinvent your identity when walking the halls of this free-thinking landscape. Your persona that you want to show the public has a care-free appearance, as though it knows something the rest of the world does not.

People will take notice of your progressive ideas when you make use of Uranus energy. The future calls to you often. Career dreams suddenly come alive, and your intuition points the way to make them come true. Your goals get stimulated here like in no other meridian. If you are looking for a catalyst to lift you out of your current circumstances, then you have come to the right place.

A group with a similar purpose may suit your needs at times. The support that such an atmosphere provides gives you a secure feeling. Even an Aquarius individualist appreciates the company of like minds.

Equality is first and foremost in your thoughts. If it isn’t, it doesn’t take long for Uranus to beam you a signal to remind you how important it is that your own opinions are valued. Being with friends and lovers who respect your intelligence is highly valued.

Your professional life must be mentally interesting. You require a job with a lot of autonomy to express yourself. If you don’t have a work arena that does this, you will seek outside interests or other employment opportunities that provide you with this. In many ways, this meridian is the gatekeeper watching over you to guide you to information and people who expand your mind.

Romantically, you enjoy someone who is both a lover and a friend. This is influenced by the impact of this Uranus meridian, which emphasizes friendship. You like a person who has an open mind and wants to grow with you. Your independent soul attracts individualists and unconventional types when your intuition basks in the aura of this highly imaginative meridian.

Shadow: Challenges

What are indications that your intuition is not in harmony with this meridian? You become too distant emotionally from those who care about you. Your intellect is used more as a defense rather than a positive communication tool. There is a possibility that you will lose key people in your life due to this behavior.

There are times when rebelling against those who abuse their authority is a good thing. But if you are in a constant rebellious mode, you lose your focus toward important goals. Your stability is visibly shaken if you don’t get back to more consistent actions. Your creative power is not as sharp in the long run.

Too much dependency on a group or person for your identity causes confusion. You are not expressing that wonderful Aquarius need for freedom and independent thinking. Your unique insights lessen in intensity.

Becoming too eccentric or out of the mainstream works against you. Uranus energy can be utilized to shock others. You can take those inventive and alternative ideas right into a business or hobby. However, it is when you are being different just to be different that you get into trouble.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Uranus meridian is a true home for you. The sign Aquarius and the planet Uranus make a dynamic duo. Your mind is on ready alert to try the latest technology available. Progressive ideas turn on your creative buttons. It excites you to let go and run with the mentally exhilarating energy found here.

Giving yourself the freedom to experiment with new alternative thinking brings you an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. Getting away from the same routines elevates your perceptions into a reinvented reality. Even if you don’t make any major changes, your mind is reinvigorated with great insights.

This meridian attracts a wide circle of friends. You enjoy the company of people from diverse social backgrounds. It is in exposing your world to fresh ideas that you never have to worry about boredom or stagnation. You remain forever courageously marching forward with an eager quest for knowledge.

Creative Imagination and Idealism:
Neptune Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

When Neptune was discovered in 1846, it was moving through the sign Aquarius. It was actually Neptune’s gravitational pull on Uranus, the ruler of your Aquarius Sun sign, that gave clues to astronomers of its position in the sky. Therefore, Aquarius, in a sense, is a cousin to Neptune. If you really try, you can tap into this elusive planet with your intuition, which in many ways dodges the radar of your conscious mind. Don’t feel bad. It does this to all of humanity. Why? Because it can. Neptune travels along mystical pathways that only your intuition is able to accurately interpret.

As an Aquarius, you belong to the air element. This indicates that you rely heavily on your intellect. Your insights come in a flash when your mind puts new perceptions to work for you. Neptune sends messages in a different sort of manner. This information comes through dreams and sometimes when you are in a meditative type of state. Have you ever had a thought that seemed to come from some place other than your normal mental processes? If you have, it very well could have been the Neptune influence. The universe works through you in mysterious ways. This ethereal energy is what might make you an artist, psychic, or healer. It will inspire your highest ideals. Whatever creative expression you undertake, don’t ever forget that Neptune is ready to guide you to an inspiring and enlightening experience. This energy has a transforming quality that lifts self-doubt into positive creative manifestation.

Locating that faith within you in order to exhibit those Aquarian goals powerfully is possible. When you find that sacred and quiet space inside of you, anything can occur. The universe will open abundant doors if you knock loudly enough and follow those internal Neptune hints being dropped in your path periodically. The reward is often a new uplifting career, connecting with a soul mate, or tuning in to a cause that fuels your spirit with a never-ending inner peace.

Shadow: Challenges

Neptune will bring out the helper in you who wants to alleviate the emotional problems of others. It could just as well find you enabling negative behaviors in people by not wanting to confront them. An overly passive approach works against the Neptune meridian flow. Rather than empowering someone by believing in them, you are doubting that they can overcome negative patterns. This behavior is not good for you or those you care about.

A loss of boundaries occurs if you lose clarity about self-definition. You are not as mentally sharp when not utilizing your reality-testing ability. Your closest relationship encounters are not as harmonious or productive. The passion eventually evaporates.

If you overly idealize people, you will expect too much from them. You can’t let someone project the same illusion upon you. Perfection is impossible to live up to and will disrupt relationships in a big way.

The emotional power found in this meridian is immense. It will cloud your wonderful Aquarian intellect if you deny your feelings. Communicating your emotional intensity feeds your creative power. Denying it takes away from your confidence to achieve your goals. Your relationships lack the trust you so badly desire.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Neptune meridian accelerates the growth of your intuition quickly. You are already mentally fast. Mental lightning bolts ignite your perceptions to see situations unfold before others do. It gives you an edge in managing your profession, family, and love life. Neptune does the same for you with its intuitive magic. These two energies unite, giving you the success you hope to achieve.

When you take an extra moment to reflect before moving too fast with choices, it gives Neptune a chance to add its voice. It is then that an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity may slip past your conscious awareness to give you an inspirational awakening that rocks your soul into a state of joy. The universe calls on you to show your creative talent when you have the faith to follow your idealism forward. There is no need to look back, because the abundance and love you seek have already arrived.

Personal Empowerment and Passion:
Pluto Meridian Activating Your Aquarius Intuition

Light: Strengths

This meridian is a roadmap to empowering your Aquarian goals. Your career drive intensifies when your intuition links to Pluto. Actually, your whole being finds a renewed passion for your life pursuits. If you need a rugged determination to push forward toward success, you are in the right neighborhood.

Pluto deepens your emotions. Expressing them openly stimulates your mental energy. Your mind and feelings need to play off one another to maximize your intuitive power. This is a big secret to your relationship and professional success.

As an Aquarius, you depend greatly on your intellect. Pluto awakens your mental curiosity to keep adding knowledge to help keep your options open. This is a research meridian guiding you to delve deeply into your favorite subjects.

Self-mastery comes through not fearing new challenges. In dealing with conflict by looking for real solutions, you become internally stronger. Your success in the world may come right out of being a great problem-solver.

Trust means everything to you when it comes to forming significant partnerships. You remain loyal to people who are willing to generously lend their support to your highest dreams. Individuals who walk their talk win your loyalty and friendship. Someone willing to give you enough breathing room to establish your own unique identity is what you prefer.

You sometimes demand a lot from lovers and family members. They probably perceive you as shockingly outspoken, but you see this as saying what you mean. Developing an intuitive awareness of the impact of your actions and words on others is part of this meridian package deal. Your closeness with those you love deepens as you talk as much from the heart as the mind. Being there when someone really needs you wins their admiration and desire to be a friend for life. This is the message of the Pluto meridian.

Shadow: Challenges

What could go wrong if you don’t make a clear intuitive connection to this meridian? There is a chance that you will become too obsessed with a goal, whether it is beneficial for you or not. Walking near the edge of a dangerous cliff is exciting when you are feeling Pluto intensity. It draws out your passion. The question then becomes, is this decision in your best interest? It might be hurting you and people you are close to. An unwillingness to change direction might lead to disastrous results. Flexibility is absent.

Another issue that surfaces in a negative manner is bottled-up emotions. You won’t say how you feel about situations. Your quietness leaves people wondering what is going on in your mind. Silence is a way to manipulate others into agreeing with you or even punishing them. This does cause problems in your relationships. Sooner or later, resentment settles in and a lover or friend will want to end the relationship.

Surrendering too much of your personal power to an individual or group causes you to lose your identity. Your own goals are being sacrifices to serve others in an extreme way. The Aquarius equality you value and the freedom you cherish are lost.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Pluto meridian is a wonderful place for self-discovery. Your creative potential is awakened as you search for ways to express your skills. Your intuition finds a strong ally here to empower your belief in your abilities.

Facing your fears shines a light on them and points you toward mental clarity. Dealing with adversity opens your perceptions to greater self-confidence. Believing in your insights and showing them to the world ignites an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. It is that meeting of your mind with the ideas of other individuals that stimulates your creative thinking.

Your intuition will guide you to the love and friendship you need to be happy. Taking the risk to trust someone you love is scary and exciting all at once. Sharing your inner world with the same intensity that you act with in the outer world keeps a lover as close as you would ever want them to be.
