

Aries (3/21–4/19)

Archetypes: Warrior, Pioneer, Leader

Key Focus: Identity and Assertion

Element: Fire

Planetary Ruler: Mars

Cosmic Mirror Planet: Venus

Welcome to the Aries sign chapter. Your Aries enthusiasm to put your ideas to work finds great intuitive insight when making use of the planetary meridians. Channeling this vital energy so it can shine like a sparkling diamond is possible when you let your intuition guide you. Your identity finds clarity and your mind feels a sense of renewal.

Intuition moves swiftly through your fiery sign. This is similar to your own desire to initiate bold actions on impulse. With the wisdom of intuition embedded in the planetary meridians, you can be successful in your relationships, work, and key life goals.

Your Aries Dashboard Meridian Summary

Don’t forget that you are the captain of this ship. You have the freedom to make choices that are to your benefit. What might prove interesting when you are in the middle of a difficult situation is to realize you have these meridians at your disposal. Think of this as a chance to summon or call on the meridian (or more than one) that can come through for you when you need it most.

Another thing to remember is that there are ten meridians constantly available to you. As an Aries, there will be times when you are moving so fast expressing with the creative Sun meridian that you could lose sight of the other meridian energies. We often make use of more than one meridian at a time, riding the waves of these energies simultaneously. For instance, you could be pulling on the sleeve of the Moon meridian in making changes to your home, while the decorating touch plays off the Venus meridian. There is often a blending of meridians that we connect with intuitively.

Your Aries Sun meridian keeps you thinking and feeling young, inspiring your vibrant creative energy. The Moon meridian soothes you with rich emotions that nourish your intuition. When desiring to sharpen your learning skills, you will be playing the strings of the Mercury meridian. When desiring more companionship and wanting to socialize, the Venus meridian comes into focus. If you need greater assertiveness, look to the Mars meridian. As a fiery Aries, you enjoy latching on to the optimism of the Jupiter meridian. The focus of the Saturn meridian assists you in manifesting your most serious plans. The Uranus meridian suddenly surprises you with new opportunities to explore. The Neptune meridian urges you to follow a dream and feel renewed inspiration. The Pluto meridian helps you passionately display your creative power.

I hope you enjoy this tour of the planetary meridians and how they make themselves readily available to you. The self-discovery and evolutionary growth you can experience are endless. Keep exploring and enjoying your life voyage.

Creative Expression:
Sun Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

The creative vitality of the Sun filters vivaciously through your birth sign, Aries, giving your personality a lively nature. You display a tendency to act on impulse. You entered this world forcefully, with a deep desire to act courageously. People may accuse you of being impatient, while you prefer to think of this as your need for instant gratification. You want the world to greet your future plans warmly and wish this had occurred yesterday rather than down the road.

The Sun sign of Aries gives you a bold spirit, lighting you with a passion about your favorite life interests. How might the Sun influence the sign Aries to make use of your intuition? The infusion of intuition into your consciousness from the Sun gets ignited when you deal with a new challenge, one that might even intimidate you. Why is this true? Because it is then that your self-orientation moves just enough out of the way or recedes far enough into the background to let a ray of intuitive sunshine through. When you rise above your fears and anxieties, an intuitive flow can occur. This can result in having a fiery spirit that manifests a spontaneous laser beam of enthusiasm. Your warrior sign is quick to put intuition to work while everyone else is still thinking about taking the first step. Creative power manifests like a bolt of lightning. However, there is the other side of the coin to consider. There are times when intuitive forces will ask you to slow down, the reason being that Aries actually gets greater results when pausing for a moment to consider the consequences of actions. Also, long-range planning or adopting a little reflection empowers the intended plan. The reward for taking the time to deepen an intuitive awareness is spending less energy to get the same result, maybe even a better one. The harmony that manifests when Aries utilizes clear intuition leads to more balanced relationships, career success, and a clearer sense of identity.

The Sun is linked to the heart or central energy center in your body. When you believe in your creative capacity, your intuition releases with great force. It encourages you to promote your talents and skills with extra confidence. Your willpower will not take a back seat to anyone. The love you feel for others may be a catalyst to launch your intuitive goals. Creativity can grow out of the harmony you create with others.

Shadow: Challenges

Since the Sun is symbolic of our ego and need to show our capabilities to the world, it is easy for you to get too attached to the results of your actions. This causes your intuition to get blocked or to operate at a lower voltage than you need. The result is not as rewarding or pleasurable. People will not be as supportive of your goals if you have to be the center of attention. Also, rejection is a lot more painful when you lose your intuitive clarity. Your life feels out of balance. Your creative aspirations lack energy and follow-through. Your determination is not as strong and burnout is more possible when you become too self-focused and not as in tune with your intuition, which helps pace your thoughts and movements. Having a bad sense of timing is likely to occur more often.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

There is an inner dimension to the Sun that radiates from within its bright meridian, sending clear light into your insights. Solar intuition focuses on your behalf when you relax into the creative process. There are times when you face the great challenge of having the confidence to let go and move forward so you can be guided into the quieter eye of the hurricane. This is the process through which you learn how to flow with the power of your self-expression instead of trying to force it to happen. An evolutionary intuitive synchronicity manifests, as evidenced by the fact that your creative self-confidence produces great success in the world. When you realize you don’t need to change your world overnight and can find contentment in little everyday accomplishments, the intuitive beauty of the Sun will shower you with its warmth. Be grateful for what you have and you will be surprised at and more appreciative of what you receive from life.

Creating a Home and Expressing Feelings:
Moon Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

The Moon complements your dramatic Sun sign of Aries with a more subtle touch. This watery planet combines with your fiery Aries energy to produce raw emotion. This is actually how the Moon entices you to tune in to your intuition. When you take a moment to reflect before reacting too quickly to outer influences that the world throws your way, this powerful ally helps you see your way through any challenge that might confront you. Remember, your moods are a barometer acting as messengers to let you know your intuition is knocking on your door.

You were born under a restless sign, so it may be easier for you to feel your intuitive impulses when you’re on the move than when you remain still for too long. What works for another sign may not be the same formula for you to activate your intuition. There will be times when taking a leap forward will kick-start your intuitive power into high gear. Even exercise or being in a competition of some sort serves as a catalyst to get your intuition into motion.

How do you attract Moon intuition to be more active in your life? Since the home is a symbol of the Moon, the feng shui of your residence can be important to consider. Your home must feel like it is in sync with your identity. Why? Because your Sun sign, Aries, is a territorial sign requiring a large wingspan. A cluttered living space blocks your intuitive connection. You need to sense that there is a lot of room to spread out in where you reside. The energy in your living space must support your self-image. This is a primordial need that goes back to the beginning of time.

The city in which you reside is just as important to consider if you want to experience the full potential of your intuition. It needs to provide the necessary outlets for your desire to fulfill the goals that best express your identity. The right location will provide the stimulation to get you to act on courageous intuitive impulses. It’s possible that the Moon will guide you toward the home, city, or country that is the best fit for your intuition and that will solidify your identity.

Shadow: Challenges

If your dependency needs get out of balance, you will not be in tune with your Moon’s intuition. This means you could be leaning too much on others for support or enabling people to weigh you down with their demands. This causes your relationships to not be as fulfilling. An equal give and take in partnerships will make you happier.

Of course, if you act like you never need anyone, it will be difficult for others to want to come close to you. There is such a thing as needing so much alone time that you appear distant and too removed emotionally.

Denying the insights that your moods and feelings are trying to inform you about leads to missed opportunities. The external world does not encourage you to listen to your inner voice. Our minds are easily focused on our outside reality, and that in itself is not a bad thing. But doing this to the exclusion of exploring your inner landscape causes you to lack the depth you need to handle situations that are emotionally demanding, whether this be in the area of relationships, career, or general problem-solving.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Moon meridian helps you keep your dependency needs balanced so that your relationships stay harmonious. Your mind and emotions then work together in the right way. The Moon is an intuitive ally that you want to rely on whether in times of happiness or sorrow. You soar to new heights when walking along this magical intuitive circuit. If everyday life distracts you, you might forget that this wonderful energy is available. It could take some determination to keep this Moon meridian alive and vibrant in your life.

The Moon guides you to seek a new home, city, or country. This is how your soul tries to get you in sync with its guidance. The idea is to align you with the best opportunity for creative harmony and love. It may simply take a rearrangement of your current residence or maybe only applying a new decorative touch to your home to create the right feeling of inner happiness. The Aries warrior in you could use a home that recharges the energy you spontaneously pour into your daily routines.

The Moon offers you the watery emotion you need to balance that fiery way you engage the world. She brings you an intuitive capacity to reach out and hold the hand of a lover who offers you a sense of security. The lunar part of your intuition is never out of your reach. An evolutionary intuitive synchronicity is born through bravely walking toward those choices that best represent you. You then find the answers to that quest for inner peace and finding the people, places, and work that strengthen your identity.

Mental Insights:
Mercury Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

Mercury stimulates your mind intuitively to be intellectually curious about new learning. On the intuitive level, this very fast-paced mental planet is a good match for your speedy Aries style. The winged messenger signals helpful-hint insights about a situation far ahead of your normal mental operating awareness. This planet assists you intuitively in reassessing a plan quickly to give you the best possible positive outcome. Your Aries nature is at times focused so straight ahead that you are not thinking of important details. Mercury may intercept your sense of direction and alter your thinking just a bit. A slight tweak could make all the difference in solving a career dilemma or another key decision.

Your way of communicating with people is likely direct. You prefer to get to the point fast. Mercury helps you figure out the best way to get your point across and create a win-win outcome. The intuitive dimensions of Mercury come through to assist you in creating new communication patterns. Rather than causing conflict, this adaptable energy shows you how to be assertive without offending others.

You coax Mercury to activate your intuition by escaping from your everyday routines. This sharpens your intellect and draws out the magic of this planet and gets it to weave its insights into your conscious awareness. Reading books, studying a new subject, or challenging your mind to try something more adventurous is the way to get this very mentally exhilarating planet to work for you.

Shadow: Challenges

Changing direction is okay! If you get out of step with Mercury’s intuitive energy, you could forget this. Be flexible. It does not mean you have to trade in your own strong ideas for beliefs that are not you. Adaptability gets you out of difficult situations or at least relieves the stress. You don’t want to lose sight of the big picture.

There are times when you will need to go slower so you won’t miss important details. This is where Mercury really helps you. Patience is a mantra you will need to repeat over and over. If you allow impatience to rule you, then you will likely repeat the same mistakes again and again.

Another side of being out of sync with Mercury is self-doubt. Perfection is a problem. Nobody is perfect. It is okay to make a mistake. You could beat yourself up too much, which is a waste of this valuable energy. Dwelling in negative thinking keeps your mind in tune with Mercury’s lower voltage. If stuck in negative thought patterns, you will miss out on opportunities and will be too non-assertive when you need to be more direct.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

Tuning in to Mercury’s more subtle frequency levels in this mentally upbeat meridian keeps you functioning at a high level without the anxiety. You are a fast-paced sign. Mercury enjoys moving briskly in step with you. This planet knows you will tune in with your intuition during the most hurried of times! You use this planet’s ingenuity to discover new work skills or to explore a subject of interest that stimulates new insights.

Your perceptions about people deepen significantly under this planet’s sharp guidance. Strengthening your negotiating skills becomes a passionate desire and empowers you. Communication ability could become developed in such a way as to make your relationships have greater clarity. Your perception about people becomes a powerful asset that even enhances your career success.

Getting Mercury to assist you in being a more positive thinker comes through not being afraid to learn new ways of perceiving yourself. Your identity is harmonized by letting stimulating and refreshing energy circulate through your mind so it removes negative debris. Remember, a shift in perception is a miracle and can be the evolutionary intuitive synchronicity you seek.

Relationship Tendencies:
Venus Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

Venus comes into your intuitive sphere of influence in more than one way. The first and foremost is that she loves to be involved in all of your people connections. This is Venus at her best, showing off her talent in social situations, whether in romance, friendships, or business communications.

You likely have a tendency to move quickly into relationships because that is your natural way of engaging others. Diplomatic Venus may coax you to follow her intuitive footsteps in staying clear of people not worth your time. She might even ask you not to rush into a new partnership and to take your time in being sure someone is a suitable match. Forming alliances is part of the Venus package. This fair-minded planet wants to ensure you will be treated as an equal. She will whisper intuitive guidance to remind you not to lose your identity by being too overwhelmed by someone of interest.

If you happen to be an Aries lacking assertiveness, this planet will do its best to show you how to find a little more boldness. How does Venus do this? By getting you to believe in your self-worth. In other words, you deserve to share your sensuality, resources, and energy with a person who appreciates you as a valued asset.

Another Venusian theme is abundance and increasing your productivity. As an Aries, you may find yourself tuning in to this planet’s enterprising spirit and market your talent in a brave new way. The intuitive business wavelength of Venus stretches far and wide if you will reach out and meet her halfway. If you make the time to take an inventory of your abilities and skills, you could package them into a more profitable lifestyle. Combining your adventurous Aries nature with the business instincts of Venus could take you onto a more abundant highway.

A third Venus theme is aesthetics. There is a creative artistic dimension to Venus that your intuition enjoys intersecting with in this muse-like meridian. This enriches your creative energy. Your inner and outer worlds benefit. You can enjoy expressing Venus intuitive power in taking care of business and as a path to internal harmony. Whatever way you use this, it surely will strengthen your identity.

A fourth theme is finding harmony and peace. For an Aries like yourself, balancing a competitive spirit with easing down into a more relaxing atmosphere confirms when you are tuning in to the intuitive awareness of Venus. Downtime is essential to keep you from burning out.

Shadow: Challenges

What are the indicators that you may have taken a wrong intuitive turn regarding Venus? You could be looking for too much of yourself in someone else. Sacrificing your own needs for the benefit of others may seem like an exercise in humility, but it may be that you are selling your own goals short. If you are regularly compromising to make another person happy, then you may not be listening to the higher frequency of Venusian intuition.

There is a natural self-focus in Aries, so be careful not to always demand to have your own way. It will produce tension. If you reflect a bit, it will lead you to see that there is a way to create a win-win situation with people. Give and take is a far better use of Venus energy.

A lack of self-esteem could put a dent in your bank account in that it keeps you from putting your best foot forward in marketing your ideas as well as weakening your emotional well-being. This is due to not tuning in to the more empowering messages of Venus that are trying to break through and get you to believe more in yourself.

A constant being on the go may require you to learn to blend in more relaxation time. Aries is a fire sign that does not always remember to take a break when needed. Finding the road to inner peace is just as vital as taking action. Peace of mind is essential for your mental and physical health. When you make choices that keep you in a constant state of stress, you are not in alignment with the clear intuition Venus is sending you.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

What is the benefit of flowing with Venus intuition? There are several. For one thing, your relationships find balance and ring with increased harmony in this meridian. Your chances of finding the right partner definitely are in your favor. How would you know if Venus is working for you? There is a feeling of being loved and appreciated. The relationship may not be perfect, but it features a mutual respect. There is an equal exchange of support for each other.

Perhaps the biggest indicator that you are on the right wavelength is that your identity feels secure. You are not needing to be someone you are not to please others. Venus rules Libra, the opposite sign of Aries. This opposing factor allows Venus to serve as a cosmic mirror, or mirroring agent, to reflect back to you how to balance your own goals with those of someone else. Think of Venus as sitting on a scale with your Aries nature. This is a delicate balancing act but one that is there to help you keep your serious present and future plans in clear focus. Venus sends you intuitive messages that keep you aware of how your own actions influence people. Think of Venus as an ally helping you sense if you are being too pushy to get your needs met or are not being assertive enough.

When you embrace the Venus intuitive pathway, your self-esteem reaps the reward. You will have a sixth sense in gaining inner strength. When being true to this planet’s positive influence, it will become clear how to create a more abundant life. The inner calm you feel even when embarking on a new courageous goal is a sign that you have arrived at an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity.

Initiating Action:
Mars Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

Mars is the ruler of Aries, giving this planet extra importance in your life. It represents your get up and go. You may find yourself more often than not connecting intuitively with this fiery planet while you are on the run to start a new plan. This is a pushy type of intuitive energy. You may not even be in the mood to move on an idea and then spontaneously cannot resist the temptation. Your competitive spirit gives you an edge in business or in manifesting a career goal.

The courage to forge ahead is what makes you appear charismatic to others. You attract success through a single-minded belief that you cannot fail. Blazing a new trail becomes a reality when you tap into the intuitive gifts of Mars. The key is to not look back, at least not repeatedly. People will support your goals when they sense your heated enthusiasm.

Patience is an ally but may require a lot of practice in getting good at it. Moving under the umbrella of good timing really delivers results and confirms you are tapping into the higher intuitive frequency of Mars. This allows you to build your energy more productively and gets the world to respond to you instead of you trying to force your ideas onto others. This is how your personal power multiplies.

Anger is a raw emotion. When you don’t let your emotions build to the boiling point, it makes it easier to stay on a more even keel in temperament. You actually get positive results on a more regular basis when trusting that being assertive, rather than becoming overly aggressive, is the road to travel.

Shadow: Challenges

How would you know if you are not in the flow with Mars’s intuitive messages? There is more than one indicator. Constantly overreacting to situations is one possibility. You may be too impatient in what you expect from yourself or others. There is nothing wrong with being competitive or even aggressive to push for a successful result. It is only when you are always pushing life to deliver what you need in a hurry that you get into trouble.

Lacking assertiveness is another way you miss the boat with Mars. This sounds like a contradiction in terms when considering the forward burst of energy available to you under the push of Aries and your ruling planet, Mars. You are waiting too long to get your goals into motion, causing missed opportunities in this instance. Rather than riding the initiating energy of Mars, you are getting cold feet.

Either using anger to bully people or not expressing the way you really feel causes you to feel off-center. As an Aries Sun sign, there is a natural outpouring of energy constantly wanting to come through you. Mars intuition allows you to light a fire when needed to put your best foot forward to enjoy life. So it does require careful channeling of this very fiery passionate energy to get the best results. If you don’t light the spark by pursuing a life interest, you will never know how successful you might have become.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

As an Aries, you have the inside rail over the other eleven signs when it comes to riding the Mars intuition meridian. Why? Because this planet rules Aries, giving you a natural link to this energy. Follow your life passions, because they can be turned into big winners. Just exercise moderation when needed. Don’t fear becoming too obsessive in following a dream. You can always tone down your fiery enthusiasm if necessary.

Your self-image flourishes when letting Mars take you toward inspiring goals. Don’t be afraid to try a new relationship, career, or a bold start in a new direction. Even a little competition might bring out your best.

With experience, you will learn which battles are worth fighting. Some are best left alone, as they drain you for no good reason. The stronger you become in life, the more people there will be who want to challenge your personal power. The more wisdom you show in choosing the high ground in disputes, the better off you will be.

Finishing what you begin makes people like you. Your initiating impulses are almost without rival. If you lack assertiveness, it only takes a little practice to strengthen this side of you. Your charisma grows immensely when you move forward with self-confidence. Remember not to lose sight of those you love as you take on new challenges or deal with problems. You attract the support you need from others when you give as much as you receive.

It is okay to get angry, as this is a natural expression. But if you use this as a weapon, people will distance themselves from you. If you use your emotional intensity to bring people closer and to create clarity, you have found your gateway into the evolutionary intuitive synchronicity you seek.

Expanding Knowledge:
Jupiter Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

Little drops of Jupiter intuition sent your way inspire you to seek a broader perspective in planning your future. Seeing the cup as at least half full is the positive energy you need to try a new life path or stimulate your current circumstances. There is not much room on your plate for negativity when you are making use of this planet’s meridian energy.

You create your luck through believing in your goals. If you are looking for a competitive edge, then connecting with the full-speed mental optimism of Jupiter may be just what you need. If you are lacking the assertiveness to get a project started, remember that Jupiter gives you the push needed.

There could be times in your life when taking a trip allows you a greater vision in obtaining the clarity you desire. A change of scenery to a different longitude and/or latitude allows your mind to free-associate its way into an intuitive flow to help you see a solution to a problem. It could be that even a short journey will inspire a new insight into a question you have. Restlessness is not so unusual for an Aries like yourself. Being on the go might be a way to see the big picture.

Developing an ability to defend your ideas with conviction is possible under Jupiter guidance. A deep philosophical passion influences you to seek positive solutions to disagreements. Sensing intuitively the right moves to make ahead of time saves you time, energy, and resources. Why might this be true? Because Jupiter is a planet that paves the way to keep one of your Aries feet planted into the future while one rests in the present.

Learning a new subject or developing an innovative skill keeps your mind energized. Being a fiery Aries, you probably don’t like your mind to grow dull from not maximizing its potential. There are times when you will find exploring an alternative perspective on a situation helpful through making use of Jupiter intuitive energy.

Shadow: Challenges

What could occur if you don’t use Jupiter intuitive energy correctly? When you put a fiery planet together with an action-oriented sign like your own, it is possible to move so fast you forget to look before you leap. There are times when this will get you into trouble. You may wish you had considered the consequences of your actions first rather than later. Your mind races so fast that you miss key details, irritating others and frustrating yourself.

Another theme is expecting life to deliver results without making the needed effort. You could misread Jupiter intuition as taking the path of least resistance to the point of missing an opportunity. The relaxing and leisurely atmosphere of Jupiter is intoxicating. The problem here is that you are holding back at the wrong time.

Your optimism may lack logic. Overconfidence may lead to a failure to prepare. Your competitive spirit loses its strength in this scenario. Your focus gets lost in lofty thoughts that are not grounded. Jupiter expands your mind and does require focus and discipline at times to get the best mileage from this planet.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

When you are flying high with the Jupiter meridian, your life feels very rewarding. There is an intense optimism lighting up your entire spirit. Your actions are met with positive regard from others. You attract good fortune by believing in your goals. The past seems like it has less control over your happiness. It is easier to integrate negative thoughts into more productive perceptions. You feel less inclined to be weighed down by worries.

A burning desire to explore the world from various vantage points occurs. The desire to expand your mental horizons is heartfelt. The teacher and counselor in you might intensify under Jupiter’s guidance. Promoting your talents comes naturally.

You win the support from those you love by encouraging them to believe in their own cherished plans for the future. Being a good listener takes practice. Lending your support to others gets them to want to do this on your behalf.

Your impatience can be converted into an inner contentment. Rather than rushing into new relationships or other important experiences, you perceive that the right choice is to slow down. Contemplation is a blessing. You will find that the Aries adrenalin to move quickly is there if a situation calls for it.

Travel to a new location sparks new insights. It allows you to change your reality through an expanded imagination. Your mind hungers for Jupiter’s stimulating intuition. It is a ride that takes you to high adventure and to places within you yet to be discovered. This large planet in the sky paints pictures in your psyche that point you toward greater creativity that takes you into a magical evolutionary intuitive synchronicity.

Career and Ambition:
Saturn Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

When you take the time to tune in to Saturn intuition, you realize your most serious ambition. Career aspirations get fired up! This focusing agent of the universe even points a fiery soul like yourself into clearly defined paths for success. The discipline you require is imbedded in the lining of this planet’s meridian aura. Your sign is not known for its ability to finish what it sets out to do. However, with this reliable heavenly wanderer at your side, it is amazing what you can complete. No task or challenge is truly out of your reach.

How do you tune in to Saturn intuition? Often it simply starts to manifest when you make a commitment to begin a serious goal. The instincts you need come forward while you are in motion. Overcoming the resistance to taking that first step is the key. Sometimes it is a fear of failure that holds you back. When you allow yourself the freedom to explore new adventures, you grow by leaps and bounds.

The past is a friend when you learn from it. There is wisdom imbedded in Saturn’s meridian that is a constant bank account from which to draw. Patience is not easy for an Aries to naturally show. Saturn is the great teacher that leads you to understand delayed gratification. There is inner strength that is a reward when you learn not to follow your first impulse.

If you lack assertiveness, Saturn intuition helps you to see that there is nothing to fear when asking for what you really need. Your identity is clarified when you take a risk occasionally and leave caution behind. When you see that rejection is not the end of the world or that a failure need not stop you from trying again, your determination to succeed gets that much more empowered.

Even past-life patterns get resolved when you tune in to Saturn intuition. Whether you are too aggressive or not pushy enough in getting your needs met, Saturn helps you to find the middle ground. This could be an issue that has followed you from one incarnation into another. Now is your chance to get it right. Even having a clearer sense of your self-image could be linked to past-life issues. Saturn is the right energy to ride into being clearer about your identity and what paths to follow to keep you centered. Channeling your anger into productive outlets could be another past-life pattern you have come into this life to balance.

Redefining your current reality is another Saturn theme. Tuning in to the messages of Saturn helps you make the choices that solidify your present and future. When you connect clearly with the Saturn intuitive wavelength, you move into career roles that match your skills and talents. Trust your ability to take a bold Aries step toward paths that truly represent your inner convictions to be all you can be.

Shadow: Challenges

When you don’t flow clearly with Saturn intuitive energy, there might be a tendency to force issues. An indication could be that you are putting too much pressure on yourself to make something happen. This manifests as being too demanding to get your own way and not putting your best compromising skills to work. The cause of this is feeling you must be in control in a compulsive way. This depletes your energy rather than replenishing it.

Fear results when you lose your clear or strongest connection to Saturn. It is as though your perceptions get hijacked by a lack of self-confidence. You freeze when it comes to acting spontaneously. This leads to missed opportunities and life just isn’t as much fun.

Career focus might become too consuming. It’s as though you are looking for too much of yourself through your work. Forgetting to keep your success drives in perspective throws your life out of balance. It is fine to have drive and ambition. You just don’t want to start thinking you are your job.

If your intuitive intensity with Saturn takes a big dip, then negativity becomes too dominant. You forget to think positive. Isolating yourself or refusing to show your vulnerability makes for a worn-out Aries warrior. When you don’t let down your defenses, it is hard to get out of troublesome thought patterns.

Past-life karma is a Saturn symbolism. This does not mean you cannot transcend past-life patterns. You may be repeating a couple of themes, one being acting like everything is fine in your life even when it isn’t. This keeps your closest allies at a great emotional distance. Another potential past-life issue is dealing with channeling anger. You are either too aggressive in showing this or are hiding it. Anger in itself is fine. It is only when it is used to manipulate or push your ideas to the extreme that it is a problem. If you hold on to anger for too long, it becomes explosive or even causes you health problems, as this pent-up energy is not being channeled properly.

Resisting change works against you intuitively. When you adapt to a new situation, it sends your intuition into a nicer flow. If you misread Saturn energy, you will hit the brakes. Stopping for too long when it would be better to proceed full steam ahead works against your best interests. You become mentally and emotionally confused.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Saturn meridian, with its focused intuition, is a real gift for you. Your conscious mind may not see it immediately, but don’t be too disturbed by this. It isn’t meant to. Your higher consciousness or soul loves to embrace Saturn’s highest intuitive frequencies. The beauty of Saturn is that it allows that Aries fiery spirit inside of you to follow through on your highest aspirations. It offers you a sense of commitment like no other planet can. The more difficult challenges you could fear are warmed by an inner knowing that you can be a success. Being bold enough to take a first step toward fulfilling your most cherished dreams allows your passion to kick in.

Choosing the roles that best express the real creative you finds focus under Saturn’s tutoring. When you embrace the intuitive power of Saturn, your determination to succeed has no rival. Learning to use your time wisely in a disciplined manner is possible. Knowing you are on the right path to make your dreams come true becomes a reality.

Past-life patterns can be integrated into empowering tools full of ageless wisdom when you don’t fear making use of Saturn’s guidance. Anger need not rule you but rather becomes part of your creative power. A lack of assertion is broken through by taking a new risk. It is then that you see you had nothing to lose in the first place. When you are too aggressive, an intuitive insight can come in the nick of time to modify your intensity into a more harmonious expression. The experience you gain in making the right choices comes through for you over and over again to be the lighthouse guiding you to being in the right place at the right time.

Reality-testing makes you stronger, because it is then that you see if your ideals are going to stand up to the test of time. Knowing your boundaries keeps your dependency needs in check. You will sense when to act with strength and when to show you need support from others. It is not weakness to show a little vulnerability. It is when you relinquish the need to be constantly in control that the universe rewards you with an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity.

Future Goals and Inventiveness:
Uranus Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

Uranus is the one planet that can keep pace with your intellect and fast physical movements. This mentally speedy heavenly wanderer has the instant intuitive radar to be in sync with your every move and most exciting ideas! Uranus is the manufacturer of inventive insights that can fire rapidly from your brain. You only need to open up to the electricity that this innovator is sending you.

If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, this planet can ignite you into a new direction. If you get going on an unconventional path, you can count on the accompaniment of Uranus. He likes to keep close to free-thinking individuals. When you are desiring more freedom in your life, the intuitive flash of Uranus is only a breath away.

Belonging to the air element clan (as the ruler of Aquarius), Uranus adds objective awareness to your fiery emotional zeal. When you connect intuitively, this planet gives you that extra dimension to step back with new insights. This can guide you not to overreact to situations in which you might ordinarily do so. Uranus can broaden your vision to gain a great perspective of challenges, more like seeing the whole picture rather than getting lost in the details. Your perception of unfolding events can tap into a sixth sense, allowing you to make the right moves ahead of time.

The unique nature of Uranus offers you a new vista in grasping progressive technologies. When you trust the intuitive messages of Uranus, you can tap into talents that you never before realized were there. It’s a chance to discover creative ability.

You can get energized by discovering new trends before everyone else does. This could be a real boost to your career goals or investment possibilities. Taking a creative risk now and then may further your growth.

Establishing new friends and groups may strengthen your identity. With the right choices, you can join forces with others of like spirit, lifting your self-confidence. Your peers stimulate you to think positively.

Shadow: Challenges

Moving forward without a plan occurs too regularly if you ride Uranus the wrong way. Lacking foresight causes you to feel like you are on top of a wild bronco rather than connecting with a smooth intuitive flow. People will become frustrated with your constant need to change direction in midstream.

Aloofness will distance you too much from those you love. Those wanting to care about you start feeling that it isn’t worth their time. Not revealing your feelings produces tension in your relationships. A tendency to break off communication with others abruptly can disrupt your life.

If you surrender your individuality to a person or a group identity, you lose touch with yourself. A sense of confusion pervades. You don’t want to be so dependent on others that your individuality and unique goals disappear. It isn’t any better to become too self-focused, as you irritate others with this behavior and lose sight of any sense of camaraderie. If you demand too much space in your intimate partnerships, your behavior will be seen as escapism. This causes you to distance yourself from the love you seek.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

An electrifying intuition is at your beck and call in the halls of this exciting meridian. You need only summon it. Making contact with this exhilarating planet causes your life to never be the same again. You will be surprised as new doors of opportunity manifest suddenly to walk through. Inventiveness is at your fingertips. Your intuition only needs the freedom to explore new fertile ground.

The past need no longer rule you. Your future goals ignite you into a reinvented reality. Creative sparks burst from within you like never before. A refreshing new atmosphere lifts you out of everyday routines that have dulled your intellect.

Making new friends occurs spontaneously. Finding a peer group that understands you is reassuring and comforting. Supporting the goals of those closest to you causes them to return the favor with reciprocating force.

You discover a new assertiveness to boldly pursue your plans. Knowing when to push for your own needs works best when balanced with assisting others to fulfill their own hopes and dreams. An intuitive sense of seeing just how to stimulate those closest to you to pursue their own future becomes masterful.

Achieving a deeper understanding of your individuality frees you from pretending to be someone you may not be. It is truly liberating. The wonderful thing about change related to Uranus intuition is that you never feel a need to return to behavior patterns that no longer serve a useful purpose. An evolutionary intuitive synchronicity finds birth by tuning in to the perceptions that point the way to your most unique creative power.

Creative Imagination and Idealism:
Neptune Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

At first glance there seems to be a contradiction in Neptune’s reflective intuitive energy trying to link with your desire for immediate action under the radiant warmth of your Aries Sun sign. But with a deeper look, you ride the magical idealism of this mystical ambassador of the galaxy toward new horizons. You may have to retrace your steps now and then to see where you missed the guidance of this mysterious energy. Your inner being grows in ways you never imagined when you connect with the passive push of this gentle giant of the universe. Faith in your identity and creative power find reassurance when fueled with the nourishment in this Neptune meridian.

When you fall in love, it may be Neptune moving your heart and feelings. This watery planet has a way of enticing you to let down your guard even when you think you are not ready. You may encounter a new lover and experience that there is no veil between your minds. You could feel as though you know what each other is going to say before it occurs. Your self-image gets bolstered by the inspiration and love aroused by falling in love.

A spiritual awakening occurs when you connect with Neptune’s highest intuitive frequency levels. Your warrior self bravely desires a transformation of your old self so a new identity can emerge. It is as though you have found renewal. Your emotional and physical bodies feel cleansed. Your actions become more aligned with ideals that bring greater clarity and purpose into your life. A desire to feel whole or at one with the universe is a definite Neptune intuitive signal. This is a very sensitive passageway into a new reality that requires a surrender of what you think you may need to the reality of what you really need. Don’t feel bad if this takes several attempts. It is okay to make a mistake. It is better to creatively express yourself and let Neptune lift you to a higher plateau where you see clearly.

You may discover that you have healing energy. The more you explore your inner world, the more likely it will be activated. New Age and traditional healers make use of the Neptune meridian. This energy is waiting to come through people willing to be healers.

Aesthetic talent is linked to Neptune. You may find that expressing artistic skills can be used in your profession or as a hobby. You find a refreshed sense of identity and great joy in developing creative skills.

The collective unconscious calls to you to tune in to new symbols that inspire you to grow. Career changes often occur when you align yourself with this intuitive powerhouse of a planet. You can wonder why you are being rewarded at certain times when you are making the same effort you have always put forward. Sometimes it is when you show the collective you are serious about your creative energy that the gifts get delivered. If you want to deepen your exploration of metaphysics or the arts, this Neptune meridian is the superhighway to get there.

Be careful with trying to be too perfect. Neptune will tempt you to keep perfecting your favorite passion. She will also try to let you know when it is time to trust that you are ready to show the world your talent. Have faith that you will be a success in what you know how to do and the doors will open in ways you never imagined.

Finding the right causes is essential to your well-being. Just make sure that they are enhancing your self-image and that your devotion is being fully appreciated. Selfless service is a Neptune theme. Giving your time and energy to help others makes you a better person. When your devotional offerings are making the world a better place, it is fulfilling. Sharing quality time with those you love brings all of you closer and keeps them supportive of your goals.

Escaping from the demands of the world recharges your emotional and mental batteries. Learning to appreciate quiet moments helps you maintain your centeredness. Meditative experiences strengthen your willpower. The Neptune meridian takes you deep within yourself if you will let it. She reveals your innermost spirit and the source of where much of your intuitive power resides. The love you want to find in the world is linked to the spiritual power within you. Making your inner world a strong ally clarifies the path toward wonderful relationships, inner peace, meaningful careers, and complete harmony.

Shadow: Challenges

When you misread Neptune energy, what happens? For starters, you could lack faith in your beliefs and turn your ship around far too early before really giving yourself a chance. It might be that as an Aries you have plenty of start-up energy but it gets diluted by extreme emotional attachment to the outcome.

Romance and passion are a good thing, but you need to keep your expectations in line. You can’t be perfect, and neither can your friends or lovers. Knowing your boundaries is essential to your happiness. It gets trickier in your most intimate relationships to maintain emotional clarity. A key message from Neptune is not to rely solely on silence as though you expect others to read your mind. Communicate with the intention of being understood. It’s amazing how this often clears away Neptune cobwebs and fog.

An endless search for perfection is frustrating. It keeps you feeling like you are walking in circles or endlessly treading water. Your plans lack focus. You will disappoint others who are waiting for you to finish what you promised to deliver.

Your spirituality deepens with self-honesty. This is easier said than done. A problem in the Neptune meridian is denial. If you hide the truth from yourself, your life purpose becomes unclear, as do your most important people connections. Running away from the truth only makes your problems larger, and they never really disappear. It is counterintuitive for an Aries like yourself to avoid dealing with obstacles facing you.

There are good escapes and bad ones. Constantly avoiding conflict is the wrong way to walk. You lose that beautiful fiery creative spirit within you by fearing to see reality. There is nothing wrong in taking time to pause before making major decisions. Taking a break in the action is wise. It’s the procrastination that causes problems. It is the road to nowhere.

Finding a cause or mission that captures your idealism is uplifting. It is when you let a group or leader expect you to surrender your own goals exclusively for the good of the organization that you lose your way. Your identity gets lost. Your life goals get pushed back on the rear burner.

If you grow too self-absorbed by wanting excessive attention, it causes tension to surface in your relationships. This is riding the Neptune highway in the wrong lane or forgetting there are two lanes, one for you and the other for a partner.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

Being an Aries, your tendency to act very assertively is a normal instinct to get your needs met. The Neptune intuition meridian will beckon to you to let go. Try trusting people. See if you can create win-win situations with some degree of compromise. You need not win every argument or disagreement. Relinquishing power brings you harmony if you tend to be too forceful in using it. It attracts greater success your way.

Neptune brings you creative energy in a big way. The challenge is to keep moving forward after launching your first step. If you want to develop your aesthetic talents, this planet points the way to get there. The right-brain power of Neptune has no rival. If you stay determined and very patient, the magic of Neptune comes forward to greet you. You do need to structure your creative efforts in such a way as to allow the mystical forces to work for you.

Finding a soul mate is fulfilling. Riding the Neptune energy leads you to a person with similar beliefs and with stimulating ideals. You will be inspired by the love you feel to accomplish great things. The alchemy of merging your Aries warrior-like adventurous self with a lover strengthens you in a deeper way. The archetypes of courage and leader become enlivened by falling in love with the right person.

A higher self manifests that goes beyond everyday routines and concerns. Feeling like you have found a greater purpose is the nourishment from this Neptune meridian. When you give to others, it brings that much more to you. The collective unconscious becomes part of your waking reality. Tapping into symbols that elevate your faith in yourself is possible. The collective teaches you how to reach your goals without always feeling like you must be an aggressor. You learn to reflect and take more quiet time to become more aware of the processes of life. Your actions will become more decisive and hit the mark on the first attempt. Locating the seat of your soul relaxes your mental intensity. Your intuition then makes a very reliable guide.

When you deal directly with adversary circumstances, you become more grounded. In not denying your faults or personal issues, you allow Neptune to work as a healer. Your willingness to walk toward resolutions brings you into a world of evolutionary intuitive synchronicity where harmony and abundance walk happily with you.

Personal Empowerment and Passion:
Pluto Meridian Activating Your Aries Intuition

Light: Strengths

Pluto has something in common with Mars, the ruler of your Aries Sun sign, in that they both are cut from an intensely passionate mold. Pluto has been called the “higher octave” of Mars. Why? Because Mars calls on us to more spontaneously act on impulse, while Pluto is more restrained in action and reflective in nature. When you tune in to the Pluto intuitive meridian, you are more likely to hold back your reaction time. Pluto guides you to view life as a process. Both Mars and Pluto arouse sexual energy. Pluto is indicative of the bonding power that keeps you in a romantic partnership for many years. As an Aries, it is passion that sometimes will link you to the intuitive power that Pluto offers you.

There is no meridian offered by a planet that takes you to a high level of self-mastery like Pluto. Your ability to stay on message in pursuit of a goal is bolstered when making use of Pluto energy. You possess a laser-like mind that cuts through any obstacle in your way to be successful. Finding a centered place within yourself makes you a match for any competitive force facing you. There is a beautiful comfort in self-mastery. You know you can rely on your inner strength to be a reliable ally in handling your life experiences.

In the Pluto meridian, charisma and personal power ride hand in hand for you when showing decisiveness. It is even true that in displaying patience, you make better informed decisions. You are allowing the power of Pluto to build a solid foundation of clarity for you when you take the time to get focused. Your insights find a renewed wisdom.

You magically attract success through really developing your skills. There are instincts to delve deeply into the creative process offered in this meridian. Researching your favorite subjects of interest leads to great levels of satisfaction. By persevering through challenges, you prove to yourself that you can survive any crisis. When you realize this, you want to indulge more in fun experiences. This allows you to eagerly seek a road to harmony because you see that this is how conflict melts away.

Pluto is called the planet of rebirth. What might this mean for you? Rising above negative thought patterns is a renewal in itself. It releases a new you. As an Aries, you thrive on a new challenge now and then. Starting a new business, pursuing an educational goal, or embarking on a stimulating career plan unleashes new creative power within you. Leaving behind past behaviors that haven’t worked on your behalf is part of discovering a new you. A magical metamorphosis occurs when you ride the power of this Pluto meridian.

When you face your fears, the Pluto meridian becomes an agent of transformation. You will attract the abundance you need. When you trust your deeper insights, they reveal the paths that will lead you to your greatest success. You become your own therapist and heal old wounds. When you forgive those who have caused you emotional pain and you are harder on problems than people, you find your way into an inner world where there is true peace.

Shadow: Challenges

What could possibly happen as an Aries if you miss the mark with this Pluto meridian? You might feel like you are taking three steps back for every one you move forward. In reality, you may be doing fine with a plan but your mind is translating your actions erroneously as though you are making a mistake. It is self-doubt that causes this, and sometimes even a fear of success. It sounds like a contradiction, because the very self-empowerment you seek is leaking out to negative thoughts.

Passion can be a beautiful thing, but getting lost in obsessive ideas leads to frustration, pain, and even a loss of your resources. Losing your balance causes you to lose your way. An endless desire to live in the fast lane causes burnout. When you lose your perspective on this meridian highway, it is difficult to be happy with what you have. This does not mean you should not seek a better life or a more abundant one. It is only saying to hold on to the people who keep you grounded and to maintain a firm grip on the inner peace you need to live happily.

If you become too dependent on a person, you could be out of alignment with this particular meridian energy. Your personal power gets severely diluted when you become over-reliant on others. Mutual give and take works better in getting your needs met. Denying your own hopes and wishes to make someone else happy does not serve your own best interest. The harmony you seek is lost in trying to please others to the extreme.

There is another side of relationships that is true as well. If you are an Aries who is too me-focused without paying attention to what your partner needs, your relationship might get out of balance. There is probably going to be friction that could be avoided by developing greater insight into your people skills. When you don’t listen with an open mind to what a lover, friend, coworker, or family member needs from you, there is bound to be a great gulf between your minds.

Manipulating someone to get your own way will usually backfire. This takes away from your personal power. Another related behavior that causes problems is passive-aggressiveness. You are really angry, but instead of communicating honestly, you are purposely sabotaging the possibility of working toward harmony or resolution.

This is a meridian that allows you to hide your feelings and intentions better than any other. Secrecy is not bad in itself. You can’t trust everyone. However, if you don’t trust anyone, there will be problems. The end result could be a lonely life or at least one where you never get any support from others when you might need it the most.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

There are times in your life when you will come to a crossroads. One path keeps you stuck in the same routine while another offers you a sense of rebirth. When you don’t take a creative risk, you lose the opportunity for great growth. When you accept a new challenge, it strengthens you spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. The process of rebirth is not necessarily a pleasant experience. When you are surrendering past behaviors or thoughts that have kept you from mental clarity, it is intense, as this is the nature of the Pluto experience. The old saying “No pain, no gain” applies here. But the payoff to being willing to change your reality into an altered transformation in your thought patterns is priceless.

Deep subconscious patterns can be traced to Pluto. This cellular memory stays with you until activated. It is quite empowering to tap into this energy. There are hidden talents your intuition connects with that could be channeled into profitable experiences financially and spiritually. Even old worn-out behaviors that were negatives in the past may be converted or composted into positive expressions. The past need not rule you. The joy in cleaning out these old closets of self-defeating memories is wonderful. It helps pave the way for happier, harmonious days to celebrate life.

Your instincts in improving and sustaining your wealth are heightened through tapping into the Pluto meridian. Knowing when to make the right investments or negotiating for a better salary are linked to Pluto. Following your passion guides you toward the work arena that best shows off your work abilities.

When you don’t fear conflict or adversity, you display a boldness that brings you faster fixes to problems. Learning to be patient in responding to challenges is when you experience an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity that produces results that have a transforming quality. The self-mastery you discover by moving forward to pursue new, adventurous goals leads you to renewed insights.
