

Leo (7/23–8/22)

Archetypes: Promoter, Entrepreneur, Performer

Key Focus: Self-Expression and Fulfilling Ego Needs

Element: Fire

Planetary Ruler: Sun

Cosmic Mirror Planet: Uranus

Welcome to your Leo sign chapter. Your Leo creative power discovers new intuitive ways to put your talents to work when you tune in to the planetary meridian energies. When you let your intuition guide you, greater abundance and harmony comes into your life.

Intuition moves boldly through your fiery sign without any hesitation to express itself. This goes well with your innate desire as a Leo to show the world your abilities. When you make use of the many gifts within the planetary meridians, you find greater joy in your relationships, work, and hope for a brighter future.

Your Leo Dashboard Meridian Summary

It is important to remember this is your own life journey and you have the freedom to choose whichever meridians will be needed to get your needed results. These magical forces are always at work trying to guide you to fulfilling paths. Think of each day as an opportunity to call on the meridian you need to realize your goals.

As a Leo, you can enjoy the way the ten meridians influence you to use their creative energies. They will weave in and out of your intuition usually with more than one interacting with you at a time, especially when you are in the middle of a key decision.

Your Leo Sun meridian is ready instantly to fill you with creative fire. The Moon meridian points you to find a sense of security and a solid home base. The Mercury meridian teaches you to never fear learning new ways to perceive the world. The Venus meridian is your gateway to developing harmonious relationships and finding peace. The Mars meridian instills an assertive spirit, leading you to act with boldness. The Jupiter meridian expands your opportunities for success and encourages you to be an optimist. The Saturn meridian encourages you to be committed to your serious goals and to develop discipline. The Uranus meridian awakens you to new future goals and encourages you to break free from limitations. The Neptune meridian offers you faith and renewed dreams. The Pluto meridian stimulates your passion and leads you to embrace your personal power.

Enjoy your tour through your planetary meridians. Each is there to link with your intuition to help you realize your full potential. Keep being open to new growth and you will be happy with your life journey.

Creative Expression:
Sun Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

The creative force of the Sun colors your astrological sign, Leo, with great confidence. This fills you with an animated display of personality. Living life in the moment is more your style. You like to make things happen fast. You can roar like a lion when showing the world your talent. Your intuition catches fire when fanned by the excitement of forming new relationships and finding new work possibilities.

Your Leo Sun sign solarizes you with a dramatic spirit. The Sun has a special significance in this meridian for you because it is the ruler of your sign, Leo. You are lit with a strong desire to see results manifest quickly when you put a plan into action. How might the Sun meridian influence you to make use of your intuition? One possibility is promoting your talents or that of someone else in a convincing manner. People believe in your charismatic words and body language. It is as though your aura exudes an expression that shows you know a plan can’t fail with you as the driving force behind it.

Your intuition feeds off of enthusiasm. Without it, you are lost. The Sun pushes you to maintain a steady course until you complete a goal. There is a fixed energy running throughout this meridian that influences you to hold on to your ideas until someone shows you a better way.

You love attention. Receiving applause for a job well done keeps you wanting to try that much harder to get others to notice you. Finding the right romantic partner is likely a welcomed challenge. You tend to be a social person and thrive on interactions with people. Social exchanges warm your heart, because intuitively you know that your creative power needs the stimulation.

Staying open to new ideas keeps your mind alert and fresh. Your perceptions are at their best when welcoming the opinions of others, even if they don’t always agree with your own. Paying attention to the needs of those you love keeps them in your life and tightens your bond with them.

Shadow: Challenges

How can you misread the intuitive pathways in this meridian? Stubbornness. It could dominate your thinking to the point of causing distance in any of your relationships. When you defend your ideas to an extreme degree, you can’t expect people to be happy with you. Losing sight of flexibility is the key culprit here.

Desiring attention compulsively is another indicator that you are out of touch with the best this meridian has to offer. Wanting recognition is a good thing, but demanding it constantly wears thin.

What if you happen to be the type of Sun sign Leo who is afraid to receive attention or to be rewarded adequately? It could be a matter of low self-esteem. Denying your own goals to remain in limiting relationships or job situations could be another problem. This runs contrary to that natural pulse in this meridian trying to elevate you to be assertive and to know you deserve to be valued.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Sun meridian is the perfect place for you to put your skills on full display. The heated passion of the Sun is a good match for your fiery sign, Leo. Some people may accuse you of always wanting to be the center of attention. You probably explain this as simply wanting to be sociable and to make your ideas visible.

Your lovers, friends, business associates, and family will appreciate your being a cheerleader for their goals. It is part of your psyche to encourage others to pursue their dreams, whether they want to hear this or not. You are at your best when you allow people to think for themselves in the same way you like to do so.

Creative power manifests spontaneously from your heart when you tap into this meridian. Your intuition gets motivated quickly when you focus vivaciously on a goal. Your inner strength multiplies as you maintain a clear sense of purpose. When you exhibit flexibility and adaptability, an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity is born. Flowing with change leads to new growth potential. Being willing to be a team player as well as a leader wins you many admirers.

Creating a Home and Expressing Feelings:
Moon Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

The Moon complements your Leo Sun sign with intuition that guides your impulse to move fast with a reflective tone that helps you make wise decisions. This does not mean you must stop for a prolonged amount of time. On the contrary, you can move spontaneously but with enough restraint to know when to perhaps exercise patience. Moods are the Moon’s way of helping you sense what is the right choice and when to hold off on a decision until a later date.

This is a water-ruled meridian and you are a fire sign. This is a combination that produces plenty of fiery feelings. You are more creative when really finding the passion to inspire your best effort. This is a landscape that comes through for you when you need to find the inner clarity to show your greatest talent. The Moon sends you intuitive insight but may require you to wait and contemplate your next step. Then this lunar majestic entity might just as immediately transmit messages that say “go for it now.” It is a radar system that helps you detect interference and know how to fly around any obstructions.

You need a home base that helps you maintain your creative power and at the same time gives you the reassurance that you can retreat from a stressful world. You like your residence to reflect your pride in what you have accomplished in life. It must be a place that gives you plenty of space to relax and find pleasure. The city or geographical location you select needs to match your desire to be able to act out your self-expression. Your goals must have an opportunity to fully reach their highest potential. You are a restless soul. You require a community with enough outlets for your ambition and the roles you want to act out.

Shadow: Challenges

How do you know if you are not in tune with the Moon meridian? It probably goes something like this. You are angry and may not know why. It could be that you are denying the reality of a situation or your feelings are blocked. Your moods could be ruling your logic. Rather than slowing down to determine what is wrong, you are reacting without talking this through. There is another possibility in that you could be too flooded with emotions. Your mind and feelings are in conflict about how to deal with a situation.

If you are afraid to feel anything, your communication with those closest to you is not very clear. You might do fine on the business end of things but not so well in your intimate relationships. This meridian works best when you validate your emotions. You lose creative power when not better engaged with the Moon energy.

Balancing your dependency needs is important. Trying to take care of too many people and in the process neglecting your own welfare will deplete your energy. People may perceive you as a very strong Leo and capable of doing just about anything. Know your limits and when to say no.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Moon meridian is a place to rest your mind and get recharged. The Moon will encourage you to make your residence an escape from the world but at the same time will also stimulate you to welcome your friends into your home. It serves you in multiple ways. The Moon meridian guides you intuitively to find the right home and location to nurture your creative growth.

Your emotions, as delivered by the Moon, and your self-expression, as introduced by your Leo Sun sign influence, work in unison to lead you to a very fulfilling life. You perform very successfully in the world when you have a solid home life and roles that showcase your sense of pride. Your self-confidence increases when sustained by a clear inner connection to your intuitive strength.

Balancing self-reliance with showing your closest people connections that you need them is a wise policy. Your lovers and friends are key allies. They are needed to encourage you, whether you are feeling up or down. You need to know that people feel they can count on you. When someone trusts you, it makes you want to be their friend or partner.

This meridian is a big player in your life. You move into an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity when letting your guard down and not fearing exploring the immense inner world just waiting for you to enjoy its many splendid gifts. This lays the foundation for you to develop a long-lasting romance, a deeper spirituality, and enlivened goals and to deepen your awareness of how much magic is always around you.

Mental Insights:
Mercury Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

The Mercury meridian activates your intuition quickly to perceive the world around you. Being a Leo, you like people to get to the point fast, don’t you? Direct communication is likely what you prefer. Your mind reacts with more feeling when someone says what is really on their mind. Honesty is likely highly valued by you, but there are times when your ego may get more bruised than you had counted on. When you don’t trust someone, you are apt not to reveal your most important thoughts. You have a natural instinct not to show all of your cards at once until you get to know a person. This can be a positive when it comes to negotiating in the business world or when getting what you need in a relationship.

Fire sign individuals like yourself have a tendency to move briskly. This meridian provides you with intuitive energy to prioritize your goals so that you can move swiftly and maintain a sense of direction. If you want to learn to be more detail-oriented and to create a reliable routine, then you are in the correct meridian airspace. Mercury’s job is to help your mind stay organized even if you are in situations that cause chaos. If your work is bombarding you with multiple tasks, Mercury is there to aid you in filing everything to where it belongs and to get it done before a deadline.

Listening does not come easy to a Leo. Mercury teaches you how to slow down your reaction time in response to what someone is saying. This allows you to truly digest what is being said rather than feeling you must interrupt the flow of the conversation. Your lovers, friends, and people you interact with on the business level will appreciate this quality about you.

You can become adept at communicating your ideas. Advertising your skills becomes a natural talent. Teaching, writing, and being an advisor are abilities you could put on display. Talking with self-confidence often assures you of the results you hope to accomplish.

Shadow: Challenges

You lose your clarity in this meridian really quickly if you become careless with details. Impatience is the reason this occurs. You will end up either doing an inadequate job on a project or having to do it all over again. Being in too big a rush to get to the finish line is like moving one step forward and three steps back.

Not being a good listener will cause people to be unhappy with you. Seeing circumstances only from your own perspective causes power struggles. Stubbornly holding on to your own way of doing things will cause great tension in your relationships. Refusing to alter a plan, even if it is not working, will limit your options.

Negativity derails your best preparations by undermining your self-confidence. Feeling like you are treading water rather than moving forward is painful for a Leo. You are too fiery to enjoy sitting still for long periods of time. You get very down if you allow yourself to be talked out of good ideas on a regular basis.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Mercury meridian accelerates your mental processes and excites your willingness to learn new skills. Why is this true? Mercury is the champion of intellectual curiosity. Don’t ever think you can’t figure out a solution to a problem as long as you have clever Mercury fully loaded in your holster. This stimulating planet keeps your Leo persistence on its toes.

This meridian deepens your perceptions about people. Mercury is a catalyst to inspire you to work on clear communication. Gravitating to books or people who expose you to new ways of thinking awakens an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity.

Your creative self-expression finds new life when traveling into the Mercury universe. This meridian will invigorate your mind. Travel on the mental and physical levels brings new information to your mind and perhaps is the simplest way to keep the Mercury meridian as an active component in your life.

Relationship Tendencies:
Venus Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

People who need people respond well to the Venus meridian. Being born under the sign Leo should indicate there is a warm place in your heart for the relationship-oriented Venus. Why? Your sign often needs the enthusiasm and attention of other people to light your creative power. When you open your world up to a wide range of ideas, it opens you to more possibilities for new opportunities. Allowing for the input of alternative ideas keeps you from getting stuck in limiting situations.

Your self-esteem is crucial to your happiness. When it is high, life is exhilarating. Your goals are more likely to be filled with self-confidence. The world seems to follow your lead when you are feeling self-assured. The abundance you desire is easier to find. Job possibilities and promotions are more probable if you believe in your abilities.

You thrive on relationships that are passionate. Romance stimulates your creative drive. The attention and affection of a lover empower your drive to be a success. Love and ambition play off each other in this way. Showing you are supportive of the goals of those you care about warms their hearts. It is the surest way to ensure longevity in your relationships.

Peace of mind is as valuable as the air you breathe. Being in partnerships based on equality is good for your sense of well-being. Stress is less likely if you balance work and leisure. Time away from a job relaxes your mind and promotes good health. Resting your mind replenishes your emotional strength. Regular exercise ensures that your mind, body, and spirit will be in proper alignment.

Shadow: Challenges

Demanding too much attention from others is a good indication that you are not flowing with the Venus meridian. You are sailing against the wind. Equal give and take is the only way to get this meridian energy moving with you. Giving away an excessive amount of your time and resources to please others is no better than doing all of the receiving. There is an underlying feeling of insecurity causing this lack of balance in relating to others.

Making no time for a break from stress wears you down. If you are a type-A personality, then you do need plenty of outlets for your restlessness. There is nothing wrong with intense ambition, but it can lead to burnout. If you don’t learn to slow down, sooner or later you will pay a price. You will lose important people and your health.

A sluggish motivation for success goes against the natural Leo drive to push through obstacles. Without a carefully conceived plan to reach a goal, it won’t come to fruition. This may be due to a self-esteem problem, or perhaps you never got over a previous setback. If you stay in denial, the problems won’t get any easier to resolve.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

In some ways, the Venus meridian is your fountain of youth. It keeps you young at heart no matter your age. Why is this true? Being in love with a person or creative goals lights your fiery passion for life. It is this falling in love over and over again with your sources of inspiration that makes you feel very much alive and well. This is the key to your enterprising spirit.

Venus is your inner guide to maintaining a strong self-esteem. This planet will attempt to point you at people and experiences that empower your self-worth. The idea is to help you make good choices in partnerships and even to make sensible business decisions. Money is another Venus theme. Your earning power increases when you tune in to the intuitive messages of this fair-minded celestial wanderer. Finding a job or profession that reflects your values ignites an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity.

Since you are a Leo individual, you need challenges to test your inner strength. Without them, you grow bored. Maintaining a balanced scale when it comes to ambition and comfort is vital to your happiness. Walking with a watchful eye for the doors that open to chances to fulfill a creative risk excites you. Using your other eye to hold on to your most cherished people gives you a sense of wholeness.

Initiating Action:
Mars Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

If you are looking to be adventurous, this is the right meridian to explore. Mars will push you to the limits of risk taking. The side of a Leo like yourself who sees that investing in a new opportunity is worth the effort gets a shot of adrenaline in this very high-energy territory. Moving forward at full speed is easy to do in this fiery atmosphere. Boldness is the mantra of Mars. You can feel in your bones the passionate intensity to enter a new romantic relationship or make a move on a new job. Caution is not going to be your first and foremost impulse when grabbing the intuitive winds of this fiery red planet. Courage comes in a heartbeat when you align your mind with the brazen DNA of Mars.

Being assertive to get what you need falls in the domain of this meridian. Giving yourself permission to dare to ask for self-fulfillment and to claim your own territorial rights is a Mars hallmark. Fighting for those you love is another theme. Protecting the welfare of others comes when you intuitively connect with Mars. Sometimes it is when you are even in the middle of a stressful competitive challenge that you can summon Mars to be your hero.

Directing your anger forcefully but with insight can be learned. It serves your purposes better when you point this energy into productive outlets. Dealing directly with past or current problems liberates you to create a successful resolution to obstacles. A happier future results when you don’t procrastinate for too long in problem solving.

You show great charisma and attract the support you need for goals. People will be attracted to your show of confidence and sense that you will complete what you set out to accomplish. You intuitively impress others with a face that says you can do it.

Shadow: Challenges

Impatience rears its head in this meridian faster than the speed of light. Being a Leo, you probably don’t like for a plan to develop too slowly. There are times when you will have wished you had proceeded with more caution, though, especially if it costs you time and money. Giving your lovers and closest friends or business connections a chance to keep pace with you is wise. If you are not patient enough in listening to the ideas of others, it will cause problems.

You like to do things on your own terms more often than not. There is not necessarily anything wrong with this. It is when you constantly refuse to budge on a negotiation that people will fight with you. Rather than compromise to avoid an argument, you might be in the habit of demanding your own way. This will not win you admiration or support.

It is possible that there will be time periods in which you don’t feel motivated. This creates a lot of inner restlessness and even confusion. It may be that in not dealing with your hurt feelings, you are mentally stuck. It can happen. If you refuse to analyze what is the cause of your predicament, you remain at a standstill. In not talking to anyone out of pride, you cannot get the help to get you jump-started into a more fulfilling direction. Your assertiveness is asleep. You may become unpredictably moody and have sudden angry outbursts.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Mars meridian helps you blaze a creative trail into a future filled with inspiration. It makes you come alive and emboldened like no other meridian. The fire in your Leo energy becomes even brighter when you dip into this passionate landscape. There is no time for fear or caution. Wearing your assertive shoes comes naturally under the gaze of Mars.

Learning to express your anger with insight helps you stay clear of long-drawn-out power struggles. You can polish this energy with patient wisdom. This lets you see that it is better to channel the power of this meridian into positive aspirations. Your goals seem more attainable when you are not wasting your time being distracted by things you cannot change or control.

When you can let go of the past momentarily and fully merge with putting your highest ideals into motion, an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity suddenly takes place. You find yourself in the middle of a new reality, one that seemed out of your reach only yesterday. New relationships manifest that better represent who you are in the here and now. Existing partnerships deepen in their sharing. The fulfillment you so badly are trying to find is realized. All of your problems may not be gone, but somehow they don’t seem as insurmountable. The Mars meridian stimulates you to courageously connect with a deeper part of your inner world and at the same time launches you fearlessly into pursuing your future.

Expanding Knowledge:
Jupiter Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

Your mind and heart delight when entering Jupiter’s wide-open frontier filled with an optimistic spirit. There is no time to feel sad in this meridian. The upbeat Leo in you wants to ride the horse of Jupiter into greener pastures as fast as possible. Expanding your gaze into greater possibilities is fanned into an inspired wonderland when you tune in to Jupiter. Just get moving, whether you travel by land or mind. Jupiter responds to your needs faster when you act like you are expecting positive outcomes for your hopes and wishes.

In Jupiter’s meridian, anything is possible. Your doubts don’t really exist; as a matter of fact, they evaporate into thin air. You experience greater luck if you are willing to make the effort. You do need to make a move toward a goal and not dig up the seed before it has had time to grow. Keep watering your plan with positive energy and you will turn misfortune into good fortune and a mere possibility into a fulfilled dream.

The student and philosopher in you deepens. Sharing your knowledge with others is rewarding. Teaching someone what you know is a marketable talent. Selling ideas increases your cash flow. Keeping an open mind attracts new learning. People from other locales may intrigue you. Filling your mind from eclectic sources better prepares you to adapt to changing situations. Maintaining a sense of humor keeps your problems in perspective in that you may not be able to solve them in one day. A broad perspective keeps your life stimulating.

Shadow: Challenges

Hasty judgments cause you to walk into situations that take away from your time and money. You might enter into relationships that later you know you should have avoided. Blind optimism can be a problem. If you don’t use reality testing now and then, you will regret some of your choices for sure.

If you become too opinionated and extremely attached to your own ideas, you alienate people. Your truth may become worshiped as the only truth. Fighting passionately without any compromise in sight is not a wise policy.

People will grow frustrated with you if you don’t follow through on promises. You can exhibit overconfidence to impress others. Not delivering on what you say you will do causes others not to trust you.

A loss of hope is counterproductive. You are too vivacious a soul to enjoy being still for very long. You must feel that your goals are still alive or you become despondent. Concentrating more on what is wrong in your life than on what is right keeps you stuck.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Jupiter meridian gives you one chance after another to pursue inspiring ideas. Good fortune will come when you stay on a positive track of thought. Jupiter will multiply your opportunities for success if you put two ingredients into the formula. One is believing in what you want to manifest and the other is making a sincere effort to give your goal the proper sendoff. There is no finer meridian in which to make a dream come true than in this one.

Jupiter rules legal matters as well as morals. You will find your mind fighting for justice and principles when influenced by this high-minded planet. Adopting an expansive life philosophy attracts a wide variety of interesting people. Keep your goals balanced with a sober reality to get the best results.

Your intuition enjoys connecting you with a romantic partner and friends who share many of your philosophical beliefs. It is in the exchange of ideas with others that you magically experience an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity.

This is the meridian that encourages you to venture beyond familiar borders, whether of your mind or where you reside. Interacting with the impact of foreign sources of information provides you with a rich amount of knowledge to deal with whatever you encounter.

Agreeing to disagree prevents you from developing dogmatic thinking. It is the freedom you give yourself and others to experiment with new life directions that keeps you moving into self-growth. Drinking from diverse rivers of information ensures that your mind will not grow bored. Abundance will be right at your side if you stay realistic in your expectations and positive regarding the future.

Career and Ambition:
Saturn Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

Put on your ambition hat because you are in the Saturn meridian, where time is a valued commodity. This great cosmic timekeeper helps you maintain your focus on your most serious plans. Saturn does not want to hear any excuses as to why you don’t feel ready to get started on your career moves. This ancient heavenly wanderer helped guide the Egyptians to build the pyramids, so ensuring that you take a first step toward starting a business or improving job skills is well within its scope of possibilities. The key to walking intuitively in step with the Saturn beat is to let go of your fear. Failure only means you have to begin again. Determination comes standard in this perseverance-oriented meridian.

Redefining your current circumstances from time to time may be required to better adjust to the demands of the present. Flexibility does not come easily as a general rule for a Leo. There is a maintaining chip built into your mind. Altering a course of action could be just what is needed to gain new insights. Change shakes up your thinking and allows you to perceive a better way to solve a problem.

Your relationships solidify through the Saturn influence, meaning the commitment deepens. The key to happiness in any partnership is being willing to let others be themselves. If you relax your grip on being in control, people tend to trust you more and enjoy being in your presence. You are much more content when your friends and lovers let you make your own decisions. It offends you if your ideas are not valued. The right soul mate is not afraid to challenge you but at the same time will let you feel free to express your ideas.

You are a good leader. Assuming responsibility comes naturally. People see you as someone able to manage anything from a business to a home. It is important for you not to try to take on more than you can handle. Learning how to delegate keeps your life in balance.

Past-life patterns become empowering as you tune in to their messages. The Saturn meridian will reveal this information to you as needed. It only takes a willingness to want to integrate this energy into the present. A catalyst for opening your mind to these treasures from past incarnations is expressing your creativity. When you intuitively channel your creative power, it awakens your past-life tendencies. Perhaps you were too attached to what you created in past lives. This lifetime is giving you a chance to be freer in the creative process. Another theme connected to past lives is you may have been too focused on proving yourself to others and lost touch with your inner world. This lifetime is another opportunity to be true to your intuition and align it with what you are attempting to accomplish externally.

Shadow: Challenges

Repeating the same worn-out behaviors is a signal that you are not flowing with the Saturn meridian. Your intuition is being drowned out by your inflexibility and fears. Saturn is the great teacher in learning from past experience. If you are frozen in negativity, you are not going to sense how to break on through to the other side where your happiness resides. It is a lonely and cold feeling being cut off from your intuition.

You could be letting others have too much control over you. This is the result of not valuing your own decisions. Your self-reliance meter is not running accurately. There is another side of this pattern. You may be the person who is too controlling. Either behavior does not make for fulfillment. The sharing of responsibility is missing. Enabling someone to rely on you to the extreme is not good for you or them.

You might be settling for less of a job than you are capable of doing. Running away from a challenge might be holding you back. Fear of failure is a tough dilemma. Listening to the wrong criticism may be why you are dormant.

Commitments could scare you. A lack of trust keeps you from developing longer-term relationships. You may never feel ready to settle down with someone. There is nothing wrong with wanting to live alone or with other family members or even just with pets or plants. But if you are really longing for a soul mate, then this is a problem worth exploring. If you never take a chance, you will never find that right person.

Karmic patterns continue to interfere with the current incarnation if you don’t deal with them. Denying they exist only makes them stronger. Whether you are too controlling or not independent enough is not the main issue. Awareness is the key to transcending the past. The next step is turning a negative into a positive. Refusing to change keeps you repeating behaviors that don’t help you find the success in relationships or in your work. Your inner world stays not as illuminated as it could be.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Saturn meridian offers you plenty of opportunities to put your serious ambition to work. Professional goals come alive here. Patience and delayed gratification are Saturn tools for success. This does not mean you can’t shoot a full throttle when you are focused on getting your work done by a deadline. Showing the world your abilities is encouraged by this meridian energy.

Tuning in to Saturn comes more easily with experience. If at first you don’t succeed, just try again. That is a key message in this terrain. Determination is engraved in the walls of this meridian and can rub off on you.

When you let your intuition guide you rather than try to control life too tightly, it leaves room for an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. It is in knowing when to choose flexibility rather than rigidity that your creativity will find its greatest outcomes. The message here is to enjoy the processes of life rather than only concentrating on the results. Saturn will teach you how to value the bottom line. But don’t forget to enjoy the whole journey.

Your relationships find clearer definition when you tune in to Saturn energy clearly. If you don’t fear closeness, people want to be part of your life for the long haul. Trust is essential to your happiness. It might take a while to warm up to a commitment. Be patient. Time is the key with Saturn, the great Kronos in mythology, the god of time. You are probably a lot stronger than you realize when it comes to revealing your deepest feelings. It is what keeps a bond with someone unbreakable.

Pride is a Leo trait. You must locate the roles you want to act out that let you take center stage. Saturn tries to show you how to make your best effort toward mastering the skills you desire. This meridian will keep you on target with your business instincts. Remember to be grateful for what you do have, because this is just as important as the milestones you hope to attain.

Future Goals and Inventiveness:
Uranus Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

The way to reinvent yourself is by walking through this meridian. It will change your life in such a way that you may never want to look back. Just be careful not to burn any bridges you will need later. This is an exciting highway. It alerts you to new insights. Freedom is a big word in the language spoken in this world. If you seek to be liberated from circumstances that are holding you back, this is the planet that delivers.

Inventiveness is in the air throughout this meridian. You enjoy discovering new ways to operate a business or to develop stimulating job skills. Boredom does not fit in the Uranus domain. Your intuition pushes forward powerfully under the guidance of this futuristic giant. You still enjoy the present and learn from the past. It is almost impossible not to be curious about your chances for a new future when you engage this planetary energy.

Making new acquaintances suddenly occurs. A new romance may appear by surprise. The urge to network and communicate to a wide circle of people is influenced by Uranus. Your desire to be more sociable is likely, even though as a Leo you may already be this way. The impact of exchanging ideas with peers gets you to see your life in new ways. You may look at the world through a new set of eyes. You could sense intuitively how to market your abilities in ways you previously thought not possible.

You may break through obstacles, whether they be in your mind or exist externally. Your willpower is replenished and your mental strength reset. The intuitive instinct to relocate if necessary to find greater opportunity could occur. Acting spontaneously may shock those around you and at the same time elevate your self-understanding to new heights.

Shadow: Challenges

How might not being in tune with the Uranus meridian be shown? You could be rebelling but with no purpose. You are being different just to be uncooperative but without a real sense of direction. The result can be a loss of friends or a job. You are not getting productive results for disruptive behavior. You could be breaking away from commitments too soon. If you don’t give a relationship or a work situation a fair chance, you will never know if it was a good thing or not.

There could be a strong resistance to breaking free of confining circumstances. Being in relationships where you are sacrificing your freedom and goals to make someone else happy is not fulfilling. You need a chance to experience your own independence but are not making that choice. Your dependency needs are not clearly defined. You could even be staying in a job that is not challenging enough and is shortchanging your talent.

You can become too aloof and not show any feelings. This is a very mental meridian. If you hide behind your intellect, it will keep those wanting to know your inner world at a great distance. You will always be perceived as a stranger in terms of showing your feelings.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Uranus meridian lifts your spirits to a higher plateau. You will like the view. The world below doesn’t seem as insurmountable when you connect intuitively with this mental liberator. You will require more room to spread your creative wings. Life brings surprises to launch new insights. There is no time for dull moments. The future roads may have a few winding turns but that is only to exhilarate your imagination.

Uranus rules the sign Aquarius, the opposite sign of Leo. Uranus is the cosmic mirror, or mirroring agent, for your sign. What does this mean? Uranus mirrors back to you a more objective view of how to express your fiery emotional attachment to your beliefs. Uranus tries to enlarge your vision to see the impact your actions could have on others, so you are not too quick to act on impulse. The idea is to help you move forcefully, like Leo the lion, but with foresight. Uranus and your Leo Sun sign moving as partners creates a new reality and yet maintains the stability you require.

Exerting your independence breaks the shackles of confining situations. The mental-foresight binoculars Uranus gives you to see into the future knock on the door of an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. You may never see the world the same, so be careful what you request. This is a meridian that shows you the way to be able to enjoy the people in your life as well as have a career. Uranus will reward you if you take the chance and fly with this exciting planet. New doors to walk through that offer plenty of opportunities to express yourself are waiting for you to explore. Let Uranus introduce you to these new paths and you will never regret it.

Creative Imagination and Idealism:
Neptune Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

If you are looking for some style and substance to put into your life, the Neptune meridian may be just what you need. This elusive energy is hard to harness by your conscious mind, but your intuition knows how to run gleefully with it. You may need to slow down at times to tune in to the subtle messages of Neptune. Your creative strength and Leo willpower get inspired by invisible forces to push through obstacles in your path. Don’t let a little emotional confusion disturb you along the way. That comes part and parcel with the Neptune drama.

Whether or not you are a natural romantic, Neptune opens your heart to great love. This may be shown as more compassion for your fellow human beings or toward one wonderful soul-mate connection you feel you can’t live without. This champion of falling in love may take you into high-minded career goals. It may be a cause that captures your imagination. You can tap into a world bigger than the one you currently live in. This could be the collective unconscious full of an infinite number of symbols lifting you to intense creative expression.

You can have a regular job during the day and be an aspiring artist, musician, writer, or a New Age practitioner in the evening. One work arena may not be enough to satisfy your hunger to show your ability. This meridian intensifies your inner connection with your ideals. There is no telling how this may play out in the external world in the roles you choose to play.

Your emotional wounds can be healed. Your words and actions may make others feel less burdened by their own troubles. The meaning of spirituality could be redefined by what it means to you. You might find yourself attempting to put your highest beliefs into your everyday life. Finding ways to stay grounded helps balance your intuitive growth.

A greater faith in your talent leads you to great success. The relationships you enter can have a shared value system. You will look for friends, lovers, and business connections who believe in you. Why? Because this makes getting up every day and facing whatever comes your way that much easier and meaningful. You may appear less worried to others, because you have an invisible ally through a growing awareness of the Neptune meridian.

Shadow: Challenges

As wonderful as life is when you grow in your understanding of Neptune energy, there is the possibility of taking a wrong turn. What are the indicators that you are not interpreting the messages correctly? You might be in a relationship with someone you idealize but you are not being treated as an equal. Your mind is only seeing what it wants to see as you live in denial. The end result is that you are in a partnership that is not truly meeting your needs.

Another theme that surfaces is an obsession with perfection. You won’t find a perfect person or job. Unrealistic expectations lead to unhappiness. You are searching for the impossible. Your goals for yourself may be set so high, it makes you miserable.

Running away from responsibility can be caused by avoiding adversity. Your fears are taking over. Problems tend to multiply and appear bigger than they are in reality. Escapism is substituted for having faith in yourself. This makes the willpower of a strong Leo wither away.

You can look for too much happiness in the external world and not pay enough attention to developing your inner strength. The illusions the world offers might fool you into thinking they will make you happy without an inner clarity.

Be careful with causes. You could give so much of yourself away that there is little time to know yourself. Your identity becomes so intertwined with a group or movement that you lose touch with your own sense of self. Emotional confusion, disillusionment, and exhaustion could occur.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Neptune meridian shows you how to master your connection with intuition in ways that no other meridian will do. Neptune artfully circumvents your conscious mind. Rather than trying to convince your intellect to let this magical energy through, Neptune slips on by in disguise as just another thought process. The result is a new form of creative perception that only your soul or higher mind knows how to serve up.

This meridian will fill your Leo heart with feelings of love, whether it be for a person or something more collective, like a group or movement. Neptune is fueled with emotional power to intoxicate your right brain with a deeper experience of your inner world. You may choose to channel the energy into your profession and relationships and to deepen your connection to spirituality. There is always freedom of choice. This meridian atmosphere is fluid in that it contains the essence of symbols that enter your dreams while you sleep. Neptune is a messenger of the collective unconscious. It stimulates your mind to discover an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity miraculously while you thought you were only conducting business as usual.

Your faith gets renewed by interacting with this meridian. You could feel like you have had a déjà vu experience while traveling through this terrain. It may simply be Neptune tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you that yes, you have been here before and please come back, for this is the land where dreams really do come true.

Personal Empowerment and Passion:
Pluto Meridian Activating Your Leo Intuition

Light: Strengths

Your enterprising business spirit won’t feel like a stranger in this meridian. Pluto reinforces your shrewdness about sensing a good deal or investment in a flash. Your Leo nature that enjoys taking a risk now and then tunes in to the motivating push of Pluto from within its negotiating cove. When you are in a crisis or must deal with a stressful challenge, your survival instincts will flock to this meridian for help. Pluto points you toward work that gives you a feeling of personal satisfaction.

Your desire to find love and pleasure is intensified by Pluto. You are attracted to passionate lovers and dramatic people in general. You are not comfortable with those who withhold their true motivations for wanting to know you. Trust is the cornerstone of your closest partnerships. Knowing whom to let into your heart and whom to share your possessions with is aided by this meridian. This terrain offers you a sensor to sniff out those not worthy of your time.

Staying empowered without having to feel you must always be in control comes with practice. Self-mastery is an essential component to feeling free. Pluto has a special significance regarding handling yourself with confidence. When clearly in tune with this meridian, your aura projects an energy that attracts the right individuals to join you in creating harmony. The ups and downs will be there in any relationships. It is the equal sharing of power that you require to fulfill the destiny that Pluto promises.

You feel a rebirth taking place when you find new insights and shed old worn-out thought patterns that no longer serve a useful purpose. This meridian deepens your emotions. You may need privacy occasionally to process your life experiences. This allows you to maintain clear communication with those you love and balances your mind, body, and soul. You can deal with any problem or challenge in your path when you are internally strong.

Shadow: Challenges

When you are not getting empowered in the right way in this meridian, it will reveal itself to you in various ways. One is you will be trying too hard to impress others with your abilities. You will look for attention in a compulsive way, which can cause problems in your relationships. It might be that you lack self-esteem, so you are demanding that people pay attention to you too much of the time. Usually it is a lack of trust in yourself or others that is the underlying cause for the behavior.

People expect some drama from a Leo person, but they are not really hoping for extreme mood swings. Unresolved anger issues cause you to become explosive. Honest communication would take the lid off of this intense repressed emotion. If you don’t channel this energy productively, it will come out in ways you or others don’t like.

Personal power is a wonderful thing to discover, but power struggles are another story entirely. Pushing exclusively for your own way of doing things will bring on a fight. Refusing to compromise is not going to win any friends or the support you need.

If you don’t pursue your own goals or needs, there is the potential to attract people into your life who are power hungry. This results in you receiving very little and giving away your best resources. These individuals are more than happy to use you in whatever way you allow, leaving you very unhappy.

Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential

The Pluto meridian activates as soon as you point your attention at your most passionate desires. Emotional intensity comes alive through the doors of this intuitive powerhouse. Rebirth is a promise when you are willing to let go of behaviors that interfere with your self-growth. The rewards are great if you make choices that empower your life journey.

Pluto is often at the heart of business success. The in-depth research mode gets turned on when you want to study a subject deeply. Your instincts for knowing how to make a business profitable find great help in this meridian. The determination not to let your goals fail gets a big boost here.

Facing your challenges with courage is the road to an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. The interesting thing about this meridian for a Leo is that a conflict or loss will often produce dramatic internal changes. When you don’t run from your past, your present is full of clarity.

This is a meridian that takes you into a feeling of self-mastery. It is then that you establish harmony in relationships and accomplish the work that you hope to achieve. The beauty of the Pluto meridian is that once you develop a new insight, it is virtually impossible to act later on like it did not occur. This is the meridian that reveals your true purpose like no other.
