Virgo (8/23–9/22)
Archetypes: Analyst, Perfectionist, Hard Worker
Key Focus: Attention to Details, Developing Skills,
Health Consciousness
Element: Earth
Planetary Ruler: Mercury
Cosmic Mirror Planet: Neptune
Welcome to your Virgo sign chapter. Your Virgo desire to concentrate carefully to make your actions perform efficiently finds even greater intuitive clarity when utilizing the planetary meridians. You get the productive results you hope to achieve when allowing your intuition to guide you. Self-doubt gives way to self-confidence when tuning in to these planetary helpers.
Intuition moves meticulously through your earth sign. This aligns wonderfully with your tendency toward being well organized and having a fine eye for detail. With the intuitive encouragement provided by the planetary meridians, you will find harmony in your relationships, work, and life pursuits for fulfillment.
Your Virgo Dashboard Meridian Summary
You are free at any time to connect with one of your planetary meridians. There is always the chance that you will connect with two or more simultaneously depending on the situations you are experiencing. Your intuition is a magical energy that will lead you in ways your conscious mind only thinks about.
Your Virgo Sun meridian will shine rays upon you that encourage creative self-confidence. The Moon meridian will guide you to tune in to your feelings and the needs of your home. The Mercury meridian offers intuitive perceptions and excites you to stay curious about life. The Venus meridian takes you into the world of relationships to find suitable partnerships and helps you find inner peace. The Mars meridian will give you the initiating energy to begin a new adventure. The Jupiter meridian inspires positive thinking and an openness to exploring new learning. The Saturn meridian helps you stay committed to your most serious ambitions and to stay grounded. The Uranus meridian electrifies your mind with thoughts about the future and guides you to think for yourself. The Neptune meridian awakens your dreams and fills you with idealism. The Pluto meridian points the way to empowerment and letting your intuition take you to a passionate rebirth.
This tour is meant to introduce you to the many ways you can express your intuition. The possibilities to connect with your inner clarity and to find the most fulfilling paths are endless. Keep moving forward and don’t look back.
Creative Expression:
Sun Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
The creative vitality of the Sun filters ferociously through your birth sign, Virgo, coloring your personality with an analytical tendency. You have a natural meticulous concern about details. This serves you well in work and getting a job done with great accuracy. Your intuition can make good use of this energy in being successful at any task you choose to accomplish. Your self-confidence builds with each successful small step taken along the way.
The Sun sign of Virgo solarizes you with a conscientious spirit lighting you with a deep quest to perform at a high level. You expect the same from others. Your intuition spots imperfection faster than most people. It is a trademark of Virgo to move methodically and attempt to stay very organized. Routine keeps you focused and confident. People soon realize you are the right person to get a job performed for them accurately and with a sincere commitment to getting it done right.
Giving yourself permission to make a mistake frees you with creative power. Realizing that there is no perfect person or career alleviates putting unnecessary pressure on yourself. You can train your mind to think positively and to get good at ignoring inconsequential details. Your intuition will eventually guide you to know how to set the right priorities for yourself.
Communication is something you can get quite good at using. There is a wonderful instinct as a Virgo in knowing how to get ideas across to others clearly. This comes in handy in maintaining close connections with people. You have a built-in radar to serve the public and get them to like you. The skills you choose to learn ensure that you will have the ego strength to show the world your abilities. The abundance you seek multiplies through self-confidence. You attract good fortune and positive results through not doubting your perceptions.
Shadow: Challenges
What happens if you don’t connect clearly with this Sun meridian? Your self-confidence loses its shine. This is not supposed to happen. Rather than getting the full power of this very bright Sun meridian, you are living in the dark. Why does this occur? It could be that a setback destroyed your self-confidence. Or it may be that you don’t feel like you have the right stuff it takes to be a success. Self-talk that is negative in flavor prevents you from finding the joy you could experience.
The Sun meridian is symbolically connected to the heart. The love you want to find is evasive if you are looking for too much perfection in someone. Criticism is a theme that can be a problem. If you criticize a partner extensively, this creates a great distance between your minds and hearts. Likewise, you can only withstand so many critical remarks from others before you pull back. Either of these scenarios causes a communication breakdown.
Negative thinking is really the nemesis. The Sun cannot break through the clouds of self-doubt if you stubbornly resist letting the sunshine through by thinking more positively.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Sun meridian boosts your self-confidence in a big way. You only need to proceed toward a goal and let this radiance light up your momentum. There is no need to doubt your potential for success. If you are worried about perfection, you can always edit what you have done later. If there are those around you critiquing your every move, get good at tuning out their voices. Your inner intuitive voice is the one you need to follow.
Trusting your first impulse may be just what you need to do. Planning ahead is a good thing, but the perfect moment to act may never come. It is when you let go and walk with your intuition that an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity occurs. The magic of aligning yourself with this very powerful meridian lifts you to new creative heights.
Your relationships become more enjoyable when you communicate openly. Holding back your hasty judgments of a person may prove wise. Leaving plenty of room for a romance to get messy is part of life. Working harder on problems than on changing people will keep you happy.
Creating a Home and Expressing Feelings:
Moon Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
The Moon meridian works with your very productive get-down-to-business Virgo Sun sign to get you to tune in to your feelings. Virgo is a very mental sign wearing a pragmatic hat. The Moon will link with you intuitively to point the way to be comfortable with expressing emotions. Your communication gains more passion when you allow the Moon equal time with your Virgo energy.
Primordial instincts are part of the Moon meridian package. These innate tendencies sense which professional skills will suit you in the long run. In some ways, when you find the self-confidence to show your talents to the public, your intuition kicks in quickly. It is your commitment to excellence that draws the Moon to be an intuitive helper in dong a job that much better.
Home is a major Moon symbol. Your desire for a sense of order at your residence is likely important to you. Even doing your job from home might be possible and be something you enjoy. Having a partner who is equally conscientious in managing a home is valued by you. The city in which you live must provide plenty of job opportunities in order for you to be happy with a geographical location. You probably prefer a community with a lot of resources to utilize.
Shadow: Challenges
If you are not in tune with the Moon meridian, your negative thinking will be showing. This keeps you from intuitively pursuing the paths that lead to success and harmony. Your inner lunar landscape is supposed to be rich in terms of deep, clear emotional energy that preserves your mental Virgo strength. This is not occurring in this case. You experience emotional confusion that has a tendency to drain your energy.
Rather than being able to rely on your instinctual nature to decipher the correct choices, you may have a need for perfection that makes it nearly impossible to be satisfied with options. You could fluctuate so much between two options that you can’t make up your mind. Focus is difficult in this situation.
Your emotional expression could get blocked. It may be a lack of trust that makes it hard to communicate feelings. Or you may be waiting for the perfect moment that never comes and keep finding yourself staying on the mental level exclusively. People may perceive you as someone who is difficult to get to know in an intimate way.
Being satisfied with a goal becomes frustrating. You keep thinking there must be a better job or relationship waiting for you elsewhere. This is due to feelings of insecurity or simply setting your standards way too high.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Moon meridian is a vast intuitive powerhouse in which to explore choices that will enhance your work and relationship goals. As a Virgo, you have a strong mind through which to analyze the world around you. The Moon helps you to intuitively clarify your choices by guiding you as to what feels right. Establishing a strong inner sense of security helps keep your mind and body balanced.
Locating the right home with the healing energy you require comes under the Moon’s domain. This watery planet aids you in finding just the right geographical place to create harmony and abundance. It is important to you as a Virgo to experience being free from stress in the city and neighborhood in which you reside.
When you trust your inner voice to stop worrying about making your life too perfect, an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity takes place for you. Your mind tends to be at work even when asleep more than in many of the other astrological signs. It is as though you are ready to meet future demands with mental readiness. It is finding the calmness inside of you that keeps the everyday stress not so bothersome. The Moon meridian is always available to you. It might be when you are sitting restfully at home or when you gain a sudden new insight in the midst of daily activities that your Moon energy will reassure you to relinquish your worries. This meridian shows you how to have an active mind without losing energy from thinking excessively about the details.
Mental Insights:
Mercury Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
Mercury is the ruling planet for your sign, Virgo, so this gives this gifted, mentally adept planet a special significance for you. The Mercury meridian instills excitement into your intuition. It sends energy into your nervous system with such force that it spills over into the furthest reaches of your entire awareness. The desire to learn and try more than one experience at a time is activated by this planet. Your attention to detail is refined even further in this meridian. Staying organized is done in a heartbeat when making use of your Mercurial expertise.
People perceive you as skillful in whatever profession you decide to master. Your communication ability is heightened when tuning in to the highest frequency levels of Mercury. When this planet hears your beckoning call to figure your way out of a problem, the response time to be of help is fast. You have an innate connection to this celestial giant of mental resourcefulness.
You adapt to change more quickly when you don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by new circumstances. If you take the time to discover which techniques work the best for you to calm your mind, they really come through when needed the most. Staying centered allows the intuitive magic to guide you through adverse encounters. Poise will come with practice.
The more you challenge your mind through reading and give it stimulation in trying new learning material, the stronger your focus becomes. You will find greater staying power for difficult projects by believing in your ability to be successful one step at a time. Physical exercise is a good balancer to prevent mental anxiety. Taking regular breaks from stressful tasks is another good thing for you to do. It allows you to relax into your intuitive power.
Shadow: Challenges
The Mercury meridian will not work as well if you live in self-doubt. This shuts down the very fast, accurate perceptions available to you. There is nothing wrong with having a bad day now and then. Nobody thinks positive all of the time. But it is a problem if you focus extensively on negative outlooks, because it is sure not to give you the desired results you would prefer.
If you stay in the same routines, it cuts you off from the intuitive flow of creative energy in this meridian. Repeating the same schedule too often will dull your mind. There is a tendency to not think outside of the box and only trust what you already know. You then lack the stimulation that new experiences provide. This causes you to become so trapped in details that you can’t see the forest for the trees.
There is another theme that runs against the grain of this meridian, and that is refusing to be organized. It could cause you not to complete important goals. It is easy to get scattered if you don’t utilize the structure-oriented talent of this meridian.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Mercury meridian allows you plenty of avenues for your intuition to enter new learning experiences. Diversity is the name of the Mercury meridian game. Keeping your options open ensures that you will have multiple ways to achieve success in your work pursuits. Mercury keeps you well organized while you multitask.
Mastering a skill you fall in love with wins you admiration as well as financial rewards. Taking the initiative to start a business puts your finger on a lot of inspiration in this terrain. Your attention to detail will come in handy as you take on more difficult challenges.
Learning to become a good listener will help you become a better communicator. Your willingness to find the middle ground with others promises greater harmony in all of your relationships. Working toward solutions rather than finding fault with others is the wiser highway to travel.
When your mind is bathing in positive thoughts, you are in better company. If you abstain from self-criticism and drop old negative thought patterns, an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity fills the vacuum.
Relationship Tendencies:
Venus Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
Being a Virgo, you likely prefer partnerships with pragmatic individuals. The Venus meridian is the lens to look through to find such people. You don’t like to have your time wasted. Your intuition is geared toward those who are willing to work with you to get results. This could be true in romance and even in work situations. This meridian is the universe’s way of helping you create harmonious people connections. Your search for a soul mate is launched by the romantic push of this very love-oriented atmosphere.
Finding a sense of peace and comfort is aided by connecting with the energy of this shining star planet. Venus separates herself from the other planets by making your social instincts a top priority like none of the others can really do with such grace. If you want to share more love and affection with the world, this is the place to come. The mental and emotional balance you desire finds a true home in the friendly Venus confines.
Self-esteem is more than a concept in the eyes of Venus. It is an entity that is as tangible as the surface of this planet in the sky. You thrive on greater abundance when you value your own needs. Your relationships increase in happiness and pleasure when you choose people who believe in equality. Your career is never lacking in making you feel like a valuable asset to a community or group when you choose work that lives up to your values.
Shadow: Challenges
Where you could go wrong in this meridian is in not selecting partners who value you as much as themselves. This is a direct contradiction to the Venus song of fairness. If you lack assertiveness, you will continue to not get what you need from others. If you do not become a good negotiator, you won’t establish a decent give and take with others. Picking supportive companions may be a challenge for you.
If you find yourself sabotaging your chances for a peaceful life, this is another indication that you are not flowing with this meridian. You may not be willing to accept life in a slower lane. Having a competitive spirit is fine. It is only if you don’t know when to enjoy some downtime, like a vacation, that you prevent yourself from peace of mind. Too much criticism of others causes tension you don’t need. Picking friends and lovers who are in the habit of overcriticizing you is another way you won’t be happy.
Staying in a job that does not really challenge your ability is not in your best interest. You could be lacking the confidence to go after a position that better meets your qualifications. Keeping yourself in limiting circumstances prevents you from finding out what you can really accomplish.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Venus meridian mixes with your Virgo energy to help you create successful partnerships and to find the right fit professionally for your skill set. Your intuition links with the guidance of Venus to find the inner peace and balance you need. Knowing you deserve an abundant life is a good sign that you are in sync with this meridian.
Your self-worth climbs high when you are in rewarding relationships and careers. Being around people who support your goals is a sign that you are tuned in to the Venus meridian. After all, the Venus world is here to ensure that you seek harmony in all of your endeavors.
When you live your life based on your values, an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity is nearer than you can imagine. Attracting good fortune and abundance becomes your reality when you are determined to act with fairness and to put your best foot forward to make choices that reflect clear decisiveness.
Initiating Action:
Mars Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
Your adrenaline gets pumped up in a hurry in this Mars meridian. If you feel anxious to put a plan to work, your intuition locks on to Mars and moves into a very fast lane. An ample amount of courage is in the fabric of this fiery meridian just waiting to be asked to dance with you. If your initiative has been sluggish, never fear when you step into the domain of the warrior planet.
Humility is a Virgo trait. There will be times when not being too pushy about your own ideas is the right thing to do. If you are regularly neglecting your own plans to serve someone else, Mars is there to remind you to think of yourself as well. Giving yourself permission to put your own goals first is one way to reclaim the energy that is rightfully yours. This meridian influences you to stand up for your own rights.
An ability to channel your angry and intense feelings constructively is possible when properly connecting with Mars. Your intuition guides you to get good at directing Mars energy in the appropriate directions. This same expression leads you to be more decisive. You show less anxiety in making choices.
Mars is an inspiring planet to get you to learn new skills. This meridian lifts you past a reluctance to try a new job. Perhaps you have been too patient in waiting for the perfect time to make a move. Mars says the best time to make a move is now.
Shadow: Challenges
If your intuition is not capturing the Mars meridian clearly, it could be due to a few different reasons. One is you are taking care of everyone else’s needs but denying your own. It is a good thing to be a helper in looking after people who rely on you. Where you get into trouble is in not focusing on your own goals. This might be due to too much criticism from others. Fear of making a mistake hampers your creative style as well. You hold back your self-expression. If you don’t rectify this situation, it keeps you from enjoying your own fulfillment.
You may be afraid to show anger. There are occasions when you might need to speak forcefully, especially if someone is attempting to usurp all of your power. If you lack assertiveness in negotiations, you will not get what you need or at least miss out on a fair deal.
What if you are using anger regularly as a way to intimidate people? This really takes away from your own happiness, as it is really working against yourself. The individuals wanting to get close to you will pull away. You are not using your intuitive understanding of Mars in a constructive way that will bring harmony with others.
Impatience is always a possibility in this meridian. You may be expecting too much of yourself or someone else too fast. Frustration is the result.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Mars meridian is your portal to a revived sense of momentum. This is a jet propulsion–like atmosphere ready to escort you into a new frontier. Your goals catch fire when your intuition joins forces with this fireball planet.
Releasing your pent-up feelings is healing. It only takes the courage to be direct about what you have been holding inside. This is the door to an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. The Mars meridian instills great confidence to explore new relationships and professional ambitions.
Connecting intuitively with this meridian renews your identity. People will perceive a new you. Being assertive without being overly aggressive gets you positive results. Don’t ever underestimate the potential of Mars to incite your mind to seek a brave new world.
Expanding Knowledge:
Jupiter Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
When in need of extra inspiration, “just call on me” is the Jupiter meridian motto. This is an intricate network of constantly moving energy ready to increase your self-confidence. When your intuition links to Jupiter, life never looked brighter. Your troubles melt away under the optimistic guidance of this benevolent planetary influence. Good luck is an ancient Jupiter symbolism of a troubadour with songs of hope and the inherent goodness of universal forces. Even in modern times this same melody plays tunes of good fortune in your life if you connect with this meridian.
Expanding your knowledge about a subject of interest is stimulated in this large learning center. Think of this locality as a great reference library that encourages your mind and intuition to embrace new challenges. You are motivated to take your business and job skills in exciting directions.
People will be attracted to your positive belief in your ability. This is your best way to advertise your talents. If you act on intuitive hunches, they pay off. Abundance will follow your ascent toward putting your highest values into your work. Teaching and training others your skills based on what you have learned wins you admiration.
Short or long journeys tend to have a positive effect on your mind. Your nervous energy, which sometimes gets the best of a Virgo, is easier to direct into productive outcomes when you feel like you are taking efficient actions. Your restlessness is easier to manage when you stay busy participating in your favorite pastimes. Jupiter teaches you that your intuition is easier to activate into creative thinking when you escape from your normal everyday way of functioning.
Shadow: Challenges
How could such a wonderful meridian go wrong for you? Rather than riding the intuitive bliss of this energy into fulfilling paths, you might take the pleasure principle too far. You could lose your discipline regarding diet and health. Not paying attention to your body brings on sluggishness. This will prove frustrating when you don’t have the mental or physical stamina to finish what you start. Your work may be impacted, as staying on a schedule might be difficult. You may be denying the real reasons for this behavior. It might be that you are depressed or not able to break free from negative thought patterns.
There can be a tendency to expect life to be rewarding without making any effort. This runs against your usual Virgo thinking, which is nothing good occurs without trying hard. Maximizing your time and energy is probably the way your mind normally works. A lighthearted face might be masking a hidden fear of failure.
If you put up your best defense against new learning, it limits your options. Your mind becomes convinced that experimenting with a new idea is not in your best interest. This causes you to miss out on new chances for success.
If you look for too much from others without realistic expectations, it creates relationship problems. The perfection theme of Virgo may cause you to be too critical of others. This is due to a judgmental way of perceiving situations. You trigger a lot of nervous anxiety if you don’t find techniques for turning off the perfection button.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Jupiter meridian injects you with a fine brand of positive intuition. In the Jupiter world, there is no room for negativity. The largest planet in the solar system prefers that you have an expansive vision that refuses to doubt the power of inspirational thinking. Roaming an endless frontier where your mind explores the wonders that life has to offer is Jupiter’s hope for you.
When you exhibit intentions for your future by showing an openness to new perceptions, an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity comes into existence. When you open your mind and heart to gaining new knowledge, doors of opportunity open. This brings greater abundance and attracts good luck. You will notice people sending you support for your goals. Your true belief in your path sways others to follow your lead. Welcome to the Jupiter hotel, ready in an instant to serve your imagination and able to bring room service to elevate your most sincere dreams.
Career and Ambition:
Saturn Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
A Virgo like you is likely to feel right at home in this Saturn meridian. Why? Your sign and this planet have an innate belief that nothing worth doing gets done without putting out your best effort. Saturn instills a strong career drive. This is the area of life that will attract responsibility to you quickly. Your management ability is showcased on this stage. The milestones you hope to achieve are linked to your ability to tune in to Saturn energy.
Serious goals get plenty of focusing power when you walk into Saturn’s home. Long-range plans that require patience and determination are nurtured here like in no other meridian. Delayed gratification is no problem when Saturn whets your appetite with the rewards that come from waiting.
Learning from past experiences is wisdom gained through walking the Saturn talk. You turn painful memories into healed wounds. This strengthens your mind, body, and spirit to handle whatever comes your way in the here and now. You will be better prepared to commit your whole being to a relationship, family, or career.
Karmic challenges and past-life patterns are connected to Saturn. This celestial wanderer reminds you of your past incarnation history. But do you have to repeat behaviors that did not serve you well? The answer is no. Perhaps you were too negatively addicted, with your mind not concentrating enough on the positive. This is your big chance to take small, consistent steps in a new direction. It might take a lot of practice and persistence, but it is worth the time. There is the possibility you were so into the work ethic that relaxing was not important to you. In this life you are being shown ways to stop and smell the roses. Another theme is being too concerned about perfection. This time around, the wheel of life is trying to spin you into creating a boundary line where you can keep an eye on expecting the impossible from yourself and others. The main message here is that you have new ground to break that is fertile with insights to keep you free of going back to the same behaviors that did not make you happy.
Self-reliance is a big part of this earthy land of Saturn. Seeing yourself as dependable means a lot to you here. Finding romantic partners, friends, and business associates you can count on is stimulated by this meridian. Your desire to create long-lasting relationships is met when your intuition walks in the rock-solid shoes of Saturn.
Shadow: Challenges
What might be an indication that you are not in the flow with this meridian? You become too serious about even the little things. Trying to be too in control will become aggravating for you and those living with you. If you don’t let others make their own decisions, resentment will be shown. Likewise if you happen to be on the receiving end of someone trying to dictate your every move or discounting your decisions—this does not lead to fulfillment.
All work and no play is a potential problem in this meridian. You can misread Saturn energy as signaling to keep going until you burn out. This is not good for your health and even detracts from your job performance in the long run. If you don’t learn to enjoy rest and relaxation, you are not going to have the balance you require.
Inflexibility causes you not to adjust well to change. It does not help you in the area of relationships either. If you refuse to accept your differences or the unique needs of your most significant people, it does not create mutual understanding. It creates great distance between you and others.
Repeating old, worn-out behavior patterns means you are not learning from past experiences. You won’t find perfect people or careers. Learning to accept that life has its ups and downs is more liberating than demanding that it fit into rigid guidelines. If you are continually stuck in negative thinking, you will miss out on the best that life has to offer.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Saturn meridian is your road to success. Its job is to guide your intuition to know what you can control and what you can’t. The wisdom gained in this land of pragmatic realizations is priceless. It keeps you from having to repeat the same behaviors that have not served you well in the past. There is reality testing in this Saturn world unlike in any other. It keeps you on the straight and narrow road to the accomplishments you hope to achieve. The discipline offered by Saturn is without rival. Managing your time becomes masterful.
A deepened sense of making commitments is part of this meridian package. Your relationships find stability and meaningful togetherness. People appreciate your being there when they need you. Perceiving whom you can count on grows in awareness.
Developing a new openness to learning and dropping rigid ideas creates an opening for an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. Past negative thought patterns can be relinquished. Redefining a bigger and more flexible reality promotes happiness and a great chance for opportunities to present themselves.
Future Goals and Inventiveness:
Uranus Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
You have a natural affinity with this meridian. Why? It is because the ruling planet of your sign is Mercury, a very mental planet. It just so happens that Uranus is a quick-insight planet offering great mental perceptions. Astrologers have referred to Uranus as the “higher octave” of Mercury, because it influences you to have a larger look at the future rather than only being concerned about all of the Mercurial specific steps to getting there. The two planets work hand in hand to guide your intuition to accurately make choices that make for fulfilling prophesies.
You perceive refreshing ideas from the exciting Uranus. Thinking in unique ways is part of the package delivered by this upbeat meridian. Walking into this land feels like a whirlwind of energy has swooped you up into long-range goals. Walking out of limiting situations seems more plausible. What seemed like a daydream only days before breaks into pursuing a new direction now. Your intuition will tell you there is no time like now to bring the future into the present.
As a Virgo, you may be accustomed to playing it safe. There is nothing wrong with this. You may feel that a sense of order must prevail at all times. When Uranus comes into your life, it disrupts life as usual. This releases great intuitive power from deep within your soul.
Spicing up an existing relationship is easier to do when making use of this meridian. New experiences together prolong the vibrancy of your togetherness. Awakening a deeper connection to loved ones and friends is revived by this dynamic planet. Making new connections through the Internet and all kinds of networking can occur in a big way. Business concepts manifest in alternative formats, stimulating you to move forward with greater enthusiasm.
Freedom takes on new meaning. Finding paths that give you a sense of liberation can be entertained by your mind. Gaining clearer objectivity about problems lessens your anxiety level. Balancing your mind and emotions promotes good health. Your intuition finds greater chances for being used clearly when you find an inner calmness.
Shadow: Challenges
There are ways you could not be in tune with this meridian. One is refusing to change your normal way of thinking to the point that your mind is not as sharp. Routines are fine if they keep you focused, but never changing your way of operating is limiting. You may need to bring something new into a relationship to keep it growing. Not doing this weakens its strength and is not so good for closeness. Even in your business dealings or career decisions, always staying with the same formula limits growth potential.
There is a chance that you could be rebelling against situations or people that with more patience would not be a problem. Headstrong ideas create power struggles you don’t need. Refusing to see someone else’s point of view causes disagreements that you may regret later.
What if you are not pursuing your own goals to avoid displeasing someone else? This causes you unhappiness and a lot of internal confusion. Your sense of direction gets foggy. The future may seem not so important if you don’t feel free to make your own independent choices.
There is the potential for not knowing how to slow down. Your nervous energy is out of control. If you don’t learn how to handle stress, it detracts from your mental clarity and health. Burnout could result.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Uranus meridian puts you into a totally inventive state of mind where you perceive ways to make your goals come into reality that much faster. This is a no-nonsense energy that allows you to think three steps ahead of everyone else in executing a plan. Having the patience to wait for others to catch up might be required. Your ability to sort through emotional problems objectively is guided intuitively when you connect with this maverick planet.
You can still be as organized as you ever have been. But when you look through eyes open to alternative ways of seeing the world, an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity comes forth. It is then that you have greater freedom to walk through more creative doors.
Making a friend of Uranus ensures that you never have to fear having insights to live out your own ideas about the future. This is the meridian that makes your relationships come alive with lively exchanges of information. Once awakened by this unique terrain, your intuition inspires you to never go back to limiting experiences. On the contrary, you will want to keep breathing this new air. Your mind, body, and soul know it is the reason you incarnated.
Creative Imagination and Idealism:
Neptune Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
Your earthy Virgo nature, with its pragmatic logic, meets a very different energy in this meridian. Neptune takes you into intuitive realms that have you traveling along highways that lift your imagination into magical experiences. You get a chance to get the best of two worlds, one being the mundane, everyday opportunities to explore your skills. The other is to discover ways to express your ideals. Neptune is the essence of romanticism. The quest for love in relationships and a deep sense of purpose in a career is guided by this meridian.
Life feels more inspirational when you follow your heart toward goals that fill you with an inner satisfaction. Being a Virgo, you tend to trust your ideas, which are practical. Getting results is important to you. Neptune energy fills in those places that you don’t always see or consciously notice. It is the faith to believe in your highest values. Following the highway laid out by this meridian takes you to places you may not have known existed. It is the mystical side of Neptune that brings out your greatest creative instincts.
Tuning in to the collective unconscious puts you in touch with symbols that stimulate you to rethink your future plans. Helping you find the inner strength to make your dreams come true is Neptune’s job. You might work for a cause that enlarges your vision of how you need to live your life. An artistic ability might become highly marketable. The healing arts may become part of your career plans.
Searching for a soul mate is the language of Neptune. The motivation to seek unity in relationships and to find work that allows you to feel valuable intensifies in importance. The longing for a community and home with an atmosphere of harmony becomes just as vital.
You experience that your emotional and mental anguish from previous experiences is healed when you make contact intuitively with Neptune. People will sense you are there to be of service and have their best interests in mind. You attract the good things of life rather than having to worry your way from one day to the next. Releasing your negativity opens the door to great creative power.
Shadow: Challenges
Excessive worry removes you from a positive Neptune ride. As a Virgo, you have a natural attention to detail. There is nothing wrong with this and it can help you to stay on top of difficult jobs. It is when you obsess over what you can’t control that you lose the Neptune experience. Rather than having faith that you will eventually be successful in an undertaking, your doubts are in the driver’s seat. You are missing out on the relaxing trip that Neptune has in mind for you. Your intuition is only operating at about half the strength when high anxiety is your reality.
Perfection drives you toward great work or makes you miserable. If you don’t get good at knowing when to stop trying to make something perfect, you won’t be happy. Your relationships and work situations will never live up to unrealistic expectations. Living in a world of divine discontent will keep you in a state of unhappiness.
Low self-esteem could attract the wrong types of friends and lovers. You will be doing all of the giving and very little receiving. You will need to live in denial to maintain the relationships with those only wanting you to serve their needs, with little regard for yours. This same theme could put you into groups where you are not getting a chance to empower your own identity. The collective purpose is swallowing too much of your own goals.
Doubting your intuitive capability is another potential problem when not making the Neptune connection. Your conscious mind can be so strong that your more intuitive right brain is left out in the cold. Rather than utilizing the two brain hemispheres to your advantage, you are selling yourself short.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Neptune meridian is a paradise that can be lived by you here on Earth. It transmits an energy that is easier to integrate into your mind when you take the time to reflect and meditate. The energy is more ethereal than in the other meridians but can still be translated into meaningful reality. It is especially wonderful when influencing your creativity. If you are attracted to aesthetic creative expression, Neptune empowers it. Intuitive ideas about a business or job can be discovered. Your healing energy is replenished and deepened.
The love you want to find and express is amplified in this meridian. A deep yearning to meet a soul mate is accelerated through encountering Neptune. This meridian awakens your highest ideals and desire for greater meaning.
Neptune rules Pisces, the opposite sign of Virgo. This opposing factor puts Neptune in the position of acting as a cosmic mirror, or mirroring agent, reflecting back to you how to balance your ideals with your need to satisfy your fondness for logic. These two worlds can coexist in your life and point you to ways to put both to work for you. One does not have to be done to the exclusion of the other. Each carries equal weight. If you are getting too dreamy, your reality-oriented tendency keeps this in check. If you are focusing too much on the details, trusting your intuition comes to the rescue.
When you choose having faith over worrying, it allows greater possibility for an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity to manifest. Your insights into situations sharpen with greater accuracy, helping you stay clear of obstructions to your happiness. Neptune is the great reliever of stress. Under this planet’s guidance, you will find techniques to relax your mind and perceive the wonder of living with less apprehension about the future.
Personal Empowerment and Passion:
Pluto Meridian Activating Your Virgo Intuition
Light: Strengths
Are you hoping to empower yourself? Then you are in the right meridian. Pluto adds to your inner resolve to master skills and channel your energy powerfully into creative pursuits. The passion you want to feel is awakened by this emotionally intense planet. There is a strong business dimension to the Pluto meridian with which your intuition can make a partner. Knowing how to survive any challenge is a Pluto offering. The best way to handle adversity is something you learn here.
You transform negative impulses into positive insights under this planet’s guidance. It only takes a willingness to let go of what is not working favorably and join forces with a new way of doing business in the world. Past painful experiences are integrated into a happier present. Focusing more on putting your energy into productive outlets releases you from the bondage of concentrating on the past. When you face your inner conflicts and don’t blame others for your problems, you open the door to new fulfillment.
Giving yourself permission to trust someone deepens the relationship. Sharing your inner secrets brings a lover close to your heart and even makes the sex more powerful. The bond you create is hard to break when you communicate honestly. Building a partnership is as enjoyable for you as working on a career.
Getting over a fear of failure unleashes your creative power. Pluto tells you there is nothing impossible to accomplish. Taking one step at a time shows you the way to stare into the future with intrepid eyes. Pluto teaches you to be patient and trust your intuition. Be content with reaching self-mastery, for it is the door to your abundance and good fortune.
Shadow: Challenges
What might occur when you are not flowing with the Pluto meridian? Getting close to people could be a challenge. Trust issues become large. If you don’t take a chance on a relationship, you won’t ever know if you have found the right person. A fear of losing your power to someone else may be the real issue, or it could be that you have difficulty communicating when it gets to the feeling level. This will keep you from experiencing the type of intimacy that brings a person closer to you.
Another problem area is power struggles. You attract people who are not willing to compromise. They always want their own way. Or it could be you who is having difficulty walking in someone else’s shoes. Finding common ground is impossible if you stubbornly hold on to having things on your own terms.
Self-doubt will keep you from moving into rewarding circumstances. Not giving yourself the chance to try new experiences holds you back. Your options to find happiness in relationships and careers could be hampered by not believing in your ability.
An obsession with concentrating on a problem makes you a nervous wreck. Refusing to back off and tackle the situation later might cost you more time, energy, and money. Patience and trusting your intuition to take a break are denied.
Dawn: Maximizing Your Potential
The Pluto meridian takes you out into the deep water of self-exploration and at the same time delivers experiences to confirm your personal empowerment. Your emotional intensity is channeled passionately into your relationships and your favorite ways of expressing creativity. You discover new meaning in your career goals. You might even go in a new work direction and learn new skills.
Your intuition shows you how to stop worrying about the little things. Self-mastery keeps you focused on the details without losing sight of a bigger purpose for your actions. Your highest beliefs attain renewed energy in this domain.
Overcoming past emotional pain frees you to break new ground in an evolutionary intuitive synchronicity. Communicating honestly with those you love gives these relationships an enduring quality. New insights open your perceptions to more creative possibilities. This meridian is the land of rebirth. Hold the hand of Pluto as you embark on future goals and you will attract the abundance you desire.