
Why Read this Book?

It is my belief as the author of this book that each of us is intuitive. One of my goals in writing this book was to offer you a user-friendly approach that gives information so you can more effectively make use of your intuition. You don’t need to have an in-depth understanding of astrology to make this book work for you. All of the information is conveniently laid out for you in your own sign chapter. Astrology is a unique system that can facilitate your understanding of how to better utilize your intuition. It offers you a way to put this energy into practical use. In reading this book, you can see how the planets assist or guide you to trust your intuitive instincts, no matter your astrological sign.

In reading your own Sun sign chapter and its meridian discussions, you can increase your intuitive awareness. Each meridian discussion is designed to help you expand your intuitive awareness. If you are a reader with more advanced astrological knowledge, you may try to use the information in connection with your Moon sign or the placements of other planets in your chart.

You can increase your communication ability with others by reading their sign chapters. This will allow for greater understanding of how to tune in to each other’s needs. Reading other sign chapters will help you get a better understanding of how a lover, child, friend, or business associate functions on the intuitive level. It can facilitate mutual understanding with others. There is a lot of unspoken language that occurs between people. By reading this book, you can gain insight into the inner workings of someone else’s mind as well as your own. You will be able to learn how intuition interacts with your consciousness on the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

It might prove informative and fun for you to compare a relationship planet like Venus in your own sign chapter to the Venus of someone else in their sign chapter. This will give you some clues as to how each of you intuitively approaches relationships and what you might seek in romantic and non-romantic partnerships. You could use this technique with each planet. By reading Mercury for you and for someone else, you can get information about each of your communication patterns and needs. The Moon reveals how you express feelings and what you seek in a home. The Sun describes how you desire attention and seek creative self-expression. Mars shows how you can be assertive and push for your own needs to be met. Jupiter lets you see how you can travel on the mental and physical levels together. Saturn gives you a glimpse of your mutual desire for ambition and serious plans. Uranus gives you a preview of how you could each seek freedom and unique goals. Neptune lets you peer into each other’s romantic desires and idealism. Pluto gives you a sneak peek into each other’s emotional intensity, passion for life, and even business instincts.

Another reason to read this book is that each of us can experience an intuitive block. A past or current experience may be causing this interference. When you read the planet descriptions, it might help you transcend the origins of why you feel intuitively stuck. Whereas the astrological signs offer the possibility of discovering a deeper intuitive awareness, the planets activate intuition into a pragmatic reality. Realizing what might be causing this interference with your intuition can go far in releasing your intuitive flow into clearer expression. Your intuition could be experiencing an obstruction due to a fear of failure, a past rejection, or simply confusion about how to solve a problem. Through reading the pages in your sign chapter, you may experience the catalyst of inspiration you need to forge ahead toward a more fulfilling future.

The Benefits of Intuition

There are many benefits to developing your intuition. One is it raises your self-confidence and has an empowering quality. You find you are more decisive. This allows you to experience less anxiety in making choices that best suit your purposes.

You also find that you have greater insight into the thinking of others. This allows for clearer communication and less tension in your relationships. Harmony is easier to achieve when you are able to tune in to why people think the way they do. You gain awareness into the actions of others, and it becomes easier to hear what someone else is saying rather than reacting too fast to their words. Intuition guides you to attract the love and abundance you hope to find.

Another benefit of intuition is that it allows you to be more resourceful in researching information. This is great for problem solving. Your perceptions become more expansive, allowing you to see situations from more than one perspective. Your reasoning power intensifies into a creative force.

Intuition can be beneficial for your mental and physical health. It allows you to relax more and not speed through life. Timing your actions and knowing when to take a time-out helps you avoid getting burned out. Intuition rests your mental faculties and recharges you to be that much more alert. It helps preserve your inner strength, keeping you centered as you live your everyday life.

Your creativity is energized in a big way. Intuition makes it possible to explore your creative potential in exciting ways. It allows you to tap into energies you did not know existed.

My Own Intuitive Experience

I am an intuitive who became an astrologer. I began to study astrology at the age of twenty-four. People often described me as a sensitive person, but I never really thought of myself as intuitive. In learning to master astrology, I became that much more intuitively clear. There is something about the psychological and spiritual experience that astrology gave me that helped develop my intuition. My practice of astrology grew immensely over the years, and I eventually began to trust and believe that much more in my intuitive ability. I still was not so sure I was that intuitive when I first started doing consultations for people, but my clients kept telling me that I was and they have continued to come back for more consultations over the years. I continued to hear that I must be an intuitive, because how could I know so much about a person before hearing much about their life story? It could not have been their astrological chart alone that gave me all of the information.

Learning to meditate was one technique that worked for me in becoming more intuitive. It helped me relax into the experience. Taking peaceful walks and spending time with my favorite people increased my intuitive awareness. Learning to slow down helped my energy build. It was intuition that told me it was vital to know when to push into action and when to pause. I became aware of an inner voice trying to guide me. It wasn’t really anything mystical. For me, it was tuning in to what my intuition was trying to tell me. The reward is priceless for taking the time to become more intuitive. It is my hope that the material in this book will inspire you to increase your own intuitive awareness.

Light, Shadow, and the Dawn

In the sign chapters, you will notice that each planetary meridian is described in three ways: light, shadow, and dawn. The light describes your strengths in how you benefit from tuning in to a planet’s meridian symbolism intuitively. The positive payoff from using this planet energy is explained in this section. The shadow, or challenges, describes what occurs if you are not in the flow with a planet’s best offerings. This might be due to resisting what it can do for you or simply not knowing how to channel the energy productively. The dawn, or maximizing your potential, explains the highest manifestation of using a planet’s gifts for you intuitively. In this section you will read about the evolutionary intuitive synchronicity that you can experience in the meridian being discussed. This is a special intuitive insight you can develop. The sign chapters open with a meridian dashboard summary for your sign. This will give you a quick scan of what it means to put all of these powerful intuitive planetary messengers to work for you.

The Four Elements

The astrological signs belong to an element: fire, earth, air, or water. The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are fast to act on intuitive impulses, making the world respond quickly to their goals. The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) prefer to proceed with caution. It is as though intuition is a stabilizing force leading to pragmatic and focused planning. The air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) have a tendency to reflect with their intuition. Why? To ensure that their mental insights are filled with logic and polished with clarity. The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) have a natural ability to tap into intuition but are not always fast to act on it. This is because they want to process what the energy means before putting it into action.

My friend and fellow Llewellyn author Sherrie Dillard wrote a wonderful book on intuition called Discover Your Psychic Type. She identifies four psychic types: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. When reading the book, I felt that the physical psychic type corresponds to the astrological earth signs, the emotional psychic type is linked to the astrological fire signs, the mental psychic type is associated with the astrological air signs, and the spiritual psychic type is related to the astrological water signs.

The psychic and intuitive forces of the universe are alive and well in all of us. It only takes a bit of awakening to our inner potential to receive the gifts this miraculous energy can deliver to make our lives more fulfilling, healing, and enlightening. When we make use of intuition, we can experience what the great psychologist Carl Jung called synchronicity, or a meaningful coincidence. Synchronicity can confirm that we are tuning in to the messages being sent to us by intuition.

In my 2010 book Sun Signs & Past Lives, I discuss how the four functions described by Jung—emotion, intellect, sensation, and intuition—correspond to the four elements. Emotion is similar in nature to the fire element, intellect fits with the air element, sensation is very much like the earth element, and intuition is linked to the water element. In my book, I describe how your day of birth is an intuitive doorway back into your past-life patterns and how you can transform these impulses into growth-promoting expression.

Think Positive

Positive thinking attracts intuition. Could it be that simple? It may not be the total way to become more intuitive, but when you don’t dwell on negatives, you will find intuitive paths easier to access.

When reading your sign chapter or that of someone else, don’t feel bad when reading a shadow description. Remember that nobody is perfect. This book is intended to help you make better use of your intuition. Enjoy reading Intuition and Your Sun Sign. Think of the reading material as a convenient guide to help you glide more smoothly in the world of intuition.

Ordering Your Own Astrological Chart

If you would like to have your own astrology chart, go to my website for instructions on how to do so: www.bernieashman.com. You will be shown the best way to get this done.
