The buzzer loudly buzzed. “It’s me, doll,” Irene sang over the intercom. Caleb buzzed her in and returned to the kitchen. He heard the elevator humming in the wall while he finished fixing the coffee.
“Knock knock!” she called out through the open door.
“In here.”
Irene Jacobs sailed around the corner, tall and athletic and grinning, a huge macramé bag hung from her shoulder. “Good morning, doll.” She kissed him hello and shook a white sack at him. “Not only does your agent make house calls, but she also brings almond croissants.”
“Great. I thought we’d go out on the terrace. It’s too pretty a morning to waste indoors.”
“Fine by me. I love your terrace.”
Caleb stacked everything on a tray—plates, cups, the hourglass of coffee—and carried it outside. Irene led the way, peering into his rooms. Caleb wondered if she were adding up costs and figuring out how much longer he could afford to live here.
He set everything on the table in the prow of the terrace. The fieldstone building across the street towered over them like a sunlit slice of granite cake. A whole flock of pigeons spilled softly from the roof, swooped downward, then clapped hands and rose up again. A crow croaked in the park around the corner—the city had begun to attract the loud, black, solitary birds. The billboard for Tom and Gerry still stood across the way but was less conspicuous by daylight, blending into the jumble of walls and rooftops.
“Nice,” said Irene as Caleb poured the coffee. “Gritty but pretty.”
She was an entertainment lawyer, not an agent, but acted as agent and manager for a handful of theater people. A former hippie with frizzy hair and copper freckles, she wore jeans and thrift-shop peasant blouses with her Armani jackets and Fifty-seventh Street haircuts. She was a fierce liberal and tough businesswoman, facing the world of politics and the world of showbiz with the same fuck-you grin.
“You don’t look like you been sleeping well.” She ran a finger under her own eyes. “Using insomnia to start something new?”
“Really? When I walked by your office, I thought I saw an open notebook next to your computer.”
“Must be my address book. I haven’t written a word in months.”
“In that case”—she scooted her chair up to the table—“you might be interested in this. I got a call. Andras Konrad. Hungarian producer. He just bought the option on Fear of Flying. They’re looking for a screenwriter. And somebody recommended you.”
“Fear of Flying?” said Caleb. “That must be twenty years old.”
“More like thirty. It’s been knocking around forever, one of those jinxed projects that never gets made. It’s lost its edge over the years. But the Hungarians don’t know that. They think they got a hot, sexy property on their hands.”
“No, Irene. Sorry. I can’t.”
“Why? You said you’re not working on anything. And here’s something you don’t have to take too seriously.”
“It’s not this project. It’s all projects.” He took a deep breath. “I’m seriously thinking about giving up writing altogether.”
She didn’t even blink. “Then this is perfect. You get paid eighty thousand up front. It’ll never get made. It’s the next best thing to not writing—except you get paid.”
“Didn’t you hear me? I want to stop. I want to give up writing.”
She looked him in the eye. “For how long?”
She smiled—her sweetest, you-are-so-full-of-shit grin. “I have a better idea. Give it up for a year. If you can give it up for that long. Then see what happens.”
“Why can’t anyone take me seriously on this? My sister doesn’t. My therapist doesn’t.”
“Are you still seeing Chin?”
“Isn’t she amazing?”
Caleb frowned. “This is just a joke to all of you. Right? Just more neurotic-artist shit.”
“Sorry,” said Irene. “But I hear it from clients all the time. I hear it from myself. ‘Oh I shouldn’t do this anymore. Oh I should do something real with my life. Oh but there are whales being killed.’ Or dolphins. Or owls. Or I should work for world peace. Blah blah blah. We all talk like this. But talk is cheap. When you stop writing, you just stop. You don’t announce it. It’s over and done with. The end.”
“But I’m not writing. The end is here.”
“Caleb, dear. If this were two years after Chaos, I’d believe you. But it’s been two crummy months. Give yourself a vacation. You deserve it. You got creamed. It happens to the best. Although I still think you could’ve given the play a happy ending. And not just for commercial reasons.”
“A happy ending would’ve been dishonest.”
She wasn’t listening—they’d had that talk many times. She hoisted her bag into her lap. “Next bit of business: the party on Friday.” She pulled out a heavy manila envelope. “The caterer dropped these off. It’s the guest list with the RSVPs.”
“How many are coming?”
“Who knows? Theater people never RSVP. They’re too busy living in the moment.”
Irene had done the dirty work, or rather, hired people who did the dirty work: the caterer and the invitation senders. It went forward with a momentum that had nothing to do with Caleb.
“But they also sent this.” She passed him the bill. “Which they want paid in full up front.”
Caleb was looking over the guest list, searching out the names that had sent regrets. “Huh. Mary Louise won’t be coming? Or David. Or Joe.” Nobody involved in Chaos was coming, not even the director.
“They probably feel guilty.”
“We all want to avoid each other,” said Caleb. “Like a bunch of kids caught playing strip poker.” There was no need to mention the obvious: they blamed him for this flop.
Irene tapped the bill in his hand. “So?” she said. “What do you want to do about this?”
He looked at the amount: twelve thousand and change. It was what they’d agreed on, but seemed much larger printed out.
“They want it all now. By tomorrow. The original deal was half now, half next month.”
He began to laugh. “They’re afraid I might not be good for it? Broadway bomb and all?”
“I know Jack and his partner. They’re being jerks.”
“If I don’t pay, I might have to cancel the party?”
“What? You want to call their bluff?”
He thought about it, wondering if he really could pull the plug. “Oh, let’s pay the jerks,” he said. “I want to go out in style. One last bash. While I can still afford it. And I’m still able to live in this cottage in the sky.”
“You’ll be fine. Unless you radically change your lifestyle, develop a taste for lobster. Or crack. You’re solvent—until the end of the year. But I wouldn’t turn up my nose at screenwriting jobs, no matter how bogus.” She tapped her watch with her index finger. “I should be going. I’m seeing my trainer at eleven-thirty. She’ll be so proud. I had an almond croissant in front of me and ate only half.”
Caleb walked her back into his apartment.
“So,” she said. “I pay the gangster caterers. You think about Fear of Flying. And we see each other on Friday. Trust me on the other stuff, doll. You’ll feel better in time. Every writer or actor or director goes through this kind of funk.”
“I know. I’m not alone. Which doesn’t make it easier.”
“Besides, if you give up writing, what else would you do with your life?”
“There’s always drugs.” He smiled. “Or maybe I could become a Buddhist and join a monastery.”
“Oh no. You don’t want that. I was in an ashram for six months. Twenty-five years ago and my bowels still haven’t recovered. Good-bye, doll.” She kissed his cheek and walked downstairs to the next floor, where the elevator was.
Caleb went back out to the terrace and began to load the tray. Irene is right, he thought. If I say I’m going to quit, I’ll never quit. I should just stop writing, cold turkey. See if anyone even notices?
There was a loud knock at the front door, a jokey shave-and-a-haircut rap-rap. It must be Irene. Nobody had buzzed downstairs. Caleb walked back inside and opened the door.
“Did you forget some—?”
A large, pale, beefy shape filled the doorway. Toby.