I’m proud to say that writing this book was a team effort, lead by Michael Bernstein, senior vice president of Atkins Health & Medical Information Services at Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. Olivia Bell Buehl, the company’s editorial director, collaborated with me on several chapters and supervised the entire project from beginning to end. Without her contributions this book would not have seen the light of day.
Nutritionist Colette Heimowitz, M.S., director of education and research at Atkins Health & Medical Information Services, and Jacqueline Eberstein, R.N., director of medical education of The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine, pored over every word to ensure the accuracy of the nutritional information. Nutritionists Valerie Berkowitz, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., and Eva Katz, M.P.H., R.D., reviewed scientific studies to make sure our references are in tip-top shape. Food scientist and vice president for product development at Atkins Nutritionals Matt Spolar patiently clarified the intricacies of food science.
Freelance writers Sheila Buff and Lynn Prowitt-Smith contributed their literary talents to collaborate on portions of the copy. Atkins staffer Rebecca Freedman searched far and wide to find an interesting array of Atkins followers who wanted to share their stories and worked with writers Catherine Censor, Janet Blake, and Mary Selover to craft the case studies.
Two of my physician peers were enormously helpful in reviewing the manuscript. Eric Freedland, M.D., made numerous insightful comments and additions. Stuart Lawrence Trager, M.D., orthopedic surgeon and triathlete, reviewed the fitness sections and offered valuable suggestions.
Heartfelt thanks to Kathy Maguire, who was always there to sweet-temperedly do whatever needed to be done. A special thanks goes to Paul D. Wolff, the chief executive officer of our company, and Scott Kabak, the chief operating officer, for assembling this great team.
Key to this book are the mouthwatering low carbohydrate recipes and ingenious meal plans that will demonstrate once and for all that eating the Atkins way—for life—is wonderfully varied and flexible. Atkins Nutritionals food editor Stephanie Grozdea spearheaded the recipe and meal plan portion of the book, assisted by recipe developers Cynthia DePersio and Wendy Kalen. Grady Best served as our recipe tester. Food writer Martha Schueneman, C.C.P., was also a valuable contributor.
Finally, this project would not have occurred had it not been for the superb efforts of senior editor Heather Jackson and her team at St. Martin’s.