You have finished the five steps of writing and illustrating a story. We bet you created a great story! Want to see ours? Turn the page and take a peek.
Astrogirl stumbled from the smoking wreckage of her spaceship. The engines had been badly damaged during the meteor shower, and she had barely made it to the planet’s surface before they lost all power.
“Where do you think we are, boy?” she asked her trusted companion, Astrodog. But when she looked down, he was not there. Astrogirl looked around—nothing. Astrodog had disappeared!
“Just great,” she muttered. “First a crashed spaceship, and now a missing dog.”
She began to search. “Astrodog! Where are you?” she called as she walked up a small hill. But when she got to the top, what she saw stopped her dead in her tracks.
She was face-to-face with the strangest looking cats she had ever seen. They had the body of a cat, but their huge eyes were neon green, and their stripes were bright shades of purple and blue.
Astrogirl gasped. “Catarians!” She had learned about this alien species in space school. And although they might look like exotic pets, they were some of the meanest creatures in the galaxy.
Astrogirl was in big trouble. The Catarians began to move closer to her, hissing and bearing their sharp claws.
Thinking fast, Astrogirl pulled out her laser gun and aimed it at the largest Catarian. She fired. The laser bounced right off its catlike body. “Rats,” she thought. “I forgot that Catarians are immune to laser beams!” Now what? If she didn't act fast, she’d be shredded to bits!
Suddenly, there was a noise behind them. They turned to see what it was. It was Astrodog! When he spotted the Catarians about to pounce on Astrogirl, he let out a blood-curling howl. The Catarians’ hair stood on end, and they turned and ran away over the hills. “Of course,” thought Astrogirl. “It’s the one thing that space cats are not immune to—space dogs!”
Astrodog came bounding over to his owner and covered her face with dog kisses. Astrogirl laughed. “Boy, am I glad to see you! You saved the day! Now let’s go fix that spaceship so we can get off this planet.”