
1   Gary Stix, "A Malignant Flame," Scientific American, July 1, 2008,

Chapter One: Midlife Revolt

1   Alix Spiegel, “How a Bone Disease Grew to Fit the Prescription,” All Things Considered, NPR, December 21, 2009,

2   Paula Span, “Too Many Colonoscopies in the Elderly,” The New Old Age (blog), New York Times, March 12, 2013, colonoscopies-in-the-elderly/?_r=1&module=ArrowsNav &contentCollection=Health&action=keypress&region= FixedLeft&pgtype=Blogs.

3   John M. Mandrola, “Redefining the Annual Physical: A (Broken) Window into American Healthcare,” Medscape, January 15, 2015,

4   Sandra G. Boodman, “Seniors Get More Medical Tests Than Are Good for Them, Experts Say,” Washington Post, September 12, 2011, .4eff254f9fcc.

5   Ibid.

6   “The PSA Test: What’s Right for You?,” Harvard Men’s Health Watch, March 2012,

7   Gina Kolata, “Got a Thyroid Tumor? Most Should Be Left Alone,” New York Times, August 22, 2016,

8   John Horgan, “Why I Won’t Get a Colonoscopy,” Cross-Check (blog), Scientific American, March 12, 2012,

9   Ken Murray, “Why Doctors Die Differently,” Wall Street Journal, February 25, 2012, 43321242833962.

Chapter Two: Rituals of Humiliation

1 Oxford Living Dictionaries, “ritual” (definition), nition/ritual.

2   Edith Turner, Experiencing Ritual: A New Interpretation of African Healing (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011).

3   Simon Sinclair, “Evidence-Based Medicine: A New Ritual in Medical Teaching,” British Medical Bulletin 69, no. 1 (June 2004): 179–96,

4   Horace Miner, “Body Rituals Among the Nacirema,” American Anthropologist 58, no. 3 (June 1956): 503–7, available at

5   Adam Burtle, “Doctors, Shamans, and Clowns,” Structural Violence, May 3, 2013,

6   Anne Fox, “Drink and Duty: Extreme Drinking Rituals in the British Army,” in The Character of Human Institutions, ed. Michael Egan (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2014), 74.

7   Ellen Frankfort, personal communication.

8   Robbie E. Davis-Floyd, Birth as an American Rite of Passage (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 115.

9   Quoted in ibid., 87.

10   Quoted in ibid., 127.

11   Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health (New York: Pantheon, 1976), chapter 2, “The Medicalization of Life,” available at

12   Irving Kenneth Zola, “Structural Constraints in the Doctor-Patient Relationship: The Case of Non-Compli ance,” in The Relevance of Social Science for Medicine, ed. Leon Eisenberg and Arthur Kleinman (Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1981), 245.

13   Abraham Verghese, “Treat the Patient, Not the CT Scan” (op-ed), New York Times, February 26, 2011, ion/27verghese.html.

14   Abraham Verghese, “A Doctor’s Touch,” TED talk, July 2011, verghese_a_doctor_s_touch/transcript?language=en.

15   Ibid.

16   Cara Feinberg, “The Placebo Phenomenon,” Harvard magazine, January–February 2013,

17   David Cameron, “Placebos Work—Even Without Deception,” Harvard Gazette, December 22, 2010,

Chapter Three: The Veneer of Science

1   Craig Lambert, “The New Ancient Trend in Medicine,” Harvard magazine, March–April 2002,

2   David M. Eddy, “The Origins of Evidence-Based Medicine—A Personal Perspective,” Virtual Mentor 13, no. 1 (2011): 55–60,

3   Ibid.

4   Gary Schwitzer, “Roundup of Some Reactions to NEJM Mammography Overdiagnosis Analysis,” Health News Review, November 23, 2012,

5   “Do Biopsies Spread Cancer?,” PR Newswire, August 23, 2012, do-biopsies-spread-

6   National Cancer Institute, “Long-Term Trial Results Show No Mortality Benefit from Annual Prostate Cancer Screening,” February 17, 2012,

7   Otis Brawley, “Epidemic of Overtreatment of Prostate Cancer Must Stop,” CNN, July 18, 2014,

8   Andrew Pollack, “Looser Guidelines Issued on Prostate Screening,” New York Times, May 3, 2013, business/prostate-screening-guidelines-are-loosened.html.

9   Elisabeth Rosenthal, “The $2.7 Trillion Medical Bill,” New York Times, June 1, 2013, tures.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0.

10   Stephanie O’Neill, “Too Many Are Getting Unnecessary Prostate Treatment, UCLA Study Says,” SCPR 89.3 KPCC, December 21, 2014,

11 =57639.

12   Jenny Gold, “Your Annual Physical Is a Costly Ritual, Not Smart Medicine,” CNN, April 14, 2015,

13   Audio clip from Mad Men at,

14   Kathryn Joyce, “The Silence of the Lambs,” New Republic, July 2017, 39.

15   “Psychological Harms of Pelvic Exams,” For Women’s Eyes Only, January 2, 2013,

16   Lenny Bernstein, “Healthy Women Do Not Need Routine Pelvic Exams, Influential Physicians Group Says,” Washington Post, June 30, 2014,

17   Gina Kolata, “Annual Physical Checkup May Be an Empty Ritual,” New York Times, August 12, 2003.

18   Peter Cappelli, “The Return of the Executive Physical,” Human Resource Executive Online, March 5, 2007,

19   Anthony L. Komaroff, “Executive Physicals: What’s the ROI?,” Harvard Business Review, September 2009,

20   Arthur L. Caplan, “No Method, Thus Madness?,” Center for Bioethics Papers, University of Pennsylvania Scholarly Commons, _papers.

21   Ibid.

22   Quoted in Angus Rae, “Osler Vindicated: The Ghost of Flexner Laid to Rest,” Canadian Medical Association Journal 164, no. 13 (2001): 1860–61,

23   Quoted in Robbie E. Davis-Floyd, Birth as an American Rite of Passage (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 256.

24   Abraham Flexner, Medical Education in the United States and Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (Boston: D. B. Updike, The Merrymount Press, 1910), 18.

25   Robb Burlage, personal communication.

26   Melvin Konner, Becoming a Doctor: A Journey of Initiation in Medical School (New York: Penguin, 1987), 38.

27   Jeffrey P. Bishop, The Anticipatory Corpse: Medicine, Power, and the Care of the Dying (Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, 2011).

28   Ibid.

29   Farr A. Curlin, “Detachment Has Consequences: A Note of Caution from Medical Students’ Experiences of Cadaver Dissection,” in John D. Lantos, ed., Controversial Bodies: Thoughts on the Public Display of Plastinated Corpses (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011), 57.

30   Konner, Becoming a Doctor, 373.

31   Ibid.

32   Kolata, “Annual Physical Checkup May Be an Empty Ritual.”

33   Alice W. Flaherty, “Performing the Art of Medicine,” Total Art,

34   “How Doctors Think,” Fresh Air, NPR, March 14, 2007,

Chapter Four: Crushing the Body

1   International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association, “Global Fitness Industry Records Another Year of Growth,” May 25, 2016,

2   Quoted in Marc Stern, “The Fitness Movement and the Fitness Center Industry, 1960–2000,” Business and Economic History On-Line 6 (2008): 5,

3   Quoted in Herb Hennings, “Over the Hill” (column), Kenyon Collegian, December 4, 1969, tent.cgi?article=3312&context =collegian.

4   “Why So Many Ph.D.s Are on Food Stamps,” Tell Me More, NPR, May 15, 2012,

5   “More College Freshmen Plan to Teach: A Decrease in Altruism and Social Concern Is Found,” New York Times, January 12, 1987, A15.

6   Quoted in Stern, “The Fitness Movement and the Fitness Center Industry,” 6.

7   James Fixx, The Complete Book of Running (New York: Random House, 1977), 14.

8   Gloria Steinem, “The Politics of Muscle,” available at

9   Sharon Tanenbaum, “Jane Fonda Opens Up About Her Decades-Long Battle with Bulimia,” Everyday Health, August 9, 2011, ders/0809/jane-fonda-opens-up-about-her-decades-long-battle-with-bulimia.aspx.

10   “The Soft Science of Dietary Fat,” Science 291 (March 30, 2001): 2536–45,

11   Wanda Urbanska, The Singular Generation: Young Americans in the 1980’s (New York: Doubleday, 1986), 100–101.

12   Delmore Schwartz, “The Heavy Bear,” quoted in Susan Bordo, Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body, 10th anniversary ed. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 1.

13   Allison Van Dusen, “Is Your Weight Affecting Your Career?,” Forbes, May 21, 2008,

14   Leah Binder, “Three Surprising Hazards of Worksite Wellness Programs,” Forbes, February 4, 2014,

15   Rand Corporation, “Do Workplace Wellness Programs Save Employers Money?,” research_briefs/RB9744.html.

16   John H. Knowles, ed., Doing Better and Feeling Worse (New York: W. W. Norton, 1977), 59.

17   Quoted in Howard M. Leichter, “‘Evil Habits’ and ‘Personal Choices’: Assigning Responsibility for Health in the 20th Century,” Milbank Quarterly 81, no. 4 (December 2003): 603–26,

18   Bipartisan Policy Center, “Are America’s Physicians Prepared to Combat the Obesity Epidemic?,” June 23, 2014,

19   Paula Cohen, “Group of Doctors Calls on Columbia Univ. to Oust Dr. Oz,” CBS News, April 16, 2015,

20   “The Yuppie America’s Economic Savior…Former Anti-war Activist Jerry Rubin Now Preaches the Gospel of Yuppiedom, Claiming That Yuppies Are Responsible for America’s Current Good Economy,”, October 19, 1985,

21   Josh Bersin, “Quantified Self: Meet the Quantified Employee,” Forbes, June 25, 2014,

22   Steven Rosenbaum, “The Quantified Self—Measuring to Curate Your Life,” Forbes, May 17, 2015,

23   Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever (New York: Rodale, 2004), 34.

24   “Eric Topol,” Wikipedia,

25   Olly Bootle, “Gadgets ‘Giving Us the Lowdown on Our Health,’” BBC News, August 12, 2013,

26   David Browne, “The Rise of the Health Coach,” Men’s Fitness,

27   Tony Horton, Crush It!: Burn Fat, Build Muscle and Shred Inches with Ultra-Extreme Warrior’s Workout!, digital book, at Amazon. com,

28^google |twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet.

29   Heather Havrilesky, “Why Are Americans So Fascinated with Extreme Fitness?,” New York Times Magazine, October 14, 2014,

20   “Zombie Apocalypse Update: October 31, 2015,” CrossFit Games, october-31-2015.

21   Quoted in “Bantu in the Bathroom: Jacqueline Rose on the Trial of Oscar Pistorius,” London Review of Books 37, no. 22 (November 19, 2015): 3–10,

Chapter Five: The Madness of Mindfulness

1   Deepak Chopra, “How to Start Listening to Your Body,”,

2   Michael Taylor, “What Does ‘Listen to Your Body’ Actually Mean?,” mindbodygreen, November 15, 2013,

3   “Manichaeism,” Wikipedia,

4   Quoted in Susan Bordo, Unbearable Weight: Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body, 10th anniversary ed. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003), 148.

5   “New Microsoft Study Shows Rapid Decline in Attention Spans,” Mrs. Mindfulness,

6   Alan Schwarz, “The Selling of Attention Deficit Disorder,” New York Times, December 14, 2013,

7   Ibid.

8   Lizette Borreli, “Human Attention Span Shortens to 8 Seconds Due to Digital Technology: 3 Ways to Stay Focused,” Medical Daily, May 14, 2015,

9   Ruth Buczynski, “Do Electronic Devices Affect Sleep?,” National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine,

10   Steve Silberman, “The Geek Syndrome,” Wired, December 1, 2012, _pr.html.

11   “Silicon Valley syndrome,” Urban Dictionary, www.urban ?term=Silicon+Valley+syndrome.

12   Rebecca Greenfield, “Digital Detox Camp Is So Easy to Hate,” Atlantic, July 9, 2013,

13   Farhad Manjoo, “Silicon Valley Has an Arrogance Problem,” Wall Street Journal, November 3, 2013, 712015473766.

14   Evgeny Morozov, “The Perils of Perfection,” New York Times, March 2, 2013, opinion/sunday/the-perils-of-perfection.html?_r=0.

15   Liat Clark, “Vinod Khosla: Machines Will Replace 80 Percent of Doctors,” Wired, September 4, 2012, archive/2012-09/04/doctors-replaced-with-machines.

16   Dave Asprey and J. J. Virgin, The Bulletproof Diet: Lose Up to a Pound a Day, Reclaim Energy and Focus, Upgrade Your Life (New York: Rodale, 2014), ebook, location 125.

17   Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever (New York: Rodale, 2004), 141.

18   Ibid.

19   Betsy Isaacson, “Silicon Valley Is Trying to Make Humans Immortal—And Finding Some Success,” Newsweek, March 5, 2015,

20   Jeff Bercovici, “How Peter Thiel Is Trying to Save the World,” Inc., July/August 2015,

21   Line Goguen-Hughes, “Mindfulness and Innovation,” Mindful, November 9, 2011,

22   Soren Gordhamer, Wisdom 2.0: The New Movement Toward Purposeful Engagement in Business and in Life (New York: HarperOne, 2013), 4.

23   Katie Hing, “Monk Who Inspired Gwyneth Paltrow and Emma Watson Now Worth £25 Million,” Mirror, July 4, 2015,

24   Bill Barol, “The Monk and the Mad Man Making Mindfulness for the Masses,” Fast Company, January 28, 2015,

25   Erin Anderssen, “Digital Overload: How We Are Seduced by Distraction,” Globe and Mail, March 29, 2014, relationships/digital-overload-how-we-are-seduced-by-distraction/article17725778/?page=all.

26   HarperCollins New Zealand promotional page for Soren Gordhamer, Wisdom 2.0,

27   David Gelles, “The Mind Business,” Financial Times, August 24, 2012,

28   Marc Kaufman, “Meditation Gives Brain a Charge, Study Finds,” Washington Post, January 3, 2005,


30   I. Plaza, M. M. Demarzo, P. Herrera-Mercadal, and J. García- Campayo, “Mindfulness-Based Mobile Applications: Literature Review and Analysis of Current Features,” Journal of Medical Internet Research mHealth uHealth 1, no. 2 (November 1, 2013),

31   Jo Confino, “Google’s Head of Mindfulness: ‘Goodness Is Good for Business,’” Guardian, May 14, 2014,

32   Emily McManus, “Why Aren’t We Asking the Big Questions? A Q&A with Ruby Wax,” TED Blog, October 10, 2012,

Chapter Six: Death in Social Context

1   Susan Dominus, “The Lives They Lived; Ladies of the Gym Unite!,” New York Times Magazine, December 8, 2003,

2   Dick Cavett, “When That Guy Died on My Show,” Opinionator (blog), New York Times, May 3, 2007,

3   Chris Crowley, “Harry Lodge: A Personal Memoir,” Younger Next Year, March 16, 2017,

4   Quoted in Howard M. Leichter, “‘Evil Habits’ and ‘Personal Choices’: Assigning Responsibility for Health in the 20th Century,” Milbank Quarterly 81, no. 4 (December 2003): 603–26,

5   Raymond Downing, Biohealth: Beyond Medicalization: Imposing Health (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2011).

6   Ian Shapira, “What Kind of Cancer Killed Them? Obituaries for David Bowie and Others Don’t Say,” Washington Post, January 22, 2016, _story.html.

7   Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2011), 224.

8   Mark Molesky, This Gulf of Fire: The Destruction of Lisbon, Or Apocalypse in the Age of Science and Reason (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2015), 55.

9   “Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne,” Wikipedia, _de_Lisbonne

10   Quoted in Michael Fitzpatrick, The Tyranny of Health: Doctors and the Regulation of Lifestyle (New York: Routledge, 2002), 9.

11   Quoted in ibid.

12   Arun Gupta, “How TV Superchef Jamie Oliver’s ‘Food Revolution’ Flunked Out,” AlterNet, April 7, 2010,’s_‘food _revolution’_flunked_out.

13   Gary Taubes, “What If It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie?,” New York Times Magazine, July 7, 2002, magazine/what-if-it-s-all-been-a-big-fat-lie.html.

14   John Steinbeck, In Dubious Battle (1936).

15   “Death of Eric Garner,” Wikipedia,

16   Christopher Mathias, “I Love ‘Loosies’: In Defense of Black Market Cigarettes,” Huffington Post, April 6, 2011, christopher-mathias/i-love-loosies-in-defense_b_845698.html.

17   Hilary Graham, “Gender and Class as Dimensions of Smoking Behaviour in Britain: Insights from a Survey of Mothers,” Social Science & Medicine 38 (1994): 691–98.

18   Linda Tirado, “This Is Why Poor People’s Bad Decisions Make Perfect Sense,” Huffington Post, November 22, 2013, linda-tirado/why-poor-peoples-bad-decisions-make-perfect-sense_b_4326233.html.

19   Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program, Working in America, “Retail Workforce, Employment and Job Quality,” December 2015, content/uploads/files/content/upload/Shop%20Til%20Who%20Drops%20-%20 Backgrounder%20-%20FINAL.pdf.

20   Gina Kolata, “A Surprising Secret to a Long Life: Stay in School,” New York Times, January 3, 2007,

21   Kimberly Palmer, “Do Rich People Live Longer?,” U.S. News & World Report, February 14, 2012,

22   Sabrina Tavernise, “Disparity in Life Spans of the Rich and the Poor Is Growing,” New York Times, February 12, 2016,

23   “Prescription Painkiller Overdoses at Epidemic Levels,” CDC Newsroom, November 1, 2011, media/releases/2011/p1101_flu_pain_killer_overdose.html.

24   Eugen Tomiuc, “Low Life Expectancy Continues to Plague Former Soviet Countries,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, April 2, 2013,

25   Tom Engelhardt, quoted in Barbara Ehrenreich, Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2006), 161.

26   Ibid., 162.

27   Alex Cohen, “The Mental Health of Indigenous Peoples: An International Overview,” Cultural Survival Quarterly Magazine, June 1999, tions/csq/article/the-mental-health-indigenous-peoples-an-international-overview.

28   G. William Domhoff, “Wealth, Income, and Power,”, September 2005, updated April 2017,

29   Judy Peres, “Workplace Wellness Programs Popular, but Do They Improve Health?,” Chicago Tribune, December 12, 2014,

30   Absolute Travel,

31   “Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing by Sören [sic] Kierkegaard,” showbook.asp?title=2523.

Chapter Seven: The War Between Conflict and Harmony

1   Quoted in David Kaiser, How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival (New York: W. W. Norton, 2011), 266.

2   Penny Lewis, Integrative Holistic Health, Healing, and Transformation: A Guide for Practitioners, Consultants, and Administrators (Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 2002), 20.

3   Ibid., 21.

4   “Systems and Systems Thinking,”,

5   Joel C. Magnuson, “Pathways to a Mindful Economy,” Society and Economy 29, no. 2 (2007): 253–84,

6   George Plopper, Principles of Cell Biology (Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2014).

7   “William Harvey,” people_pages/harvey.html.

8   George Johnson, The Cancer Chronicles: Unlocking Medicine’s Deepest Mystery (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2013), 143; Brett Israel, “How Many Cancers Are Caused by the Environment?,” Scientific American via Environmental Health News, May 21, 2010, article/how-many-cancers-are-caused-by-the-environment/.

9   DeLisa Fairweather and Noel R. Rose, “Women and Autoimmune Diseases,” Emerging Infectious Diseases 10, no. 11 (2004): 2005–11,

10   Quoted in Alfred I. Tauber, “Immunology and the Enigma of Selfhood,” in Growing Explanations: Historical Perspective on Recent Science, ed. M. Norton Wise (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004), 207.

11   Alfred I. Tauber, The Immune Self: Theory or Metaphor? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 141.

12   Quoted in Emily Martin, “Toward an Anthropology of Immunology: The Body as Nation State,” Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, vol. 4, no. 4 (December 1990): 410–26, quote on 411.

13   Quoted in Warwick Anderson and Ian R. Mackay, Intolerant Bodies: A Short History of Autoimmunity (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014), 89.

14   Lois N. Magner, A History of Infectious Diseases and the Microbial World (Healing Society: Disease, Medicine, and History) (Westport, CT: Praeger, 2009), 205.

15   Quoted in Anderson and Mackay, Intolerant Bodies, 89.

16   “Talking to Your Child About Menstruation,” KidsHealth,

17   Karol Maybury, “A Positive Approach to Menarche and Menstruation,” Society for the Psychology of Women, American Psychological Association,

18   “Margie Profet,” Wikipedia,

19   Brendan Maher, “Missing Biologist Surfaces, Reunites with Family,”, May 31, 2012,

20   Austin Burt and Robert Trivers, Genes in Conflict: The Biology of Selfish Genetic Elements (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), 3.

21   Suzanne Sadedin, “What Is the Evolutionary Benefit or Purpose of Having Periods?,” Quora, updated November 7, 2016,

Chapter Eight: Cellular Treason

1   Ruqaiyyah Siddiqui and Naveed Ahmed Khan, “Acanthamoeba Is an Evolutionary Ancestor of Macrophages: A Myth or Reality?,” Experimental Parasitology 130, no. 2 (February 2012): 95–97, 1015&context=pakistan_fhs_mc_bbs.

2   Emily Martin, “Toward an Anthropology of Immunology: The Body as Nation State.”

3   Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. Lichtman, and Shiv Pillai, Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 8th ed. (Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2015), 110–11.

4   See, for example, David A. Hume, “Macrophages as APC and the Dendritic Cell Myth,” Journal of Immunology 181 (2008): 5829–35,

5   Quoted in Gary Stix, “A Malignant Flame,” Scientific American, July 1, 2008, article/a-malignant-flame-2008-07/.

6   Ross Pelton with Lee Overholser, Alternatives in Cancer Therapy: The Complete Guide to Non-Traditional Treatments (New York: Fireside, 1994), 234.

7   Jerome Groopman, “The T-Cell Army,” New Yorker, April 23, 2012,

8   Toshifumi Fujiwara et al., “Macrophage Infiltration Predicts a Poor Prognosis for Human Ewing Sarcoma,” American Journal of Pathology 179, no. (2011): 1157–70,

9   Denise Grady, “Harnessing the Immune System to Fight Cancer,” New York Times, July 30, 2016,

10   John Condeelis and Jeffrey W. Pollard, “Macrophages: Obligate Partners for Tumor Cell Migration, Invasion, and Metastasis,” Cell 124, no. 2 (January 2006): 263–66, abstract/S0092-8674%2806%2900055-9.

11   S. Su et al. “A Positive Feedback Loop Between Mesenchymal-Like Cancer Cells and Macrophages Is Essential to Breast Cancer Metastasis,” Cancer Cell 25, no. 5 (May 12, 2014): 605–20,

12   Condeelis and Pollard, “Macrophages: Obligate Partners for Tumor Cell Migration, Invasion, and Metastasis.”

13   “ASCB Celldance 2015 ‘Spying on Cancer Cell Invasion,’” YouTube, uploaded January 21, 2016,

14   Francis Collins, “Cool Videos: Spying on Cancer Cell Invasion,” NIH Director’s Blog, National Institutes of Health, February 4, 2016,

15   A. Schmall et al., “Macrophage and Cancer Cell Cross-Talk via CCR2 and CX3CR1 Is a Fundamental Mechanism Driving Lung Cancer,” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 191, no. 4 (2015): 437–47,

16   Carly Bess Williams, Elizabeth S. Yeh, and Adam C. Soloff, “Tumor-Associated Macrophages: Unwitting Accomplices in Breast Cancer Malignancy,” NPJ Breast Cancer 2 (2016), cancer201525.

17   pHisohex,

18   Emil A. Tanghetti, “The Role of Inflammation in the Pathology of Acne,” Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology 6, no. 9 (2013): 27–35,

19   Jerome Groopman, “Inflamed: The Debate over the Latest Cure-All Craze,” New Yorker, November 30, 2015,

20   Ibid.

21   Ira Tabas and Karin E. Bornfeldt, “Macrophage Phenotype and Function in Different Stages of Atherosclerosis,” Circulation Research 118 (2016): 653–67,

22   Groopman, “Inflamed.”

23   “Should You Buy Into an Anti-inflammatory Diet?,” ConscienHealth,

24   David M. Mosser and Justin P. Edward, “Exploring the Full Spectrum of Macrophage Activation,” Nature Reviews Immunology 8, no. 12 (December 2008): 958–69,

25   Fabrice Merien, “A Journey with Elie Metchnikoff: From Innate Cell Mechanisms in Infectious Diseases to Quantum Biology,” Frontiers in Public Health 4 (2016): 125,

26   Mosser and Edward, “Exploring the Full Spectrum of Macrophage Activation.”

27   Simon Hallam et al., “Activated Macrophages in the Tumour Microenvironment—Dancing to the Tune of TLR and NF-κB,” Journal of Pathology 219, no. 2 (2009): 143–52,

Chapter Nine: Tiny Minds

1   Paul de Kruif, Microbe Hunters (New York: Harvest, 1996; originally published 1926), 201.

2   Alfred I. Tauber, The Immune Self: Theory or Metaphor? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 19.

3   Ibid., 26.

4   G. Balázsi, A. van Oudenaarden, and J. J. Collins, “Cellular Decision Making and Biological Noise: From Microbes to Mammals,” Cell 144, no. 6 (2011): 910–25,

5   H. Parsa, R. Upadhyay, and S. K. Sia, “Uncovering the Behaviors of Individual Cells Within a Multicellular Microvascular Community,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, no. 12 (2011): 5133–38,

6   Emily Singer, “Evolution of an Individual’s Cancer Can Be Tracked Cell by Cell,” Quanta magazine via Scientific American, November 15, 2013,

7   Jamie A. Lopez et al., “Rapid and Unidirectional Perforin Pore Delivery at the Cytotoxic Immune Synapse,” Journal of Immunology 191, no. 5 (2013): 2328–34,

8   Sindy H. Wei, Ian Parker, Mark J. Miller, and Michael D. Cahalan, “A Stochastic View of Lymphocyte Motility and Trafficking Within the Lymph Node,” Immunological Reviews 195 (2003): 136–59, publication%20attachments/Wei_ImmRev2003_119.pdf.

9   “Coturnix,” “And Now the Scientists Will Do Whatever They Damned Please (Start Shouting, Most Likely),” ScienceBlogs, May 15, 2007,

10   Bob Holmes, “Fruit Flies Display Rudimentary Free Will,” New Scientist, May 16, 2007,

11   Lanying Zeng et al., “Decision Making at a Subcellular Level Determines the Outcome of Bacteriophage Infection,” Cell 141, no. 4 (2010): 682–91,

12   “Freeman J. Dyson Interview,” Think Atheist, April 5, 2010,

13   Jessica Riskin, The Restless Clock: A History of the Centuries-Long Argument over What Makes Things Tick (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016), 3.

14   Ibid.

15   Carolyn Merchant, The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology, and the Scientific Revolution (New York: HarperCollins, 1982).

Chapter Ten: “Successful Aging”

1   Chris Crowley and Henry S. Lodge, Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy—Until You’re 80 and Beyond (New York: Workman, 2004), 49.

2   Ibid., 111.

3   “Jeanne Calment,” Wikipedia,

4   Sarah Lamb et al., Successful Aging as a Contemporary Obsession: Global Perspectives. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2017).

5  The Gerontologist published its February 2015 edition as a “Special Issue on Successful Aging,” reflecting on the concept’s past and future. Beyond gerontology proper, see also the Spring 2015 issue of Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of the Arts and Sciences, dedicated to the “Successful Aging of Societies.” See also John W. Rowe and Robert L. Kahn, “Successful Aging 2.0: Conceptual Expansions for the 21st Century,” Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 70, no. 4 (2015): 593-96.

6   The full name of this conference was “European Year for Active Aging and Solidarity Between Generations.” See

7   Sarah Lamb, “Permanent Personhood or Meaningful Decline? Toward a Critical Anthropology of Successful Aging,” Journal of Aging Studies 29 (2014): 41–52, public_files/Aging%20-%20 meaningful%20decline.pdf.

8   Crowley and Lodge, Younger Next Year, 29.

9   Richard Conniff, “The Hunger Gains: Extreme Calorie-Restriction Diet Shows Anti-Aging Results,” Scientific American, February 16, 2016,

10   Roger Landry, “The Person Who Will Live to Be 150 Is Alive Today—Could He Be You?,” U.S. News & World Report, August 19, 2015, via Yahoo News,

11   Quoted in Lynne Segal, Out of Time: The Pleasures and the Perils of Ageing (New York: Verso, 2014), 178.

12   Deirdre Carmody, “At Lunch With: Betty Friedan; Trying to Dispel ‘The Mystique of Age’ at 72,” New York Times, September 15, 1993,

13   U.S. Census Bureau, “Mobility Is Most Common Disability Among Older Americans, Census Bureau Reports,” press release, December 2, 2014,

14   Stewart Green, “Death on Mount Everest,” ThoughtCo., March 2, 2017,

15   See, for example, International Mountain Guides,

16   Paula Span, “High Disability Rates Persist in Old Age,” New York Times, July 8, 2013, rates-persist-in-old-age/?_r=0.

17   Cavan Sieczkowski, “Blake Lively Announces Lifestyle Company Similar to Gwyneth Paltrow’s GOOP,” Huffington Post, September 26, 2013,

18   Molly Young, “How Amanda Chantal Bacon Perfected the Celebrity Wellness Business,” New York Times Magazine, May 25, 2017,

19   “The Importance of Touch for Seniors,” The Arbors Blog, March 23, 2017,

20   Siyi Chen, “Intimacy for Rent: Inside the Business of Paid Cuddling,” Quartz, October 6, 2016,

21   Martha Savaria Morris, “The Role of B Vitamins in Preventing and Treating Cognitive Impairment and Decline,” Advances in Nutrition 3 (2012): 801–12,

22   Katarzyna Szarc vel Szic, Ken Declerck, Melita Vidaković, and Wim Vanden Berghe, “From Inflammaging to Healthy Aging by Dietary Lifestyle Choices: Is Epigenetics the Key to Personalized Nutrition?,” Clinical Epigenetics 7, no. 1 (2015): 33,

23   “Blocking Brain Inflammation ‘Halts Alzheimer’s Disease,’” BBC News, January 8, 2016,

24   Philip Roth, Everyman (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2006), 155.

25   Kathryn Higgins, “The Immune Cell, the Neutrophil—The Good, the Bad, or the Ugly?,” Brainwaves, February 21, 2012,

26   Alfred I. Tauber, The Immune Self, 8.

27   Quoted in Mary Roach, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers (New York: W. W. Norton, 2003), 68.

Chapter Eleven: The Invention of the Self

1   Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “A Psalm of Life,” Poetry Foundation,

2   Gary Petty, “What Does the Bible Say About the ‘Immortal Soul,’” Beyond Today, July 15, 1999,

3   Lionel Trilling, Sincerity and Authenticity (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1973), 19.

4   Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Confessions and Correspondence, Including the Letters to Malesherbes, trans. Christopher Kelly (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1995), ebook, location 693.

5   John O. Lyons, The Invention of the Self: The Hinge of Consciousness in the Eighteenth Century (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1978).

6   “Martin Guerre,” Wikipedia,

7   Garth Amundson, “Psychotherapy, Religion, and the Invention of the Self,” Therapy View: Musings on the Work and Play of Psychotherapy, November 1, 2015,

8   Marino Perez-Alvarez, “Hyperreflexivity as a Condition of Mental Disorder: A Clinical and Historical Perspective,” Psicothema 20, no. 2 (2008): 181–87.

9   “Worshiping Yourself,” The Twisted Rope, March 6, 2014,

10   Barbara Ehrenreich, Dancing in the Streets: A History of Collective Joy (New York: Metropolitan Books, 2006).

11   Herbert Fingarette, Death: Philosophical Soundings (Chicago: Open Court, 1999), 34–35.

12   Alex Lickerman, “Overcoming the Fear of Death,” Psychology Today, October 8, 2009,

13   Robert C. Solomon, Spirituality for the Skeptic: The Thoughtful Love of Life (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), 120.

14   Amundson, “Psychotherapy, Religion, and the Invention of the Self.”

15   Noah Shachtman, “Troops Use ‘Samurai’ Meditation to Soothe PTSD,” Wired, October 8, 2008,

16   “Rupert Brooke’s Obituary in The Times,”

17   “Joe Hill,” Union Songs,

18   Daniel Goleman, “The Experience of Touch: Research Points of a Critical Role,” New York Times, February 2, 1988,

19   Robinson Meyer, “Human Extinction Isn’t That Unlikely,” Atlantic, April 29, 2016, ogy/archive/2016/04/a-human-extinction-isnt-that-unlikely/480444/.

20   “The Irreconcilable Acceptance of Near-Term Extinction,” Nature Bats Last, April 28, 2013,

Chapter Twelve: Killing the Self, Rejoicing in a Living World

1   “Jacques Monod,” Today in Science History,

2   “The Triumph of Abrahamic Monotheism?,” Religion Today, November 2, 2011,

3   Jessica Riskin, The Restless Clock: A History of the Centuries-Long Argument over What Makes Things Tick (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2016), 3.

4   Jackson Lears, “Material Issue,” The Baffler, no. 32 (September 2016),

5   George Dvorsky, “Prominent Scientists Sign Declaration That Animals Have Conscious Awareness, Just Like Us,” Gizmodo, August 23, 2012,

6   Stephen Hawking, “The Origin of the Universe,”,

7   Rolf Ent, Thomas Ullrich, and Raju Venugopalan, “The Glue That Binds Us,” Scientific American, May 2015, able_files/pdf/SciAm-Glue-Final.pdf.

8   David Rieff, Swimming in a Sea of Death: A Son’s Memoir (New York, Simon & Schuster, 2008), 167.

9   Ibid.

10   Michael Pollan, “The Trip Treatment,” New Yorker, February 9, 2015,

11   Ibid.

12   Ibid.

13   Simon G. Powell, Magic Mushroom Explorer: Psilocybin and the Awakening Earth (South Paris, ME: Park Street Press, 2015), 30.

14   Pollan, “The Trip Treatment.”

15   “Bertolt Brecht: When in My White Room at the Charité,” reproduced at Tom Clark Beyond the Pale, January 12, 2012,