Names are important. Ask the stars who, to protect

their kids from mediocrity, call them Moxie

Crimefighter, Audio Science, Dweezil, Hieronymus Bug.

Ask the former Daniel Michael Miller, now legally

The Dan Miller Experience. (“Call me The.”)

Ask the man who changed his name (who knows

from what?) to Snaphappy Fishsuit Mokiligon:

a rockin’, sockin’, finger-poppin’ joy-buzzer of a guy

who later changed Snaphappy etc. to Variable,

reminding us that life is flux; consistency,

the hobgoblin of mini-minds. That message, too,

having outlived its time, Variable asked, in 2010,

to become Fuck Censorship—a request akin

to the Walmsleys’ sullen son Windigo’s suggestion

that their summer cabin, “Grizzly’s Den,” be renamed

Pig’s Wallow, Turd Corner, or Soul Cyanide,

both requests being—like Windigo’s prayers

for a new job and better family, another chance

for real, limb-ripping grizzlies to roam the ever-

more-peopled, less-wooded hills—denied.