This woman was driving her mad. She’d seemed so reserved when she’d opened her door, but Rachel was learning fast there was another side of Sophia—one that was a tigress in bed. Mindful of the ankle wrapped in ice, she moved fully over her, seeking as much skin-to-skin contact as possible. God, she loved the feel of her soft curves beneath her. And the woman could kiss. She delved her tongue deep into the recesses of Sophia’s mouth, dueled with her tongue as they learned the taste of each other.

She wanted to take it slow since this might be the only time she’d get to be with this spectacular woman, but she could sense Sophia’s arousal ramping up. It wouldn’t take much to send her over. Breaking the kiss, she nibbled along her jaw until she was able to take her earlobe between her teeth. A few flicks of her tongue over the sensitive flesh elicited a groan.

She ran her tongue around the shell of her ear then breathed, “I want to taste your pussy.”

“Oh God.” Her hips rose—an invitation if Rachel had ever seen one.

Working her way toward her goal, she paused to worship at her breasts, teasing the nipples to ruby peaks with her fingers then taking each one in her mouth until she writhed beneath her. “Touch them for me.” She guided Sophia’s hands to her own breasts. “Don’t let go.”

Watching Sophia tease her own breasts as Rachel worked her way south was the biggest turn-on ever. She’d always been attracted to big tits, but she was afraid she’d gone from attraction all the way to obsession when it came to Sophia’s rack.

Sophia ground her mound against Rachel’s thigh, reminding her of her mission to give the woman the best orgasm she’d ever experienced. Resuming her downward path, she paused momentarily to dip her tongue into her belly button. The action resulted in a predictable reaction. The woman hissed and tightened her stomach muscles.

Moving lower, she settled between Sophia’s thighs. Her pussy was just as beautiful as the rest of her, pink and plump with arousal. She’d done a nice job of landscaping, leaving a small, neat triangle of hair pointing to her joy button. Rachel scraped at the little bit of fluff with her fingernail. “Cute,” she said, blowing on it.

“Oh God, Rach!” Sophia’s hips rose, and she spread her uninjured leg wider.

She pressed her palm to the back of Sophia’s thigh and pushed her leg higher, opening her fully. With no warning, she placed an open-mouthed kiss on the sweetest pussy she’d ever tasted. The woman struggled, but the one hand on her, coupled with her injury, prevented her from going far. Rachel pursued. Using her tongue to spread her folds, she stroked, kissed, and sucked the succulent flesh. Her taste buds sent her warning signals. She could easily become addicted to such a sweet pussy. The longer she kept her face in her cunt, the more difficult it would be to walk out of her apartment, and her life, when the clock struck midnight.

Hearing the imaginary clock ticking in her brain, she zeroed in on the knot of nerve endings that held the key to Sophia’s orgasm.

“Wait!” She tugged Rachel’s hair hard enough to gain her attention.

“What?” She peered over the woman’s well-groomed mound. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. God, no. It’s just…I want to taste you, too.”

Her pussy clenched, imagining Sophia’s mouth there.

“Let me do you at the same time.”

The 69 position wasn’t one she was overly fond of, but with Sophia’s injury, the woman could hardly do anything else. Imagining those plump lips devouring her, Rachel agreed to the new plan. Arranging herself atop the other woman, her knees bumping the tops of her shoulders, she lowered her pussy within reach of Sophia’s mouth.

“God, you’re pretty.” She wrapped her arms around Rachel’s hips and brought her down to her face. The first brush of her tongue over her throbbing flesh nearly sent her rocketing into space. Her heartbeat escalated, and a fresh wave of moisture leaked from her slit. “Fuck, you taste like heaven.”

The obscenity coming from her sweet Sophia’s mouth would have made Rachel smile, except the woman chose that moment to flick her tongue over her clit. Her vision blurred, and it was all she could do to not sit on her face. The woman didn’t play fair!

Determined to finish what she’d started before the temptress finished her, she buried her face in the other woman’s snatch and feasted. She matched every tongue lashing, every bite, every sucking motion happening to her pussy until she was holding onto the edge by the thinnest of threads. In a startling moment of clarity, she knew that sex would never be this good with anyone else. Sophia was her perfect match. Smart, beautiful, and not afraid to ask for what she wanted, she was everything she wanted in a partner. But she had no guarantees beyond this one time, so focusing on giving her the best orgasm of her life, she drove her tongue deep inside the honeyed channel. At the same time, she found her clit with her thumb.

Apparently sensing her intentions, Sophia responded in kind, thrusting what felt like every one of her fingers in Rachel’s vagina. The moment Sophia’s lips closed over her clit, Rachel came undone, taking her lover with her.


Sophia stroked the long, toned limbs splayed on either side of her head. Beyond her range of vision, the goddess’s outstretched arm lay alongside Sophia’s uninjured leg. Torso to torso, they both struggled for equilibrium following what for her had been the most stupendous sex ever.

She’d taken a big risk initiating the sensual encounter, but she’d never regret her actions. Not even if Rachel got up, dressed, and left without a word. Sex like that wasn’t something a person regretted. She’d just had the gold standard of sexual encounters by which all future ones—if she could bring herself to be with anyone else—would be measured.

But, what if it hadn’t been that good for Rachel? Goddess that she was, she probably had stupendous sex on a regular basis. The thought made her stomach ache. Suddenly, she was too aware of the throbbing in her ankle. Not wanting to alert her lover to her discomfort, she did her best to remain still, but a cramp in her leg made the decision for her. She whimpered as her calf muscle tightened.

“I’m sorry.” She rolled off to the side, and Sophia shivered as cool air met her heated skin. “I should have moved sooner, but it felt good lying there.”

“My leg,” she said through gritted teeth as she tried to reach the offending muscle.

“Let me.” Rachel scrambled off the bed then sat on the edge, her hip next to Sophia’s thigh. “I should have known strenuous activity wasn’t a good idea.”

She watched the play of muscles in Rachel’s slender back and toned arms as her lover massaged her leg with sure, competent hands. Hands that had driven her out of her mind with lust a few minutes ago. Hands she would never get tired of feeling on her body. The cramp in her leg eased and she closed her eyes, letting the woman’s voice wash over her. What was she still doing here, anyway? She’d thought for certain the leg cramp would have woken the woman up to what they’d just done and sent her flying out the door.

Rachel sighed. “I don’t know what I’m apologizing for. This is all your fault. If you hadn’t asked me to help you undress, I might have been able to keep my hands off you. But the moment I saw you naked, I was done for. Absolutely done for.”

Sophia roused from her magic-hands-induced stupor. “What?” She pushed herself up to rest on her elbows. “What did you just say?”

The goddess half turned, meeting her gaze. “I said, the second I had you naked, I was done for.” Her sure hands stroked higher, along her inner thigh, sending quivers of awareness to her pussy. “I don’t know about you, but that was the best sex I’ve ever had.”

Sophia held her breath, waiting to hear more. When the other woman remained silent, she pushed the stale air from her lungs and gulped in fresh. Rachel’s hand had stilled inches away from the Promised Land. Lord, how she ached to have her touch her there again. She wasn’t a risk taker by nature. She’d stepped out on more cracked ledges with this woman than she ever had with anyone else, so what was one more? “It was for me, too. The best, I mean.”

Rachel slid her hand another inch closer. Sophia bit her lower lip to keep from begging the woman to touch her.

“You have the most beautiful legs. And tits. And pussy. I think I might be addicted.”

Her heart was going to knock a hole right through her rib cage if it beat any harder or faster. “I know what you mean. I don’t know if I’m addicted to you, but I wouldn’t mind finding out.”

Slim fingers crept closer. Sophia spread her good leg wider, inviting her touch.

“How long do you think it will take you to make that determination?”

“I don’t know, exactly. I analyze data for a living. In my experience, the more data collected, the better. It could take years for me to collect enough data.”

The tip of Rachel’s index finger traced her outer lips in a touch so light it could have been angel wings.

“So.” She rimmed her vaginal opening. “What are you saying?”

With Rachel’s finger touching her so intimately, it was all she could do to focus on the conversation. Somehow, she managed to figure out that her thoughts on the situation needed to be spelled out. Her stomach did flip-flops at the idea of making herself vulnerable to the kind of hurt she would have the power to inflict. But when she imagined letting her walk out the door before they had a chance to explore whatever this was between them, her chest tightened. Unacceptable. She sucked in a shuddering breath and said what was in her heart. “Make love to me. Please?”


Waiting for the temptress to answer had to be the longest second of Rachel’s life, but when the answer came, it was more than she’d ever hoped for. The distinction between making love and having sex wasn’t lost on her. She’d chosen her words carefully to let her know that she, too, had felt that nebulous connection between them and recognized it for the precious thing it was.

Turning so she faced the head of the bed, her gaze met Sophia’s. Time to set some ground rules. “What you need is important to me, but I’ll decide if you get it or not.” As if she could deny those deep-blue eyes anything, but the woman didn’t have to know that. Because she’d been uncertain whether to pursue something more than casual friendship with the woman, she’d let her call the shots. It was her turn now.

“I need you to make love to me.”

Rachel palmed her mound, loving the feel of her heat. “You just had what appeared to be a very nice orgasm.”

“I need another one.”

God, she loved that petulant expression. Making her wait for her orgasms was going to be entertaining. Now that she knew she wouldn’t be kicked out anytime soon, she could afford to draw out the anticipation—for both of them. “We’ve got all night.”

Sophia rocked her hips against Rachel’s hand. “I’m hurting.”

Rachel played with her pussy for a minute, parting her folds, teasing the swollen tissues, plunging two fingers at a time into her channel. When she collapsed onto her back and groaned, she knew she had the sexy woman right where she wanted her. She withdrew her fingers. Withdrew her touch altogether, and stood.

Sophia shot up to her elbows once more. A spark of anger seared away the haze of passion in her eyes. “What are you doing?”

God, she would have fun driving Sophia crazy every chance she got for the next fifty years or so. It would take that long to get it out of her system. “I’m going to get the champagne and chocolate. Don’t move.”

Returning to the bedroom, she placed the celebratory items on the nightstand and went back for the roses. No sense letting them go to waste. In the absence of feathers, soft petals made a good substitute. Taking one from the vase, she knelt next to the Sophia’s good side. She was so damn lovely. Rachel stripped all the petals off the stem, dropped them one by one onto Sophia then reached for another bloom. “Close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you to.”

Obediently, her eyelids dropped. Rachel used the flower to trace over her lover’s eyes then her cheek bones, and across her slightly parted lips. Inching her way lower, she twirled the bloom over each nipple until they tightened with need. Venturing lower, she skimmed the loveliest skin she’d ever seen, causing it to break out in goose flesh and scattering the petals she’d dropped there. Other than to clutch at the duvet, Sophia held perfectly still, even when Rachel teased her belly button.

Parting her folds with the fingers of one hand, she brushed the bloom over Sophia’s clit until the woman could no longer remain still. Her hips lifted, finding a slow, sensual rhythm. Her own pussy throbbed with need, but nothing was as important at the moment as giving her lover the pleasure she sought.

A few times, Sophia attempted to increase the tempo, but each time Rachel withdrew the blossom until her lover got the message and ceded control. The buildup was torturously slow, but when she finally allowed Sophia to come, her lover screaming her name was the greatest reward possible. Rachel lay beside her, her head resting on her shoulder, one hand cupping her pussy in order to enjoy the tiny aftershocks rocking her body. She’d never been more content in her life.

“We can’t tell Damon about this.”

She hadn’t given their mutual friend a thought since she’d helped Sophia remove her shirt earlier. After that, she’d only had one thing on her mind—getting as close to the woman as possible. Cuddled beside her on the bed, she allowed the outside world to drift in. “Why not?”

“Because he’ll never let us hear the end of it.”

“You’re probably right, but I don’t see how we’re going to keep it from him. I don’t plan to stay away from you, not even at work. He’s bound to notice.”

The temptress sighed. “You’re right. With you in the same building, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of you. He’s too observant to miss something like that.”

“How’s your ankle?”

“Better. I think the ice is melted.”

Rachel got up long enough to remove the ice pack, check that the swelling had gone down, and rewind the compression bandage. After helping the injured woman to a sitting position, she popped the cork on the champagne, poured them each a glass then climbed into bed, too. “Pass the chocolates.”

They each selected a candy from the fancy box. Sophia held up her champagne flute. “To Damon, the sneaky bastard.”

Rachel laughed then lifted her glass. “To Damon, the sneaky bastard.” They clinked their glasses together and drank to their friend. “We owe him one.”

“A big one,” Sophia agreed. “We need to find him the biggest cock we can. He’d like that.”

Rachel almost choked on the bite of candy she’d just taken. “He’s gay?”

“You didn’t know?”

“I guess I never thought about it. Truthfully, I’ve been such a mess that I haven’t paid much attention to anything but myself for the last year or so.” She reached for Sophia’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “But that’s behind me now. Knowing everything about you and making you happy has recently become my number one priority.”

Sophia squeezed back. “Same here. But seriously, Damon’s been alone for a long time. We really should find someone for him. It’s the least we can do for him setting us up the way he did.”

“I was so pissed at him for sending me to do his dirty work for him.” She shook her head at the memory of being conned into delivering his Valentine’s Day regrets.

“Turned out to be my Special Delivery Valentine.”

“It was special?”

Sophia blushed. “You know it was. You are.” She brought her hand up to cup Rachel’s jaw. “It’s my turn. Let me make love to you.” Her lips tasted of chocolate, and her tongue, when it swept into her mouth, tasted of champagne. Rachel broke away to place her glass on the nightstand. Sophia stopped her.

“Hang on to it. Don’t spill a drop. No matter what.”

Clutching the delicate stemmed glass between trembling fingers, she watched her lover’s head drop lower. When she took her nipple into her mouth and sucked, Rachel closed her eyes and opened her legs for her very own Special Delivery Valentine.