chapter seventeen



Link and I fell asleep in each other’s arms, right after I shouted through the door to James and Catherine that we were just fine. I embarrassingly admitted that I was the cause of the tremor and was thankful I didn’t have to look them in the eye. I would have to learn how to control my new powers, the sooner the better. The city should not have to deal with an earthquake every time my husband and I made love. Plus, there was no telling what kind of damage I could do to the century-old buildings in town. I would be a happy wife, living in a city of ruins. Who knew that being able to tap into the elements would produce such a result? At least I hadn’t caused a quake of great magnitude. It was actually quite minor, thankfully.

A few hours later, soft little kisses woke me up, trailing from my shoulders down to the base of my spine. It was a delightful way to start my day. I stirred and sighed with contentment.

Good – morning – sweet – heart,” Link punctuated each word with a kiss.

It is a very good morning,” I smiled and turned to face him. “But why did you wake me so early?” I yawned.

What? Four in the morning is too early for you?” Link smiled my brilliant smile. “Sorry babe, you were just too beautiful. That silky skin was meant to be kissed, it was calling to me.”

Rrriiiiigght, my skin called to you.”

Link paused in thought. “We spoke to each other last night, in our heads, like Marcus. Didn’t we? How did we do that?”

I’m not sure,” I said. “I think that is going to be my standard answer to a lot of questions for awhile. I wish there was a manual for this Caster job that has been thrust upon me.”

Maybe you should start reading from that creepy book today. I’m pretty sure that’s about as close to a manual as you’re going to get. But later, okay? I think my lips missed a few spots. You woke up too soon,” Link playfully pouted.

You should probably make sure that none of my parts are jealous of the attention you’ve shown to my other parts. I don’t think this spot on my elbow was kissed at all. Or here on my tummy, and you definitely missed the back of my knee,” I giggled.

Madam, I must fix that, right this very minute!” Link exclaimed as he pulled the sheet over our heads.

A minor aftershock rocked the towns of Mountain Village and Telluride, very early that morning. It barely registered on the Richter scale - I was more in control the second time around.

About an hour later, Link stood at the stovetop making one of his amazing omelets for me while I paged through The Book of Spells.

Ooohh, I can turn you into any kind of animal, permanently,” I awed.

Pass,” Link said as he took the spatula and flipped over the ham, egg, and cheese mixture.

I can make you become enamored of me,” I batted my eyelashes at him.

You don’t need a spell book for that. I am already in love. You can’t make me want you any more than I already do.”

I can change the weather for a day. That might come in handy. I wonder why it specifies a day.”

So you don’t upset the balance of the universe,” Link responded.

I don’t think I have any control over the universe.”

Link plated the omelet. “You have control over my universe.”

Seriously, Lincoln, I basically can do just about whatever I want, to you or anyone else for that matter. Each time I page through The Book, a new spell appears, one that wasn’t there the last time. It is just too much power,” I sighed.

You will make the right choices. I know you will, but I do think you should practice. Maybe there are some minor spells you could try. And that calling on the elements thing, we should probably work on that... especially the earth,” Link winked.

Yeah, I guess the earth could use a break from me, and you! You are just as much to blame. The way you make me feel...” I smiled and put a forkful of food into my mouth. “Aahh, you make the best omelets.”

Thank you, for both of those comments.” Link winked again. “What should we do today?”

Just about anything we want, I guess. We are without limitations!”

Link leaned forward and kissed me, taking my breath away. “Have I told you today, just how much I love you?”

Why no, Mr. Knight, you have not.”

Well, Mrs. Knight, I love you... body, mind, and soul,” he whispered in my ear.

I kissed him back, putting every ounce of love I possibly could into the action. The surrounding air began to swirl, whipping our hair around, and pushing our bodies even closer together. The lights began to flicker, and the room began to shake.

And I love you,” I murmured against his lips.