Many bits and pieces of research, not to mention larger chunks, came from books, articles, photographs, and newsreels too numerous to mention. However, the author owes a particular debt of gratitude to the following:

Mark Roodhouse, Black Market Britain: 1939–1955

Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Austerity in Britain: Rationing, Controls, and Consumption, 1939–1955

Alan Palmer, The East End: Four Centuries of London Life

David Hughes, “The Spivs,” in Michael Sissons and Philip French’s (eds.) Age of Austerity

Carol Kennedy, Mayfair: A Social History

Patricia Baker, Fashions of a Decade: The 1940s

Ruth Adam, A Woman’s Place, 1910–1975

Martin Pugh, Women and the Women’s Movement in Britain, 1914–1959

Tom Harrison, Living Through The Blitz

Martin Stallion, Secretary of the Police History Society

And her handy, dandy, foldable 1946 London Bus and Tram Map, with which she guided Gwen through her misadventures. Iris, of course, did not need a map to find trouble.

The author takes full responsibility for any errors made. Indeed, she will immediately launch into a ghastly display of sobbing upon confrontation with any such, so please be kind.