Dear Reader,

Life is messy. People aren’t perfect. Sometimes we believe we know what we’d do if we found ourselves in a certain situation, and then life puts us there...and we don’t do what we thought we would.

Ronni Mangano is in a tough situation. She wanted to divorce her cheating husband, but then he was injured. She’s spent the past few years caring for the man who made her feel like “less.” Her teenage son deals with the stress by acting out.

Enter Hayden Hawkins, with whom she hasn’t spoken since the death of Hayden’s brother, Ian—her son’s father—thirteen years earlier. Hayden’s a charmer, a woman magnet who adores the female species. But his relationships come with a thirty-day out clause. After watching his brother deal with a broken heart before his death, Hayden decided love wasn’t worth the pain. Better to love ’em and leave ’em wanting more than getting hurt.

The last thing Ronni and Hayden expect is to fall for each other. Because she’s the kind of woman he doesn’t go near: a married woman. A woman tied by obligation, guilt and, yes, even a little bit of love, to a man in a permanent vegetative state.

When you’ve been numb for so long, even pain is a welcome sensation. Joy and pleasure are things you only read about. Loving Hayden promises all those things and more. But they can’t give in to temptation.... Or can they? Hayden’s a thirty-day guy. Ronni wants a semper fi guy.

But sometimes we have to wade through bad stuff to get to the good.

I hope you enjoy spending more time with the Hawkins Family. They’re a great group of people. And Hayden may just be one of my favorites. (Don’t tell the others!)

I’d love to hear from you! Please visit my website,, email me at or follow my Facebook page.

Susan Gable