7. Beach Chair


Imagine the smug satisfaction you will derive from whipping out this chaise de plage after the beach blankets are spread. People will ignore the busload of swimsuit models arriving just up the beach as they crowd around you and your chair, deep in admiration.

Fabric selection is crucial. You need a tough cloth, such as canvas, that will withstand the elements at the beach. Choose a fabric with a colourful pattern that will hide the sweat absorbed from your back or the splotch of goo that greases your bod as you lounge on the beach.

This chair begs for modification to fit your individual tastes and size. Using measurements that fit the end user (so to speak), cut two stick pieces to the same length for the back, cut two more for the seat, and cut four or five crosspieces as you choose and corner braces if you want to get fancy. Cut two canvas pieces wide and long enough to make a comfortable sling for the seat and back, allowing extra length for folding the edges over the frame. Staple the fabric securely across the frame by bringing it to the inside, using lots of 3/8" staples. Hinge the back and seat together (hinges should be salt resistant — brass is good), and finish the project off by securely attaching a strip of nylon webbing to each side for stability. The bracing is important, as the twists, shifts, and stretches of beach lounging can put a lot of stress on a chair.
