The making of a key holder from a busted hockey stick requires the insertion of some nails or, better yet, those more expensive brass hooks with an elegant skirt thingamabob that you see only on key holders. An entire industry exists to make those screw-in brass wafer-and-hook units for shop classes around the world. My mother still has a key holder I made decades ago, so do a good job, line up those nails or hooks well; this is going to have your name on it for a long time.
A post-modern version would consist of a nice straight piece of hockey stick with simple titanium rods sticking out. A Dadaist would randomly put in nails of various sizes after glueing all manner of hockey related printed material (game ticket stubs, programs, newspaper clippings) all over the stick. A deconstructionist would still be thinking, “What the heck is a straight piece of wood, anyway?” You, however, can do whatever you like. You could even make the key holder out of the blade part of the stick with your photo from your Pee Wee Hockey days varnished right onto it, next to a hand-written, heart-melting line saying something like, “Thanks for driving me to the rink all those years.” You won’t get encouragement for such mush here, but this is your hockey stick key holder, so embellish away!