Ancient water balloon launchers were comprised of a basket of bent ash wood and a net of supple deer hide strips. Early men would use them to practise hitting beasts large and small when their larders were filled but they still felt like hunting. There was probably a secret practice spot, and the call would often be heard, “To the cave, guys! Come on, Lascaux!”
You can make your own water balloon launcher by finding a nice slingshot-style stick in your nearest twig pile. Whittle one side of the long end flat and screw it to the end of the hockey stick, reinforcing the joint with a quick application of hockey tape or duct tape. Cut a length of nylon cord to tie across the open end of Y, creating a triangle. You can keep the cut end of the nylon cord from fraying by briefly holding it in a flame. This melted nylon burns like the dickens if it gets on you, so be careful. Use more cord to weave a nice basket-style sling. Be creative. Any tool of mayhem is appreciated in refined company if it’s made well; make yours well, and you will be the envy of … some. This launcher is a useful tool in the study of terminal velocities, stress loads, and the evasive tactics of those unwilling to get drenched. Any similarities between this water balloon launcher and the traditional lacrosse stick are purely accidental.