26. Library-Style Newspaper Holder


Do you remember going to an old library that had the newspapers of the day on sticks to keep them tidy and organized? The sticks rested neatly on a table or in a frame when not in use. When you took your selection to a table to read it, nobody could steal a section from you, as you were the master of that publication. You sat alone at a large table and without haste perused the day’s events.

Newspapers come in several different sizes: tabloids, broadsheets, twins, doubles, and RBIs. I suggest you get your favourite journal and measure the length of it and add about 8". Now you must find lengths of hockey stick to accommodate this measurement, one for each newspaper you intend to display. Sand the edges, apply a glossy coat of varnish, and add a comfortable handle grip. To hold the papers in place, each stick will need a wire running along it just longer than the paper’s gutter fold. One end should be secured with a brass screw, and at the handle end, loop the wire around another screw that holds enough tension to keep the paper on the stick. The wire will run down between the inside fold of the journal and the stick. Sound complicated? Another approach would be to make a long slot through the stick so that you could just slip the newspaper into place.
