Many pucks lost in the snow- banks around frozen ponds or lakes slowly drift to the bottom in a gentle, tumbling descent with the spring thaw. There they lie forever, inert rubber, dark and forgotten. There is no need, however, to forget those prized pucks that never quite get into circulation. You know, the souvenir pucks with the colourful team logos. They could be displayed on the wall in your hand-made puck display shelf. You require but an old hockey stick and a sabre saw.
First find a long piece of hockey stick. You will need to space out your pucks evenly along the length of your stick. After the spacing issues are resolved, you must mark your cutting lines along the stick. Make yourself a template by drawing a straight line across the face of an old puck about 1/2” from the bottom edge. Place this line against the top of your mounting stick and mark your cutting lines, creating a series of consistent scallops in which to rest your pucks. Use two C clamps to secure the stick to your work table, with the area to be cut well over the edge. Cut carefully, and then sand the cut areas smooth. Secure to the wall with finishing nails and insert your puck collection in the slots. You now have a ready supply of hard rubber things to throw at mice or other unwelcome guests.