The curve of the blade of a hockey stick has a refined equine profile. Okay, maybe not at first glance, but once you add some ears, paint on some eyes and a nose, and attach a halter, you’ll be saying “Giddyap, pardner!” For a real customized look, you can add a saddle made out of an old skate boot and puck wheels at the base. Applied neatly, duct tape will attractively attach the skate to the stick. The puck wheels call for a drill and some nuts, bolts, and washers. Drill a hole through dead centre of each puck and through the end of the hockey stick. Line up the holes and insert the bolts and washers, holding the whole unit in place with the nuts.
As a point of interest, the original hobby horse was developed by the ancient Klucks as a ploy to outwit the Myopians at the Battle of Smutz. The Myopians were bad at finding and saddling up their own horses, so the steeds did not take commands well. The Klucks, on the other hand, were horseless yet clever. A quick Kluckian carpenter evaluated their situation and their resources, (large supplies of broken hockey sticks) and the hobby horse was born. The outwitted Myopians surmised they were indeed goners and gave up their steeds in defeat. The discarded faux horses became the playthings of young Klucks and eventually children everywhere. How this got to be a hobby is anyone’s guess.