48. Pooper Scooper

The laws of urban decorum no longer allow us to let our dogs crap any where they want to. Most municipalities have a poop-and-scoop law, but I find something distasteful about doing the inverted plastic bag trick which gives me a handful of warm dog poop just one polymer-width away from my skin. At least with a pooper scooper, you can fling your dog’s evacuations wildly into some unpopulated area, should you care to.

To make this handy tool, fit an old skate to the blade end of a hockey stick with a careful but vigorous application of hockey tape. You’re done.

Note that the top of a skate has good stiff support. This is such a perfect turd lifter that MIT couldn’t design one better. You also have a perfect reservoir to hold the accumulation. Once the skate is filled, however, the emptying business must be attended to — the location of which will test the depths of your depravity. The tongue of the skate, unfortunately, is often padded with rather absorbent material. In fact, a long-term application of this tool is not without accompanying odors and cleaning problems. You will want to store this thing outside.

A dignified tool this will be, too, since from a distance nobody will suspect that you are hauling a pooper scooper; you will just look like you are taking your dog to the rink.
