III. Literature Review


The envelope of pills you sent

arrived the same day as the shipment

of elephants and disembodied

voices. Skeptics do not believe

we can prove we are not dreaming,

but they are very grateful for the existence of

anti-psychotics. Exiled on a rock

in the middle of the ocean, this haunting

would cease to be a reality problem and

become a mere disturbance.

Stevens wrote many a sun and even a green queen

into existence. Sometimes I understand I’m just one elephant

in the crate of elephants left on my doorstep.

Stevens was vice-president of the Hartford

Livestock Insurance Company and in his final

days at the hospital he confessed to having

a certain emptiness in his life. Disembodied voices can be

a kindness. Most people would never admit to

having poetic conversations with a dead

insurance broker, yet many have memorized Stevens’ lines.

There have been many philosophical arguments about

the golden mountain. They’ve had a hard time

proving something non-existent doesn’t exist.

Meinong allowed for all logical

subjects of sentences to have some kind of being.

When the crate of giant cockroaches arrives,

I don’t know whether or not to find it reassuring.