Noddy Perkins

The listener has an appointment with Noddy Perkins. Powerful personality, restless, edgy, inclined to make nervous those around him. Pure upmanship.

Proud and loving father to Sammie Jo, and husband to Blanche Cooke.

The red face and its red scalp with a shock of white hair remain in place.

The listener may, perhaps not, but the listener may have omitted to point out the strong chin and a slight, but deep scar above the right side of his upper lip. The listener has not found anyone who knows how the scar came about. It’s an old scar, the only piece of non-red tissue in his face.

Fine restorative dental work there, by the upper lip. Eyes, a soft, royal blue. They appear incongruous, given that strong nose and the stronger chin, but the penetrating look of the eyes attests power; the listener has formed the opinion that Perkins has decided, perhaps trained himself, to blink as little as possible.

The listener intrudes and explains here because the elections are “looming” (Cf. Tapia) and the listener wishes to hear, learn, at first hand what Noddy Perkins has to say about the Commissioner.

Ira Escobar is a fine young man. He does good work as a County Commissioner, and I’ve no objection at all regarding his private life, either.

I know there are people who say we run him like a sheep dog, but I don’t see it that way.

I’m a businessman, and I want the Valley to prosper. If a Mexican can be helped on his way to occupy a local political post, the county is a good example; that’s what we’re here for.

Ira’s transfer to our branch in Jonesville was most convenient. We’re in the same precinct after the last reapportionment and his residency in Jonesville suits him. He’s in no danger of losing his seat. The Enterprise-News certainly holds that view.

Ira is a serious young man and carries out his duties. To add to this, he has some sensible ideas which help him see his duties clearly.

My policy is not to meddle in my employees’ private lives; I’ve nothing more to say on this. I’m not cutting you off here exactly, it’s that my chief concern is running the Bank. I’ve three or four appointments this afternoon also …

Now, if you have some time, let’s go across to El Fénix for some coffee. I’ll flip you for it.

The listener prefers the Perkins Treatment than to being hustled by easy language. Note: the listener won the coin toss for coffee but lost the pastry toss. To quote Jehu Malacara: When going against Noddy, in anything, a tie tastes as good as a win.