The courtyard of the Castle later that night. WILL, on guard duty, walks back and forward thoughtfully, holding his spear over his shoulder. He hears a step and comes to the alert.

WILL: Whoa! Stop richt there, whaever ye are!

(THE DOCTOR steps out of the shadows)

DOCTOR: It’s aaricht, Wullie. It’s just myself!

(WILL relaxes)

WILL: Doctor! Ye gied me a wee gluff there! Ye’re shairly out of yer bed late the nicht, are ye no?

(They approach each other in a friendly manner)

DOCTOR: Aye! Just canna get to sleep, Wull! I keep thinkin about the trial the morn.

WILL: (nodding sadly) Aye!

DOCTOR: Tell me, Wullie … what d’ye think the outcome’ll be?

WILL: Ο the trial?


WILL: That’s no for me to say, Doctor. Tae tell ye the truth, I’ll no even be there. I’ll no be on duty.

DOCTOR: Aye, but ye’ve shairly some idea! Will they hing him, d’ye think?

(WILL pauses, looks at the Doctor a trifle guardedly, turns away)

WILL: It looks like it, doctor. Aye. It shairly looks like it!

DOCTOR: Mmm. It strikes me ya wadna be aathegither happy about that, Wullie.

(WILL turns to him suspiciously)

WILL: What d’ye mean bi that?

DOCTOR: (innocently) Naethin! Just that Faither Ogilvie and yourself seem to get on sae weill thegither that I’d hae thocht …

WILL: Ogilvie’s a prisoner. I’m a gaird. Naethin chynges that!

DOCTOR: Na? That’s no what I heard.

WILL: Aye, and whit did ye hear?

(THE DOCTOR smiles)

DOCTOR: I’m no shair if I can say, Wullie. It concerns a patient ο mine, ye see. It michtna be ethical for me to tell onybody what I ken. Still, a doctor’s no the same as a priest, is he? Whiles, a doctor micht feel it’s his duty to betray a professional confidence …

WILL: (shaking his head) I’m no wi ye, doctor. I’ve no got a clue ο what ye’re talkin about!

DOCTOR: I’m talkin about a patient ο mine — a man cried Mayne. John Mayne. Ken wha I mean?

WILL: (shocked rigid) Oh!

DOCTOR: Aye. Oh Wullie, ye’ve been an awfy silly laddie!

WILL: I didna mean ony hairm! It was just a wheen letters for his freins — his faither and his brithers and that — just tae let them ken hou he was! There was nae hairm …

(DOCTOR goes to him and lays his hand on his shoulder)

DOCTOR: Of course no! Of course there wasna! Still, gin the bishop was to find out … (WILL looks alarmed) Aw dinna fash, Wullie! Dinna fash! I’ll no say a word. Like I said, it wadna be ethical …

WILL: (relieved) Thanks a lot, doctor! I’ll no …

(THE DOCTOR looks about him before drawing a yellow parchment from the inside of his coat)

DOCTOR: Only there’s a wee complication. Ane of Faither Ogilvie’s brithers has sent him a reply!

(WILL backs away from THE DOCTOR)

WILL: Naw! No chance!

DOCTOR: What for no, Wullie? I mean, in for a penny …

(Enter WAT, none too sober)

WAT: What the hell’s gaun on here?

(Both WILL and THE DOCTOR are terrified)

DOCTOR: Oh! It’s yersel, Wattie! (Pauses uncertainly for a moment) I’ve just brocht this message round for the bishop. Wullie here seems to think it’s owre late in the day to bother him wi it (Goes to put the paper back in his pocket) but it doesna maiter. It’ll keep til the morn.

(WAT steps up to THE DOCTOR suspiciously and puts his hand out)

WAT: See’s it here!

DOCTOR: It’s aaricht, Wat. I tellt ye …

(WAT snatches the parchment from his hand)

WAT: I’ll just tak a wee look at it just the same!

(THE DOCTOR turns away, very frightened. WAT unfolds the parchment and gazes at it for a few moments without expression. He looks up at WILL)

WAT: What’s the maitter wi this? Eh? Naethin the maitter wi this! See, you take it, gie it tae the bishop the morn. (Turns to THE DOCTOR) Save ye a trip back, eh doctor? (Turns back to WILL) See? Simple! Nae bother! (Burps and claps WILL on the shoulder) I’m awa tae my bed!

(WAT moves off, then stops suddenly, turns slowly and looks at both of them suspiciously, shrugs as if he couldn’t care less, then exits. THE DOCTOR heaves a huge sigh of relief)

DOCTOR: Right! I think I’d better get awa nou, Wullie …

(WILL strides over to him)

WILL: Just a second, doctor. (Holds up the document) I’ll deliver this. I’ve nae option nou — sae I’ll gie it tae the Faither. But I’m thinkin that you want tae be grateful, doctor, that nane ο us can read.

(Without another word, THE DOCTOR makes a hurried exit. WILL puts the parchment inside his tunic)