aince mair, once more
alow, alight
anent, about
badgy, in a heap, unconscious
bampot, madman
bawrs, jokes
boke, gies me the, makes me sick
bumbaze, bamboozle
chief, friendly
clairty, dirty
claes, clothes
connached, wasted, destroyed
ditterin, dithering
dunt, hit, strike
effing and blinding, swearing
flet, flat
fushionless, feeble
geynear, nearly
glaur, mud, dirt, ooze
gluff, a whiff, a twinge, a scare
hinner end, the back, the last of
hits, hoots (exclamation of doubt, surprise)
jaxy, own, by oneself
kist, chest
laldy, gie them, punishment, beating
lowse, set free
ludgings, lodgings
neiveful, handful
parritch, porridge
rammy, crush, struggle
Reekie, Edinburgh (Auld Reekie)
screw the nut, get sensible, take care
scunner, to sicken
shoot the craw, desert
siccarly, securely, surely
smeddum, mettle, spirit, courage
spare prick at a hoer’s wedding, unnecessary man at a prostitute’s wedding
speiring, asking
tent, to take, to take care of
tholin, bearing, suffering, tolerating
wappins, weapons
ward, word
wrocht tae daith, fed up (wrought to death)
wyce, sensible, wise
wyte, blame