
There are plenty of Web sites giving useful information about Spain, and it is a good idea to consult them before you go.


www.​tourspain.​es/​en-us Official Website for the promotion of Spain abroad.

www.​tourspain.​es Official Spanish National Tourist Office.

www.​spaindata.​com General data on Spain.

www.​okspain.​com Tourist information about all parts of Spain.

General Information

www.​spainexpat.​com A Web page for expats living in Spain.

www.​viamichelin.​com Detailed maps for all regions of Spain.

www.​idealspain.​com Information on many sporting and leisure activities.

www.​marcaespana.​es/​en Official site of Brand Spain.

www.​extranjeros.​empleo.​gob.​es Spanish Secretariat of Immigration and Emigration.

www.​112.​es Emergency Services

www.​policia.​es National Police

History and Culture

www.​spainisculture.​com Official site for the promotion of Spanish culture


www.​ctm-madrid.​es Madrid

www.​tmb.​net Barcelona

www.​fgc.​es FGC (Catalunya, Costa Daurada)

www.​emtvalencia.​es Valencia public urban bus network

www.​fgv.​es Valencian Community’s Railways (Costa Blanca)

www.​juntadeandalucia.​es temas/transporte/publico

metropolitano.​html Andalusian metropolitan transport information

www.​tib.​org/​portal/​en Mallorca (Balear Islands)

www.​titsa.​com Tenerife (Canary Islands)

www.​euskotren.​es Euskotren (Basque Country)

www.​feve.​es Feve (Northern Spain)

www.​renfe.​es National railways’ site

www.​moovitapp.​com/​espanol Transport Information for Smartphones


www.​aena.​es Spanish Airports and Air Navigation

www.​iberia.​es Iberia Flights

www.​vueling.​es Iberia’s low cost airline

Special Tourist Train Routes

www.​alandalusexpreso.​com Al Andalus Express

www.​ffe.​es/​delicias Tren de la Fresa (“Strawerry Train”)

www.​trendesoller.​com Tren de Soller (Mallorca)

www.​cremall​erademon​tserrat.​cat Montserrat (Catalunya)

www.​renfe.​com/​trenesturisticos/​eng Other routes: Cervantes Train, Medieval Train, Tren de Sigüenza, and El Expreso de La Robla.


www.​paradores.​es/​en Spanish Paradores

www.​agroturismorural.​com Agrotourism and rural tourism in Spain

www.​airbnb.​es Holiday rooms and flats rental

www.​wimdu.​es Holiday rooms and flats rental

www.​reaj.​com Spanish network of hostels

www.​residencias.​eu Spanish Dormitory Net

Studying in Spain

www.​cervantesinstitute.​es Cervantes Institute (Spanish culture and language)

www.​rae.​es Official Spanish Dictionary and Thesaurus

www.​studyinspain.​info Studying in Spain

www.​universia.​es Spanish Higher education information


www.​sespas.​es Spanish Society of Public Health and Sanitary administration


www.​icex.​es Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade