

THE MILITARY, TECHNICAL and slang terms that sometimes appear in the documents used for this book may not be familiar to most readers. The following list should be helpful.

AB able bodied seaman

Ack emma am, the morning

ADS advanced dressing station

ASC army service corps

Batman personal assistant to an officer

Billyjim or Billjim terms sometimes used for an Australian soldier in World War I

Blanky euphemism for ‘bloody’, or any other swear word

Bn, or Bat Battalion

(the) Boche (sometimes as Bosche) Germans

CO commanding officer

DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal

DSO Distinguished Service Order

‘Eggsers’ 28th Battalion AIF, from their battle cry ‘Eggs-a-cook’

Enfilade to fire into a trench or enemy position from a number of sides at once

Minenwerfer German artillery piece, World War I

MM military medal

NCO non-commissioned officer

OC officer in charge

Pip emma pm, the afternoon

QMS quartermaster’s store

Sap a tunnel or trench

TB torpedo boat

VC Victoria Cross

WAAC (sometimes as ‘Waacs’) Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps

Woodbine derogatory term for the British, derived from the brand name of the cheap cigarettes they usually smoked

WT wireless telegraph

8 chevaux ou 40 hommes French for ‘8 horses or 40 men’, a sign commonly stencilled to the side of French rail wagons in which many troops were transported in World War I