FROM: Pleskit Meenom, on the ever-stressful Planet Earth

TO: Maktel Geebrit, on the beloved but far too distant Planet Hevi-Hevi

Dear Maktel:

Well, there you have it—the story of my latest misadventure here on Earth. I certainly hope it is more fun to read these things than it is to live through them.

The Fatherly One and I have had several counseling sessions with Wakkam Akkim, who truly is a wise being. The Fatherly One understands better now how I feel about him being gone so much. And I understand better why he is gone so much.

Things are not completely solved. But they are getting better. And as Wakkam Akkim says, “A journey of a thousand pigskuri starts not with the first step but with figuring out the right direction.”

The other good news is that the Fatherly One called and talked to the school superintendent, and Ms. Weintraub is no longer in danger of being transferred.

I think he enjoyed that conversation. After all the tough negotiating he must do every day, he said that it was fun to intimidate a self-important minor bureaucrat, though he was a little sorry that he made the man cry.

Oops. Have to take a break here. Barvgis just came to my door with the mail pouch, and I want to see if there are any messages from you.

Well, there was a message, as you probably already knew. And what a message. I can’t believe you are finally coming to visit—much less that you will be here in less than an Earthly month!

Oh, Maktel, I will be so glad to see you. I can’t wait to show you this strange world and introduce you to my new friends. (Or should that be “show you this new world, and introduce you to my strange friends”? Just kidding! I like my new friends a lot. I am sure you’ll all get along!)

We’re going to have So Much Fun!

I just hope we don’t also have any new catastrophes while you are here.

Travel safely, Maktel. I will be awaiting your arrival.

Fremmix Bleeblom!

Your pal,
