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‘Elephant Man, The’, anonymous article in the Illustrated Leicester Chronicle, 27 December 1930.
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Kaleta, Kenneth C., ‘Lynch and History: The Elephant Man’, Chapter 2, David Lynch, Twayne Publishers, New York, 1992.
Kendal, Madge, Dame Madge Kendal by Herself, John Murray, London, 1933.
Merrick, Joseph Carey, The Autobiography of Joseph Carey Merrick, H. & A. Cockshaw, Leicester, n.d.
Minutes of the London Hospital House Committee, 7 December 1886; 14 December 1886; 15 April 1890.
Montagu, Ashley, The Elephant Man: A Study in Human Dignity, Allison & Busby, London, 1972; Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, New York, 1971.
Norman, Tom, ‘This is Tom Norman: Sixty-five Years a Showman and Auctioneer’, unpublished MS in possession of the Norman family; subsequently published as The Penny Showman: Memoirs of Tom Norman, ‘Silver King’, with additional writings by his son, George Barnum Norman, privately printed, London, 1985.
Norman, Tom, letter of self-justification in the World’s Fair, 24 February 1923.
Poole, E. F., The Story of Byfield, Archer & Goodman, Northampton, 1930; this repeats an article, ‘The Romance of Redhill Wood’, Northampton County Magazine, vol. I,1928, pp. 292–3.
Reed, Nicholas, ‘The Mystery of Lot 583’, World Medicine, 29 November 1980.
Reports of the first meeting of the Pathological Society of London to consider the case of the Elephant Man, British Medical Journal, vol. II, 6 December 1884, p. 1140; Lancet, vol. II, 6 December 1884, p. 1000; of the second meeting, British Medical Journal, vol. I, 21 March 1885, p. 595; Lancet, vol. I, 21 March 1885, pp. 1188–9.
Reviews of The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences by Sir Frederick Treves, British Medical Journal, vol. I, 17 March 1923, P. 335; Lancet, vol. I, 17 March 1923, pp. 547–8; World’s Fair, 10 February 1923.
Seward, G. R., ‘The Elephant Man’, Parts I-III, British Dental Journal, 22 September 1990, pp. 173–5; 6 October 1990, pp. 209–16; 20 October 1990, pp. 252–5.
Seward, G. R., ‘Joseph Merrick’, in Hughes and Huson (eds.), op. cit.
Somerset, Lady Geraldine, ‘Private Journal of the Duchess of Cambridge’, MS diary in the Royal Archives, Windsor Castle Library.
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Wilson, S. A. Kinnier, Neurology, vol. 2, Arnold, London, 1940.
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Porter, Enid, The Folklore of East Anglia, Batsford, London, 1974.
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