- Radford, 1
- Radium Institute, London, 1
- Recklinghausen, Frederick Daniel von, 1, 2
- Recklinghausen’s disease, see multiple neurofibromatosis
- Redhill Farm, 1
- ‘Ring and the Book, The’ (Browning), 1
- Riviera on the Corniche Road, The (Treves), 1
- Robertson, James, 1
- Robertson, Madge, see Kendal, Madge
- Robertson, T. W. (‘Tom’), 1
- Robinson Crusoe: His Life and Adventures (Defoe), 1
- Roper, Sam, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- ‘Roper’s Midgets’, 1
- Rose and the Ring, The (Thackeray), 1
- Roxby, Wilfred, 1
- Royal College of Surgeons, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Royal Hospital for Incurables, 1, 2
- Royal London Opthalmic Hospital, 1
- Royal National Hospital for Scrofula, Margate, 1
- Royal Society of Medicine, 1