

Baking and milling

Banfield, W T, “Manna”:A Comprehensive Treatise on Bread Manufacture (2nd edition), Maclaren, London, 1947.

Gauldie, E, The Scottish Country Miller 1700-1900, John Donald, Edinburgh, 1981.

Kirkland, J, The Modern Baker, Gresham Publishing, London, 1931.

Beef and lamb

Aberdeen Angus Review, Official Journal of the Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society, October 1994.

Hall, S and Clutton-Brock, J, Two Hundred Years of British Farm Livestock, London, 1989.

Highland Breeders’ Journal, July 1994.

The Highland Cattle Society Newsletter, Dec 1994/Jan 1995.

The Galloway Journal, Dec 1994, (official publication of the Galloway Cattle Society).

Information leaflet 994: Rare Breeds Facts and Figures, The Rare Breeds Survival Trust, National Agricultural Centre, Warwickshire.

Shorthorns: Two Centuries of Breed Development, The Shorthorn Society, 1993.


Cheke, V, The Story of Cheesemaking in Britain, Routledge, London, 1959.

Cultural Connections and Cheese in Folk Life Vol. 25, A Gailey, 1986-7.

The History of the Ayrshire Breed, Centenary Journal of the Ayrshire Cattle Society, 1977.

Rance, P, The Great British Cheese Book, Macmillan, London, 1982.

Smith, J, Cheesemaking in Scotland, Scottish Dairy Association, Glasgow, 1995.

Fish, shellfish and seaweed

Cutting, C L, The History of Fish Processing from Modern to Ancient Times: Hill, London, 1955.

Davidson, A, North Atlantic Seafood, Macmillan, London, 1979.

Davidson, A, Seafood, Mitchell Beazley, London, 1989.

Holmyard, N, Shellfish Farming in Scotland — from crofting to big business in Fish Trader Yearbook, 1993.

Phillips, R, Seaweeds and Seashells, Hamilton, London, 1987.

Scottish Shellfish Farms, Annual Production Survey, 1995.

Marine Laboratory Aberdeen, report of The Scottish Office: Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries Department.

Food, festivals and cookery

Banks, M M, British Calendar Customs Scotland,Vol.1: Moveable Festivals.Vol.2: The Seasons, The Quarters, Hogmanay, January to May. Vol.3: June to December, Christmas, The Yules. Folk-Lore Society, London and Glasgow, 1941.

Barz, B, Festivals with Children, Floris, Edinburgh, 1984.

Brown, C, Scottish Regional Recipes, Richard Drew, Glasgow, 1981; Scottish Cookery, Richard Drew, Glasgow, 1985; Broths to Bannocks, John Murray, London, 1990.

Burt, E, Letters from the North of Scotland (5th edition), London, 1822.

Carey, D and Large, J, Festivals, Family and Food, Hawthorn, Stroud, 1982. Clark, Lady, The Cookery Book of Lady Clark of Tillypronie, Southover, 1909 (reprinted 1994).

Dods (Dods, ‘Meg’, of the Cleikum Inn, St Ronan’s), The Cook and Housewife’s Manual, Edinburgh, 1826.

Douglas, H, The Hogmanay Companion, Neil Wilson Publishing, Glasgow, 1993.

Hannan, B, (ed.) The Flavour of Scotland, Mainstream, Edinburgh, 1995.

Irvine, J, Up-Helly-Aa, Shetland Publishing, Lerwick, 1982.

Kinchin, P, Tea and Taste: The Glasgow Tea Rooms 1875-1975, White Cockade, Oxon, 1991.

McNeill, F M, The Scots Kitchen, Blackie, Glasgow, 1929; The Silver Bough, Vol.1: Scottish Folk-Lore and Folk-Belief. Vol.2: A Calendar of Scottish National Festivals, Candlemas to Harvest Home. Vol.3: Hallowe’en to Yule. Vol.4: Scottish Local Festivals, MacLellan, Glasgow. Molyneux, J, The Carved Angel Cookery Book, Grafton, London, 1992.

Reid, J, The Scots Gard’ner: published for the Climate of Scotland. (facsimile, Mainstream, Edinburgh, 1988.)

Scottish National Dictionary, Edinburgh, 1931-76.

Simmons, J, A Shetland Cookbook, Thuleprint, Shetland, 1978.

Stevenson, S, The Magic of Saucery, Mitchell Beazley, London, 1995.

Thomson, G, The Other Orkney Book, Edinburgh, 1980.

Fruit and vegetables

Bowen, S, Scottish Potatoes — through the 20th Century, (academic paper, undated).

MacLean, D, Potato Varieties, a Factsheet on Special Properties, undated.

Salaman, R, The History and Social Influence of the Potato, Cambridge University Press, 1970.

Soft Fruit Research Information, published by the Scottish Crop Research Institute, Invergowrie.

Wilson, A, The Story of the Potato through illustrated varieties, Alan Sutton, Fleet, Hants, 1993.

Food smoking

Walker, K, Practical Food Smoking, Neil Wilson Publishing, Glasgow, 1995.


Drysdale, J, The Game Cookery Book, Collins, Glasgow, 1975.

Eden, R, The Sporting Epicure, Kyle Cathie, London, 1991.

Little, C, The Game Cookbook, Crowood Press, Wiltshire, 1988.

Stuart-Wortley, A, Fur and Feather Series — The Grouse; The Salmon, Longmans Green, London, 1895.

Honey, marmalade and preserves

Wilson, C A, The Book of Marmalade, Constable, London, 1985.


Liddle, C and Weir, R, Ices:The Definitive Guide, Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1993.

McKee, F, Ice Cream and Immortality: Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, Public Eating, Prospect Books, London, 1991.


Phillips, R, Mushrooms, Pan Books, London, 1981; Wild Foods, Pan Books, London, 1983.


Brown, G, The Whisky Trails, Prion, London, 1993.

Bruce Lockhart, R, Scotch — The Whisky of Scotland in Fact and Story (7th edition), Neil Wilson Publishing, Glasgow, 1995.

Jackson, M, Malt Whisky Companion, Dorling Kindersley, London, 1989.

Milroy, W, The Malt Whisky Almanac (7th edition) Neil Wilson Publishing, Glasgow, 1998.

Shaw, C,Whisky, (Collins Gem series), Harper Collins, Glasgow, 1993.