The publisher would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their kind permission to reproduce the images in this book. Every effort has been made to acknowledge the pictures; however, we apologize if there are any unintentional omissions.

All images from Shutterstock, Inc./ and Clipart Images/ unless stated.

Borghese Collection: 1.

Corbis/Araldo de Luca: 1.

Alberto Fernandez Fernandez: 1.

Flickr/Iessi: 1.

A Hunter Wright: 1.

Remi Jouan: 1.

Matthias Kabel: 1.

Jaakko Luttinen: 1.

Marie-Lan Nguyen: 1, 2, 3, 4.

Matthew Nicholls: 1, 2.

Till Niermann: 1, 2, 3.

Pascal Radigue: 1.

Wolfgang Sauber: 1.

David Shankbone: 1.

Ulysses K. Vestal: 1.

Walters Art Museum: 1.

Wikipedia/Basilio: 1; Bertramz: 1; Carlomorino: 1; Godot13: 1; Pippo-b: 1; Sailko: 1, 2, 3, 4; Shakko: 1, 2; WKnight94: 1; Zanner: 1.
