Reading Guide
1. Glopified bleach makes you invisible. If you could turn invisible, where would you go? What would you do while no one could see you?
2. If the Dark Aurans die, so do the Toxites. Instead of considering that option, the Rebels take a different route to destroying Toxites. What are some other situations in which the easiest solution may not be the best one?
3. The Witches use soapsuds to spy on everyone. If you had surveillance suds, who would you want to spy on? Why?
4. Spencer learns that the Toxites were created from reflecting the Dark Aurans’ best traits. What is one of your best traits? What opposite effect would a Toxite have if created from you?
5. The Timekeepers are bronze bracelets that hold the years of the Aurans. If you had a Timekeeper, would you use it to age? Or would you stay young forever? Why?
6. Bookworm is losing the fight against the Hoarder until Daisy puts herself in danger and gives him something to defend. What things do you find important enough to defend?
7. When Alan had the chance to kill General Clean, he decided to spare him because he hoped he might change. Have you ever forgiven someone you thought should be punished? How did it make you feel?
8. In the Dustbin, Spencer re-creates Walter Jamison to inspire him to reach the end. Who inspires you? Why?
9. Of all the characters you have met in the Janitors series, who are you most like? Why? Who is the most different from you? Why?
10. This is the end of the Janitors series. What do you think will happen to Spencer, Daisy, and Dez in the future?