When we are being challenged by a relationship, we don’t think “one day I’ll be grateful for this and for the hurt and frustration”, but with time we realize that every challenge is an opportunity to grow within. I have learnt so much about myself through relationships, some that I continue to learn from and some that only came into my life to wake me up to the wounds that I needed to heal. I’m grateful for them all. The most painful were those that cracked me open the most and pushed me to make some seriously important decisions for myself! I am forever a teacher and a student, and I want to thank all of my clients. The way they have invited me into their lives and their challenges has inspired me and wanted me to always learn more, study and evolve both as a coach and as an individual. They have taught me as much as I have taught them and for that I am thankful.
I was raised by two extremely good humans – my mum, who taught me never to give up if you believe in something, and my dad, who has a level of patience that’s beyond belief. He taught me that sometimes it’s okay to slow down and go at your own pace. Their support can be felt always, even though we live thousands of miles apart – I love you mum and dad! And thank you to my sister, who is a rock to me always. If I am ever overwhelmed, I know who to call. I’m so lucky to have a best friend as a sister.
Thank you to my meditation community at Unplug Meditation in LA. I love you all. I feel extremely grateful that we have such a special place to connect and support each other, and that I have meditation, dear friends and colleagues to turn to when I’m having an off day.
And thank you to author Yung Pueblo, whose work I admire so much. Thank you for writing the foreword to this book – you are such an inspiration and I’m grateful for the way you share your work with the world and inspire people like me. Thank you so much and keep shining your light brightly!
Thank you to my wonderful editor, Dawn Bates. I said it in the last book and I’m going to say it again – I can’t imagine how I would have done it without you. Thank you for brainstorming with me and helping me stick to deadlines, and for your expertise and your guidance. I believe you are an angel sent to help me through the book-writing journey. So much love and gratitude for you landing in my life.
And to my publisher, Jo Lal – wow, I can’t believe here we are with book number three. It seems only like yesterday we had our very first meeting and you took a bet on me with book number one. Although sometimes I need a few days to digest your feedback, mainly because it is honest and constructive and it pushes me right outside my comfort zone, I know 100 per cent you always have my best interests at heart and it always helps me push me further than I would have ever pushed myself. All of your support, and that of everyone at Watkins, means the world to me – thank you. I’m so very proud to be a Watkins’ author, a company with such integrity.
And Kevin, my husband, thank you for always being so understanding and supportive and I’m sorry you didn’t see me much last year whilst I was writing. Thank you for cooking me delicious meals and giving me the love and space to create this book. I love you!
Sven, our beloved dog, I dedicate this book to you. You taught me more about relationships than I could have ever imagined. Your calming energy and unconditional love was so special – the late-night cuddles and meditations when I was writing but tired, and wondering what the next words would be, energized and inspired me. I still can’t believe we had to say goodbye to you. The grieving is real, but so are all of the magical memories of you. You will live on in our hearts whilst you will no doubt be chasing baseballs in heaven. Thank you for the 10 years you chose to be with us and for showing me how loving with an open heart looks and feels.