3 Sentimental Tales →
A Dream of Retained Colour →
A Figure of Mercy, of Speech →
A Sonnet to Famous Hopes →
A Stone Called Nothing →
Acquisition of Love →
Against Hurt →
Airport Poem: Ethics of Survival →
And so when it does →
And the hill is a →
Aristeas, in Seven Years →
As It Were An Attendant →
As now, a term less than →
Break It →
Bronze : Fish →
Charm Against Too Many Apples →
Chemins de Fer →
Concerning Quality, Again →
Crown →
Do not deny this halo →
First Notes on Daylight →
Foot and Mouth →
Foot, how you press →
For a Quiet Day →
For This, For This →
Fri 13 →
From End to End →
Frost and Snow, Falling →
How It’s Done →
If There is a Stationmaster at Stamford S.D. Hardly So →
In Cimmerian Darkness →
In the Long Run, to be Stranded →
Inhale breathe deeply and →
John in the Blooded Phoenix →
Just So →
Lashed to the Mast →
Living in History →
Love →
Love in the Air →
Moon Poem →
Mouth Open →
Night Song →
Oil →
On the Anvil →
On the Matter of Thermal Packing →
One Way at Any Time →
Price Tag Song →
Quality in that Case as Pressure →
Questions for the Time Being →
Señor Vázquez Speaking and Further Soft Music to Eat By →
Shadow Songs →
Since otherwise snap & →
Smaller than the Radius of the Planet →
So much, is just →
Song in Sight of the World →
Star Damage at Home →
Starvation / Dream →
The Common Gain, Reverted →
The Corn Burned by Syrius →
The Glacial Question, Unsolved →
The Holy City →
The leaves make drops, drop →
The Stranger, Instantly →
The Western Gate →
The whole cloud is bright →
The Wound, Day and Night →
Thoughts on the Esterházy Court Uniform →
Who shall make the →
Whose Dust Did You Say →