For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways
Psalms 91:11 (NIV)
It’s been hours since the doctors started operating on me. The angel looks up and beckons my spirit to return to my body as they close my wound and bandage my head.
Once I am in the recovery room, my parents are notified and quickly enter. My sister is with them. The neurosurgeon explains what has happened. “We found there was water as well as a leaking aneurysm, known as a hemorrhagic stroke. This caused the seizure earlier today and this evening.”
“We were able to drill burr holes to release the water pressure and surgically repair the brain aneurysm by clipping it to stop the bleeding.”
My dad asks, “What caused my daughter to have these issues?”
He says, “Her uncontrolled hypertension. It’s difficult to tell how long the aneurysm has been leaking, but thank God, we caught it due to her seizures.”
My sister asks what will happen next.
“We will take her to the ICU and monitor her brain function closely.”
While they are talking, I sense the angel’s presence towering over me. He stands by my bed as a guardian would. The angel doesn’t speak audibly, but I hear his thoughts. I wonder if it is because I am in a coma as the angel tells me, “All is well.”
I want to know how all can be well when I am in the hospital, lying in a coma with holes in my head and stitches. The angel says there is work to be done, uprooting, renewing, and reviving. I let the angel know I don’t understand what he is saying. The angel assures me that I will come to understand.
Then, the angel instructs me to rest because tomorrow, we begin.
I ask what that means. He says the Lord had him reveal himself to recover His daughter. “You, Tiffany, are His daughter. He says you’ve been gone too long from His presence, and He misses you.” Tears well up in my closed eyes as I listen to the angel speak.
They then slide down my cheeks. My mother notices and asks the doctor if I am in pain. After giving me a quick exam, he assured my family I was not in pain.
I ask the angel, “How could the Lord miss me when there are so many people in the world? I am like one speck roaming around on this earth.”
He says, “Tiffany, know that you are more than a speck of dust in the eyes of the Lord. He has always seen you. You are loved from your mother’s womb.”
All I can think is, “Wow,” as tears continue to fall.
My mom is distracted from listening to the doctor because she is watching me with great concern.
As our conversation ends, I realize the angel distracted me from listening to what the doctor told my family.
The concern on my mother’s face softens as my tears dry.
I watch as the angel goes and sits in the corner of the room. We watch each other until I fall asleep. He is my peace.
I lie there wondering what all this means as I drift off to sleep.