Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.
G. K. Nielson.
This is day five of lying unconscious. The doctors and nurses perform their daily routine. They had forgotten my fluid bags, so a nurse returned with them. While she was changing the bags, she noticed my hand move. It surprised her. She called for a doctor. They watched and waited until they determined it must have been a muscle reflex.
The doctors want to measure how awake I am by using a tool called the Glasgow Coma Scale.
They told my parents yesterday that they were considering performing this test, and now, with this hand movement, they have determined it should be done today.
The test delays today’s journey.
Once it’s done, the angel stands before me.
But before leaving, I again ask him if he knows when I will wake up. And he says, “In due time.”
So off we go. This time, we arrived at the start of my career.
I had the chance to work as an intern for a fashion designer before I graduated from college. She liked my work and hired me as one of her co-designers once I graduated.
I didn’t realize that we would never be able to claim any of our designs as our own. She took credit for every design her talented staff created. It was frustrating. She told us that it was a privilege to work for her.
I still made jewelry and wore my pieces to work. I got many compliments and was quietly requested by co-workers to make pieces for them.
After working for this designer, I realized my true passion was to be a buyer of designer clothes.
So, I decided to test the waters by asking clients who visited the warehouse and when I was asked to deliver their outfits if they had personal buyers for their designer clothes. I told them I understood they loved beautiful clothing but didn’t have much time to shop. I wondered if they would be interested in someone else purchasing exquisite designs for them.
Many said, “No,” but others said, “Let me think about it.”
My boss heard what I was doing and threatened to fire me.
But when several of those I asked said, “Let’s try it,” I resigned. And so my business was created.
My boss threatened to sue me, thinking I was trying to steal her clients. She dropped the lawsuit when she realized all her clients, including those who hired me, remained with her because she was one of their favorite designers.
Clients who loved my idea invested in my business venture.
I began traveling the world, purchasing chic outfits for my clientele. I hung out in expensive restaurants, eating exquisite delicacies and attending fashion shows. I was given a budget for the rich and famous’s evening and social attire. I also continued making customized jewelry.
Sometimes, I would receive invites to fashion shows in rough neighborhoods.
These were designers trying to build their reputation and weren’t invited to participate in the industry’s Fashion Weeks in New York or Paris. But their creations were unique and original, just what some of my clients desired. So, they held fashion shows in nightclubs or warehouses. I would often travel with other invited buyers.
We found ourselves in frightening situations a few times, like when a colleague and I stayed after the show to negotiate a deal with a designer. It was late when we exited the venue and were confronted by two masked men holding guns. They demanded our wallets and jewelry. We trembled as they yelled at us to “Hurry up.” We began fumbling, trying to give them our possessions. You could tell they were nervous, too, as they kept looking around. Their hands shook as they pointed their guns at us. We hoped that they weren’t in a gang initiation to kill someone. We relaxed, pleased to be alive, when they snatched our stuff and ran.
We didn’t carry much currency or credit cards to these events and were warned that something like this could happen. I imagine the robbers weren’t too happy when they realized how little they had received from us.
We couldn’t press charges because we didn’t see their faces. I thank God that only happened once.
We sometimes had to walk to the hotel because we couldn’t find a taxi on the streets that seemed unsafe. Fortunately, our hotels were never too far away.
As time went on, my clientele significantly increased with referrals. I had become skilled at analyzing purchasing patterns, identifying styles, and predicting fashion trends.