Ethan Jordan ducked into the nearest store on Main Street. Immediately his sinuses told him the shop was full of scented candles, but he wasn’t in a position to be picky. He moved away from the door and apologized for nearly stepping on a child’s foot in his distraction. Then he positioned himself where he could see out the store’s display window. Beyond the artful arrangement of candles and baskets, Ethan found the object of his search.
Yes. It was her. Kay Jordan, Ethan’s mother, stood on the sidewalk across the street, casually gazing through the glass of a narrow electronics store and fussing with the collar of the blue jacket she’d worn forever. Though she carried a white sack, she seemed in no hurry. The hardware store was only a few doors down, Ethan realized. His mother probably was waiting for his father to emerge with supplies for a fix-it project. She turned and scanned the street before settling her eyes on the candle store. Reflexively, Ethan stepped back against the shadowed side wall of the shop. Though she seemed not to see him—which was his intention—Ethan saw his mother’s features clearly for the first time in ten years.
She hadn’t changed all that much. Perhaps Ethan had always thought of her as older than she was, and now she had finally attained the age he had assigned to her in his mind.
Did she think of him? Did she remember that day? Ethan had put on a white shirt and blue tie and waited for his parents to get ready for his eighth-grade awards program, where he would receive five different academic recognitions. His father, Richard, sat in his easy chair with the newspaper after dinner, and Kay was at her sewing machine.
She looked up at him and smiled. “You look nice.”
“It’s time to go,” Ethan said.
Richard turned the page in his paper.
Ethan hated being late. He caught his mother’s eye.
She took a pincushion out of a basket. “Your father is tired. We decided to stay home, but you go on and have a good time.”
Even now, standing in the candle store, Ethan felt the weight of disappointment that should not have surprised him. His parents had chronically disappointed him for all of his fourteen years, his father with his passivity and his mother with her reluctance to stir things up. But that day, at the end of eighth grade, was the day Ethan decided not to care. His older brother was already out of the house and out of town. Ethan was on his own.
He’d turned, wordless, and left the house. Next door, Nicole Sandquist was getting into the car with her father. She waved him over, and he rode to the junior high with them. Nicole never asked about his parents. She knew.
Now Kay Jordan stepped down the sidewalk toward the hardware store. Ethan barreled up the short aisle of the candle store, grateful that Lauren Nock’s apartment over the barbershop was in the opposite direction of his mother’s path. He shoved open the shop door without looking.
“Hey! Watch out!”
The warning came too late. Ethan collided into the form of a person whose face he hadn’t seen, a tangle of blue and khaki as she tumbled to the sidewalk. Sheets of yellow paper fluttered in three directions when a standard brown clipboard slammed the pavement.
“My notes!”
Ethan grabbed at a sheet wafting past him with one hand and offered the other to his victim. “Lauren,” he said. “I’m so sorry!”
“Just get my notes!” Lauren gripped his hand long enough to get to her feet then gently removed her glasses from her face.
After swooping in every direction, Ethan returned with five yellow sheets, two of them torn. “Are you all right?”
“Did you find all my notes?” Lauren picked up the clipboard.
Ethan handed her the pages. “Are your glasses broken?”
“They’ll at least need some major adjusting.” Lauren put the glasses on, but the frame was so cockeyed that she immediately removed them and folded them closed. “Why were you in such a hurry to get out of that store?”
Ethan looked down the block. Kay Jordan walked past the hardware store and disappeared into a card shop. He blew out a long breath.
Lauren stood in front of him with her glasses in one hand and the clipboard braced against one hip as she wrestled with getting the papers back in place.
“Can you see without your glasses?” Ethan asked.
“Not very well. I hope everything is here.”
“I have my car,” he said. “I’ll take you somewhere to get your glasses fixed.”
“I have another pair in my apartment. You didn’t say what your big hurry was.”
Ethan glanced down the street again. “Um. . .Nicole. I was on my way to see how she is. She seemed agitated when I spoke to her on the phone awhile ago.”
“She’s frustrated.” Lauren brushed off her knees. “I’m on my way to fix her some lunch.”
“I’ll help you. I owe you.”
Lauren cocked a smile. “I’ll tell you what you can do. Help me at the health fair on Saturday.”
“That’s three days away.”
“I know! I’m frantic to pull things together without Quinn.”
“What I mean is, I don’t think I can stay in town that long.”
Even without Brinkman and Gonzalez to contend with, the longer Ethan stayed in Hidden Falls, the more likely he was to run into one of his parents. Today’s close call unnerved him. Despite Nicole’s determination, he wasn’t sure he would be much practical help looking for Quinn. When Quinn got home, Ethan would try to arrange another weekend off and come back.
“You’re a doctor.” Lauren began walking. “There must be something a doctor can do at a health fair.”
“I’m a neurologist.” Ethan worked on brains. Health fairs were about blood pressure and sugar screenings and heart rates and body mass index.
“Think about it.”
“I’m lucky to be here this long,” Ethan said. Saturday seemed an impossible objective.
“Everything’s a blur,” Lauren said.
“We’ll get your glasses fixed.”
“I don’t mean that—though I can’t see my hand in front of my face without my glasses. I mean, it’s hard to make sense of this whole week. Four days without Quinn is a ridiculous thought, but it’s happened.”
They reached the barbershop and entered the door beside it. Ethan pushed the button in the elevator, and they rode to the apartments above. Lauren turned the knob of her door.
Inside, Nicole sat in a small rolling office chair rather than the recliner Ethan had expected to find her in. With her good foot, she propelled herself across the living room’s wood floor.
“Nicole,” Ethan said, “you’re supposed to keep your foot elevated. The orthopedist, remember?”
Nicole scoffed. “I’ve been on the phone to every orthopedist in the county, and nobody will see me until Friday.”
“That sounds about right. I told you they’d want the swelling to go down first.”
“Excuse me,” Lauren said. “I’m going to find my other glasses.”
She went down the hall.
Nicole gave the armless rolling chair another shove.
“Maybe we should get you a wheelchair,” Ethan said.
“This works fine.” Nicole progressed toward the kitchen. “I get wherever I want to go. I don’t intend to be sidelined for two more days while Quinn is missing.”
“I don’t see that you have much choice.”
“There’s always a choice.” With another push, Nicole swiveled the chair to change directions and misjudged the stopping point. She grasped at something to steady herself, but instead, she knocked over a small accent table.
Ethan lurched toward her and intercepted Nicole’s trajectory before she went the way of the table. He held the chair, and she leaned against him to straighten herself. Her hair slid loose from the clip she had used to pile it on her head, and she snatched the clip and hurled it at the recliner.
“I hate this,” she said. “I hate that Quinn is gone, that I hurt my foot, that I’m cooped up here.”
“I know.” Ethan stroked her hair, running his fingers through it as he pushed it away from her face, away from the mole she always tried to hide in the way she let it hang. The first time he did that fifteen years ago, she had almost stopped him. But she hadn’t.
And she didn’t this time.
He wanted to kiss her.