Further Reading

Chapter 1

Druze DNA Project


Chapter 2

Bettinger, Blaine. (2014) Announcing the creation of genetic genealogy standards. The Genetic Genealogist. https://thegeneticgenealogist.com/2014/05/12/announcing-creation-genetic-genealogy-standards/

Bettinger, Blaine. (2015) Announcing the Genetic Genealogy Standards. The Genetic Genealogist. https://thegeneticgenealogist.com/2015/01/10/announcing-genetic-genealogy-standards/

Boddy, Janet, Neumann, Tim, Jennings, Sean, et al. Key ethics principles. In: The Research Ethics Guidebook – a resource for social scientists. Swindon: Economic and Social Research Council. http://www.ethicsguidebook.ac.uk/Key-ethics-principles-15

Eidelman, Vera. (2018) Opinion: The creepy, dark side of DNA databases. Washington Post. 8 May. Opinions https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-creepy-dark-side-of-dna-databases/2018/05/08/279e9c2c-5230-11e8-abd8-265bd07a9859_story.html

GEDmatch.com. (2018) Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Revised May 20, 2018. https://www.gedmatch.com/tos.htm

Genetic Genealogy Standards Committee. Genetic Genealogy Standards. http://www.geneticgenealogystandards.com/

ISOGG. ISOGG project administrator guidelines. In: ISOGG wiki. https://isogg.org/wiki/ISOGG_Project_Administrator_Guidelines

ISOGG. Project consent forms. In: ISOGG wiki. https://isogg.org/wiki/Project_consent_forms

Jouvenal, Justin. (2018) To find alleged Golden State Killer, investigators first found his great-great-great-grandparents. Washington Post. 30 April. Public Safety https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/to-find-alleged-golden-state-killer-investigators-first-found-his-great-great-great-grandparents/2018/04/30/3c865fe7-dfcc-4a0e-b6b2-0bec548d501f_story.html

Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (UK). (2016) Judgment In the matter of the Baronetcy of Pringle of Stichill. Trinity Term, Privy Council Reference No 0079 of 2015 Trinity Term. London: Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. https://www.jcpc.uk/cases/docs/jcpc-2015-0079-judgment.pdf

Pringle, James. The Pringle Surname DNA Project. http://www.jamespringle.co.uk/html/dna_project.html

Rainie, Lee & Duggan, Maeve. (2016) Privacy and Information Sharing. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center. http://www.pewinternet.org/2016/01/14/2016/Privacy-and-Information-Sharing/

Schmidt, Samantha. (2018) Did man serve 39 years for slayings actually committed by ‘Golden State Killer’ suspect? Washington Post. 30 April. Morning Mix https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/04/30/did-man-serve-39-years-for-slayings-actually-committed-by-golden-state-killer-suspect/

Temkin, Jennifer, Prainsack, Barbara, & Moore, Carol. (2018) Biometrics & Forensics Ethics Group: ethical principles. London: GOV.UK. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ethical-principles-biometrics-and-forensics-ethics-group

Chapter 4

ISOGG. Autosomal DNA tools. In: ISOGG wiki. https://isogg.org/wiki/Autosomal_DNA_tools

ISOGG. Visual phasing. In: ISOGG wiki. https://isogg.org/wiki/Visual_phasing

Visual Phasing Working Group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/visualphasing

Chapter 5

Ardui, Simon, Ameur, Adam, Vermeesch, Joris R., et al. (2018) Single molecule real-time (SMRT) sequencing comes of age: applications and utilities for medical diagnostics. Nucleic acids research. 46 (5). pp. 2159–2168. https://academic.oup.com/nar/article/46/5/2159/4833218

Family Tree DNA. Y-DNA – Standard Y-STR Values Page. https://www.familytreedna.com/learn/user-guide/y-dna-myftdna/ystr-results-page/

Heather, James M. & Chain, Benjamin. (2016) The sequence of sequencers: the history of sequencing DNA. Genomics. 107 (1). pp. 1–8. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0888754315300410

Jacobs, Christopher. (2018) The Jacob Surname YDNA Project: Descendants of John Jacob, Sr. of South River Hundred, Maryland Province. https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/jacobs/about/background

Kane, James. (2017) WGS über Alles? Irish Type 2 – Kane. July 15. http://www.it2kane.org/category/snp-testing/

Larkin, Leah. (2019) DNA tests. The DNA Geek. http://thednageek.com/dna-tests/

Li, Runsheng, Hsieh, Chia-Ling, Young, Amanda, et al. (2015) Illumina synthetic long read sequencing allows recovery of missing sequences even in the “finished” C. elegans genome. Nature. Scientific reports. 5, article no. 10814. https://www.nature.com/articles/srep10814

Skaletsky, Helen, Kuroda-Kawaguchi, Tomoko, Minx, Patrick J., et al. (2003) The male-specific region of the human Y chromosome is a mosaic of discrete sequence classes. Nature. 423 (6942). pp. 825–837. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v423/n6942/full/nature01722.html

University of Strathclyde. Genealogical Studies Postgraduate Programme. (2014) Bannockburn Genetic Genealogy Project. https://www.stewartsociety.org/bannockburn-genetic-genealogy-project.cfm

Y Chromosome Consortium. (2002) A nomenclature system for the tree of human Y-chromosomal binary haplogroups. Genome research. 12 (2). pp. 339–348. http://genome.cshlp.org/content/12/2/339.short

Chapter 6

Russell, Judy G. (2017) The myth of the GD0. The legal genealogist. https://www.legalgenealogist.com/2017/11/26/the-myth-of-the-gd0/

Chapter 8

Pomery, Chris. (2009) The advantages of a dual DNA/documentary approach to reconstruct the family trees of a surname. Journal of genetic genealogy. 5 (2). pp. 86–95. http://www.jogg.info/52/files/Pomery.htm

Pomery, Chris. (2010) Defining a methodology to reconstruct the family trees of a surname within a DNA/documentary dual approach project. Journal of genetic genealogy. 6 (1). http://www.jogg.info/62/files/Pomery.pdf

Chapter 9

Bettinger, Blaine and Perl, Jonny. (2018) The Shared cM Project – Version 4.0. DNAPainter. https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4

DNAPainter Probability Test Tool: https://dnapainter.com/tools/prob2

GEDmatch: https://www.gedmatch.com

Larkin, Leah. (2018) Science the heck out of your DNA (Parts 1-7). The DNA Geek. http://thednageek.com/science-the-heck-out-of-your-dna-part-1/

Perl, Jonny, Larkin, Leah and Millard, Andrew. (2018) Probability Test Tool v.0.2. DNAPainter. https://dnapainter.com/tools/prob2

Chapter 10

Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Burials in England. (2013) Science and the dead: a guideline for the destructive sampling of archaeological human remains for scientific analysis. Swindon: English Heritage. http://www.archaeologyuk.org/apabe/pdf/Science_and_the_Dead.pdf

Ashdown-Hill, John. (2006) Alive and well in Canada: the Mitochondrial DNA of Richard III. The Ricardian. 16. pp. 1–14. http://www.richardiii.net/downloads/Ricardian/2006_vol16_ashdown_hill_alive_canada.pdf

Ashdown-Hill, John. (2017) The problems of Richard III’s Y chromosome; the problems relating to the burials at Clare Priory, and the problems of working with Historic England. Nerdalicious. http://nerdalicious.com.au/history/the-problems-of-richard-iiis-ychromosome-the-problems-relating-to-the-burials-at-clare-priory-and-the-problems-of-working-with-historic-england/

Augenstein, Seth. (2018) ‘Buck Skin Girl’ case break is success of new DNA Doe Project. Forensic magazine. 04/16/2018. https://www.forensicmag.com/news/2018/04/buck-skin-girl-case-break-success-new-dna-doe-project

Bates, Clare. (2018) Who were my parents – and why was I left on a hillside to die? BBC News. Stories. 19 March. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-43420678

Cassidy, Lara M., Martiniano, Rui, Murphy, Eileen M., et al. (2016) Neolithic and Bronze Age migration to Ireland and establishment of the insular Atlantic genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 113 (2). pp. 368–373. http://www.pnas.org/content/113/2/368

Cooper, Alan and Poinar, Hendrik N. (2000) Ancient DNA: do it right or not at all. Science. 289 (5482). p. 1139. http://www.academia.edu/861833/Ancient_DNA_do_it_right_or_not_at_all

Cox, Margaret & Jones, Peter. (2014) Ethical considerations in the use of DNA as a contribution toward the determination of identification in historic cases: considerations from the Western front. New genetics and society. 33 (3). pp. 295–312. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14636778.2014.946987

Defence Connect. Australian soldiers identified from Battle of Fromelles. https://www.defenceconnect.com.au/key-enablers/2126-australian-soldiers-identified-from-battle-of-fromelles

Englezos, Lambis. (2008) My quest to find the missing. Wartime magazine. 44. https://www.awm.gov.au/wartime/44/page16_englezos

Ermini, Luca, Olivieri, Cristina, Rizzi, Ermanno, et al. (2008) Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Tyrolean Iceman. Current biology. 18 (21). pp. 1687–1693. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960982208012542

Green, Richard E., Krause, Johannes, Briggs, Adrian W., et al. (2010) A draft sequence of the Neandertal genome. Science. 328, issue 5979. pp. 710–722. http://science.sciencemag.org/content/328/5979/710

Jones, Martin. (2016) Unlocking the past: how archaeologists are rewriting human history with ancient DNA. Revised & updated edition. New York: Arcade Publishing.

Kennedy, Maev and Foxhall, Lin. (2015) The bones of a King: Richard III rediscovered. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

King, Turi E., Fortes, Gloria Gonzalez, Balaresque, Patricia, et al. (2014) Identification of the remains of King Richard III. Nature communications. 5. p. 5631. http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/141202/ncomms6631/full/ncomms6631.html

Levenick, Denise May. (2018) How to preserve and test old letters for Grandma’s DNA. The Family Curator. April 19. https://thefamilycurator.com/how-to-preserve-and-test-old-letters-for-grandmas-dna/

Manco, Jean. (2015) Ancestral journeys: the peopling of Europe from the first venturers to the Vikings. 2nd ed. London: Thames and Hudson.

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