1. In the beginning of Where Hearts Are Free, Bridget reveals to Philippe a secret which she has harbored for several years. Secrets hold a terrifying power over us—they erect walls between us and the people we love and with whom we are supposed to be in relationship. The revealing of the secret breaks that power. What power did Bridget’s secret hold over her? How did it manifest itself in her life and personality?
2. What secret did Philippe harbor that he was unwilling to admit even to himself? What power did that secret hold over him?
3. What do you think would have happened to Philippe if he had not admitted his love for Bridget and gone after her? What would have happened to her?
4. Philippe risked it all for love. Have you ever done that? What happened?
5. Why do you think Madeleine found it so difficult to give her approval for Philippe to go after Bridget? Were her fears valid?
6. My ancestor literally had to leave her two sons in Philadelphia as indentured servants to pay back the money for their passage to America, after losing her husband on the voyage over. Try to imagine the anguish of that mother. Is Madeleine’s desire to maintain control of her family a bit more understandable in light of those circumstances?
7. Who was your favorite character? Why?
8. Who was one of your favorite secondary characters? Why?
9. What was your favorite scene? Why?
10. Do you consider Sophie’s murdering Edward an act of self-defense? Why or why not? Do you think she should have been prosecuted?
11. What did this book say to you about God and your faith?