
Tip flew the car away from Boston, and together she, Oh, and Pig soared across the night sky. It would take hours to get to Paris, and Tip and Oh talked to pass the time.

“What is your name?” Oh asked.

“Gratuity Tucci,” she replied. “But my friends call me Tip.”

“Tip,” said Oh.

“I said, my friends,” Tip corrected him.


“But we are friends. All humans and Boov,” said Oh. “Captain Smek has decided.”

“Captain Smek is an idiot,” Tip said.

“Untrue. Captain Smek is a genius and best at running away,” Oh said.

Tip rolled her eyes. “What a coward.”

“Long ago, our enemy, the Gorg, invited the Boov to a peace meeting, and Captain Smek wisely fled in terror,” Oh tried to explain. “He took with him a great trophy called the Shusher.”

“Why is it called a Shusher?” Tip asked.

“Because when Boov make mistake, he shushes them by thumping them on the head with it,” explained Oh.

“Whatever,” Tip said.


“Would you like to knowing my name now?” Oh went on. “I have chosen a popular human name for myself. I am Oh.”


“Oh? Your name is Oh?” Tip asked. “Who told you that was popular?”

“Because it is. It is used by many famous humanspersons. There is the ‘J.Lo’ and the ‘Groucho’ and the ‘Bono,’ ” he replied.

“Fine,” said Tip. “Your Earth name is Oh.”

“Not Earth. Smekland.” Oh corrected her.

Tip sighed. This was going to be a long trip.


When they reached New York, Tip flew the car to a rest stop. They had started calling the car Slushious because of its frozen drink machine, and parked it under an overhang to avoid being noticed. Then she and Oh got out to stretch their legs and use the bathroom.

“Be out in a second,” Tip yelled to Oh. “And then Paris, here we come!”

They had just flown by a bunch of “Wanted” posters with Oh’s face on them, but Tip hadn’t noticed because Oh distracted her by using a compact mirror to flash light in her eyes. Oh knew that if he went to Paris, he would be captured. The only safe place for him to go was Antarctica, where there were no Boov to find him.


“Takes your time!” Oh yelled to Tip, panicking. He ran to Slushious, and entered “Antarctica” into the navigation screen.

“Fugitive Boov!” said someone. It was Kyle, and he was standing just outside the window. “Hold still for arresting.”


That’s when Tip ran out, knocking over a gigantic tower of oilcans, burying Kyle under them.

“You has saved us!” Oh said to Tip.

“You’re ‘Fugitive Boov’?” Tip asked Oh. “You were going to ditch me! You promised to help me find my mom!”

While they were arguing, Tip and Oh got back in the car. Meanwhile, Kyle stumbled over to them.

“Freezing!” he ordered. Captain Smek wanted Oh’s password, so Kyle was determined to get it.

That’s when Tip sent Slushious flying straight up. The noise startled Kyle, causing a bubble to hit the gas pumps by mistake, creating a huge explosion.

“Oopsness,” Kyle said. He thought Oh was erased forever.

Kyle didn’t see that Tip had driven Slushious away just in time. Inside Slushious, Oh’s eyes grew wide. Tip had saved him again!